Nadja Blattner

Nutrition coaching

Nadja Blattner
4.96 out of 5
82 Reviews
Contact information
Hi, I'm Nadja! Mealprep coach for busy women.

I make healthy eating EASY for busy moms and professionals. And without you having to stand in the kitchen every day!

Contact information

Nadja Blattner
Sepapaja tn 6
15551 Tallinn

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Nadja Blattner


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4.95 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
hey liebe nadja … wie toll du bist: stetig nachfragen und offen sein für weiter-entwicklung. ich liebe es an dir ;)

also für mich ist die masterclass wirklich der absolute gewinn! bin so dankbar für den wöchentlichen speiseplan und die einkaufsliste - ohne das ich nur irgendwas überlegen muss sind wir als familie essenstechnisch versorgt. und nicht nur irgendwie versorgt, sondern sehr nahrhaft, gesund und ausgewogen UND (!) wir essen endlich als familie wieder die gleichen gerichte. keine extrawurst für nörgelnde kinder und auch keine extrawurst für mich als ehemalige „ich-möchte-doch-abnehmen-mama“ ;))

mich hat die tägliche versorgung wirklich sehr sehr gestresst, das war so ein nerviges thema. seitdem starte ich mit leichtigkeit in den tag weil ich weiß wir sind vorbereitet. noch dazu habe ich sogar freude an der zubereitung, das war undenkbar gewesen für mich. ich liebe es wenn wir gemeinsam live-kochen, da vergeht die zeit wie im flug. leider sind wir nun doch häufig sonntag vormittag nicht zuhause … dann helfen mir die aufzeichnungen und vor allem die tipps von euch: unbedingt festen termin fürs nachkochen einplanen und dann es einfach machen. punkt. nicht hinterfragen ob ich lust drauf habe, sondern das tun ist entscheidend!

wenn ich das nämlich mal nicht mache, falle ich leider sehr schnell in die alten muster zurück ;( bin direkt unzufrieden, genervt vom thema essen und einfach insgesamt sehr unausgeglichen.

ich mag die stimmung in der gruppe - die gegenseitige unterstützung. die ganzen so wertvollen ideen drumrum ;)

