I am writing it now directly to Ralf and everyone may read it: Dear Ralf, for several years now your content has accompanied me in the form of online courses and in book form. It is so enriching. Even if the core topics are similar, there are always new aspects and it is so helpful in everyday life to remember again and again what is essential.
You have a very special way of communicating this to people, which you are also constantly developing. This is also so inspiring and authentic. I thank you very much. Without your impulses my life would certainly be more difficult and less lively.
Please continue to do so and bring healing into the world in this very authentic way.
Thank you very much and all the best for your new projects.
I will certainly continue, simply because experience shows that it is so worthwhile.
So and now I must find an end - even if it is difficult, because I could still write so much, for which one can be grateful to you ...
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Best regards,