tl;dr: Could I recommend switching to sevDesk? Absolutely not! Because as a partner for ("preparing") accounting, I expect reliability. I would even be willing to pay double per month if there was this reliability in return.
Instead, as a customer, I am afraid that the store may implode without notice without me making the jump to another provider in time.
Onboarding is something sevDesk handles really well. In retrospect, it felt like you were welcomed with a kiss of the hand until you signed up for the 2-year subscription.
And everything you need at first - document entry, invoicing, customer management, time tracking, makes a good impression! However, you should by no means rely on this impression, because behind the scenes things are bubbling and it is the details that make parts of sevDesk useless.
In an exchange with other sevDesk customers - in a non-public forum, the diagnosis is devastating: Users report numerous unfulfilled promises:
- Poor GoBD conformity
- Always the same tactic: Stalling of customer requests, which are then silently classified as "not feasible" or sometimes remain "in review" for years
- Public announcements such as Accounting 2.0, which were not implemented even after about 3 years of delay
I could continue this list endlessly.
As a web developer, I have great understanding when something doesn't go according to plan, you miscalculate, etc. All of this can be handled in an open and professional manner. But even when asked what we as customers can do to help sevDesk get its act together, it gets silence.
The crowning glory: instead, I am asked by sevDesk's UX team to do an interview about what the "Wow"moment is at sevDesk and what they do particularly well. In retrospect, I found that downright ignorant.
My customers expect professionalism and reliability, clarity and honesty from me. I also want to select my partners and service providers according to this. SevDesk is no longer an option.
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Thank you very much for the great review of our software.
We are very happy to read that you received great support from our customer service and that you are satisfied with sevdesk.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards from Offenburg
Your sevdesk team