danke an euch 🥰
Customer review & rating for:
02/14/2025die Hobel's Familie ;.
5.00 out of 5
Nadjas Mealprep- Konzept ist so simpel wie genial. ❤️ Es bringt eine unheimlich große mentale Erleichterung und Zeitersparnis, sich nicht täglich mit dem Thema Kochen beschäftigen zu müssen. Das Thema Gesunde Ernährung wird gleich mit abgehakt und auch hier zeigt sich, dass es nicht umständlich, exotisch und speziell sein muss, sondern simpel, naturnah und günstig sein darf. Die Investition in den Kurs ist eine Investition, von der man sein Leben lang profitiert. Danke, Nadja! 💐
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Super intelligent cooking course, highly recommended
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
I love it. It's so much fun and makes everyday life so much easier! Mealprep next level - sensational!
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Customer review & rating for:
11/01/2024Maria F.
5.00 out of 5
Nadja's courses are a real time and money saver. Recommended for everyone, whether family, single or couple.
Healthy eating has always been important to me and I know how to cook. The course is really for people who want to save time and don't want to stress about cooking. I have already recommended it to several friends.
Thank you, Nadja! Great system!
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Nadja's course can change lives. My everyday life is very busy and one thing was always neglected: me and my diet. Eating was always a quick fix and then just whatever was available or quick. But healthy eating can also be easy, fun and take even less time than I ever thought possible. Not only do I eat healthier now, but I also have so much less mental stress. Whereas before my thoughts were always about what I was going to eat and when, and then I felt guilty about my unhealthy diet, now I have so much less stress and can just walk to the fridge and get out my pre-cooked food. No chaos of thoughts "what do I eat" and no guilty conscience because of unhealthy eating. THANK YOU Nadja for sharing your knowledge and experience in your courses. I hope to have many more sessions with you and will definitely stick with you.
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Customer review & rating for:
10/20/2024Jessica S.
5.00 out of 5
I can recommend the Mealprep Masterclass to anyone who finds cooking a burden in their busy everyday life. And who still wants to eat healthy and varied meals. For me, it was always a huge balancing act to feed my 3 children, my husband and myself, often making 3 different dishes to keep everyone full and satisfied. With Nadja's Mealprep Masterclass, I now have a method that allows me to prepare several meals for the week in a short space of time. This means that everyone can eat what they like, which makes our situation very relaxed in the evening and allows me to come home later and still have a healthy meal on the table in just a few minutes.
What I love most is the mental peace, as I don't have to plan the meals for the coming week myself, nor do I have to put something quick and rather unhealthy on the table out of necessity like I used to.
Nadja is always on hand with help and advice if participants don't like certain ingredients and she helps them to find alternatives.
I can wholeheartedly recommend this course, whether to families with children, singles or couples. Everyone is sure to benefit from it. 😊
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
You not only benefit from the great meal prep concept itself, but also from the comprehensive tips/hints/everyday hacks while cooking together. It's a wealth of knowledge about making everyday life easier, enjoying cooking and healthy eating. It's easy to implement and it's so much fun to see the fridge full of nourishing meals! Between meetings or in the evening after the kids' soccer training, just take out the food, heat it up and enjoy - TOP!
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
I've been on it for a month now and I feel great. No more thinking about what to eat today. Even my colleague has noticed that I'm much more relaxed. My husband and son are now doing well and eating everything. Only my daughter still needs something. I'm still a bit of a stickler when it comes to making changes, but I'm getting there. I wouldn't want to do it any other way.
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Customer review & rating for:
09/03/2024Sabrina E.
5.00 out of 5
Taking part in the MasterClass changes the whole family routine for the better. You gain more time to tackle other things or use for yourself, as the stress of cooking during the week simply disappears. The way you deal with food and shopping also changes and you save a lot and no longer throw anything away. I am very happy to have met Nadja and dared to take the step into the MasterClass - for me an absolute life enrichment 🙂
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
From the idea to the implementation to the support:
Simply wonderful. The idea and the concept are simple and straightforward, and the support is as individual as I need it to be.
Thank you, Nadja
If you want to leave the topic of "what to cook today" behind you, this is the right place for you.
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Customer review & rating for:
08/17/2024Anja A.
5.00 out of 5
Mealprep with Nadja is healthy pre-cooking with joy and ease. Good support at all times from both Nadja and the 'team aka course/cooking colleagues and colleagues. The modular system is easy to understand and well explained, I am fully convinced and happy to join!
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
I am totally enthusiastic about Nadja Blattner's modular principle. It actually makes cooking fun. It's a shame that I only discovered the meal prep concept so late, it saves me a lot of stress and in the masterclass I didn't have to worry about what to eat for the week.
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
For me it was very important to get a basis for Meal Prep and that was offered to me by Nadja....especially the modular principle will help me a lot in the future. Many thanks to Nadja! LG Suse
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Thanks to the Masterclass, I have a selection of healthy and delicious food in the fridge during the week. I have also learned to improvise and/or modify recipes (e.g. if I don't have an ingredient), which was previously unimaginable for me. Cooking together is really fun 😃 and we also exchange general cooking tips and tricks. And another positive "side effect" of weekly shopping is the cost savings of 30-40% 🤩
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Customer review & rating for:
4.75 out of 5
We are very grateful to have found Nadja and her system, the added value during the week is simply unbeatable. It's great to have the opportunity to try foods that aren't usually on the daily menu. And you end up with a whole range of healthy dishes in the fridge. A small positive side effect is that when you have food delivered or eat out, you perceive it very differently, in a more appreciative way.
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Nadja's MASTERCLASS was - and still is - an absolute "gamechanger" for me! It's such an incredibly good feeling to have a full fridge, a tidy kitchen and a running dishwasher on a Sunday after 1.5 hours of cooking together, which is also really fun in a group (cooking alone is not really my hobby). Knowing that you have super tasty, healthy and immediately available meals for the whole week ahead, which you can put together as you wish, is so wonderful! Just like at "mom" or in a hotel... Pure security and self-care! And by shopping carefully beforehand, you also save a lot of money and don't waste any food. For me as a full-time employee with a self-employed part-time job, this is the solution I've always dreamed of - thank you so much, dear Nadja! I'm definitely sticking with it!
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Customer review & rating for:
08/14/2024Dr. Marion B.
5.00 out of 5
The Mealprep STARTERKIT has made our lives so much easier. We briefly think about what we want to eat next week. Meal preparation with cooking time is under 2 hours for us, and we always get faster with practice. It's simply fun to cook again, and even more fun to look in the fridge - there are so many great, delicious and healthy dishes waiting to be eaten. I love this relaxed feeling and have more time for my family and friends. I am so grateful for the Mealprep STARTERKIT and can wholeheartedly recommend this method. :-)
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Customer review & rating for:
07/11/2024Mel F.
5.00 out of 5
I bought the starter kit a few months ago. And I'm still very happy that I did.
It's not just recipes, there is a well thought out system behind it.
What I particularly like is that the recipes are very healthy and consist of a clear and normal list of ingredients. The modular system means that new dishes can be created quickly.
I am very satisfied and can highly recommend it.
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Dear Nadja, you introduced me to meal prep step by step. I was particularly inspired by your lightness: "Everything is allowed, nothing is a must". But you also helped my head, which needs a lot of knowledge, with your course. What is important, what should I pay attention to and I can read and look up everything when I need it. Impressive: in 90 minutes you have prepared good, tasty and balanced meals for the week. Nadja's course is a great gift for more time in our stressful everyday lives! THANK YOU for your WORK!
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5.00 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
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