Paloma has become an important confidant for me and what she recommends is for me the amen in the church. Paloma provides services which, in my opinion, are above what one imagines under a classic animal communication; she is always there when one needs advice, assists in obtaining the tools, combines colors, alternative healing methods, hair/skin analysis, etc. and thinks beyond the horizon and proactively. Paloma not only supports our animals, but - and most importantly - us humans. Paloma doesn't mince words. You always know where you stand with her, which I personally appreciate. I don't need any advice from a blabbermouth, but from honest, direct people. I was allowed to grow a lot with and thanks to Paloma and for that I say - also in the name of our animals - muchas gracias, thank you & merci!
PS: a tip - Paloma's blog posts are horizon-expanding! Or have you ever 'dealt' with ants?
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