Pilch Dachbau - For 20 years we climb on your roof!
We know our way around roofs: For over two decades
we have been serving real estate owners, landlords, architects and planners
architects and planners in all aspects of roofing, insulation,
window construction, roof plumbing and special services. Our well-coordinated team faces new challenges
new challenges every day. Because no roof is like
the other. Mastering construction challenges over and over again
is our passion, and satisfied customers are our best advertising.
are our best advertisement. Do you have a question about
roof or facade? Then we are your contact.
But we're still happy about the one rating star :-)
We are currently being "flooded" with e-mails and emergencies due to the persistent rain and I am sometimes working until late at night in order to meet the needs of as many customers as possible. Of course, we would hire more office staff to answer you faster, but as you know, there is a lack of skilled workers. ....... Thank you for your understanding!
PS: I'm sure another roofing company will help you with the gutter cleaning at short notice before Christmas - we tradesmen have hardly anything to do anyway :-D