Simone Brückner

EmotionsManagement Mental Strength Resilience Coaching Mental Training

Simone Brückner
4.97 out of 5
128 Reviews
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As an expert in resilience, emotion management and mental strength in extreme situations, I support my clients in:
- prepare well for demanding and challenging events
- to keep a clear head in the middle of the situation, to perceive what is...

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Simone Brückner
Simone Brückner Coaching & Training
Freibadstr. 30
81543 München


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5.00 out of 5
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4.96 out of 5
4.20 out of 5
Sehr einfühlsam und kompetent. Schöpft aus einem großen Erfahrungsschatz.
Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
21/02/2025Jörg R.
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Herzlichen Dank, lieber Jörg! Ich bin gespannt, wo Du noch Potential nach oben siehst - lass es mich gerne wissen!
Liebe Grüße, Simone
5.00 out of 5
Simone hat mich im Rahmen eines Mentor-Coachings über einige Monate begleitet. Mit Kompetenz, Empathie und großem persönlichen Einsatz war Simone für mich eine große Bereicherung auf meiner Entwicklungsreise.
Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Vielen Dank für diese Spitzen-Bewertung - und Dir alles Gute auf Deinem Weg! 😇
5.00 out of 5
Simone teilt ihr umfangreiches, wertvolles Wissen sehr, sehr kompetent und vor allem sehr herzlich.
Die Reise mit ihr war unglaublich inspirierend und lebenseinstellungsverändernd. Ein Wendepunk für Körper, Geist und Seele. Eine prägende und hochwirksame lebendige Erfahrung. UNBEDINGT EMPFEHLENSWERT! Danke Simone für dein SOSEIN!
Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
13/02/2025Michaela Freinschlag
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Liebe Michaela, .......
Du hast mich mir Deinem wunderbaren Feedback wirklich sehr berührt - und wieder einmal bin ich sprachlos.
Und sehr froh.
"lebenseinstellungsverändernd" ist schon mega ... :-)
DANKE, dass wir uns kennen lernen durften und DANKE für Deine starke Empfehlung.
Liebe Grüße und bis zum nächsten Wiedersehen,
5.00 out of 5
Das Coaching mit Simone ist jetzt schon ein Jahr her, die Methoden, Analysen, die Gespräche und das, was ich über mich lernen durfte sind in meinem Alltag angekommen und es wächst weiter. Vielen Dank dafür Simone!
Ich erkenne jetzt viel schneller, wenn Situationen mich in mein Stressverhalten drängen und kenne Wege wieder herauszufinden. Un,d wie sagst du immer so schön ‚‘ Es geht nicht darum ein stressfreies Leben zu leben…. ‚‘.
Ich fand es gut, über einen längeren Zeitraum begleitet zu werden. So konnten wir akute Themen direkt behandeln. Und dennoch sind wir durch die umfänglichen Materialen am Ball geblieben.
Ich kann das Coaching jedem empfehlen, der sich nach mehr Lebenszeit sehnt.
Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
24/12/2024Christa Ehringer
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Liebe Christa, wow, ich danke Dir sehr für diese Referenz - etwa ein Jahr nach Abschluss unserer gemeinsamen Arbeit.
Es ist so schön zu lesen, dass es auch nach dieser langen Zeit nachwirkt und Du weiterhin für Dich Mehrwert und Nutzen daraus ziehen kannst. DAS ist in der Tat auch eines meiner Ziele - eine langfristige und nachhaltige Wirkung.
"Mehr Lebenszeit" - wie schön, dass Du das so wahrnimmst.
DANKE und Dir weiterhin alles Gute auf Deinem Weg.
Lebe Grüße, Simone
5.00 out of 5
Simone Brückner hat nicht nur großes Wissen und Erfahrung, sie ist auch ein Mensch von großer Wärme,
Empathie und Herzlichkeit. Diese Kombination macht sie zu einem Coach bzw. zu einer Trainerin, wie man sie sich an seiner Seite nur wünschen kann. Danke, Simone, für die wunderbaren Praxistage, ich hätte ewig weitermachen können!😊
Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
18/12/2024Antonia Osond
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Wow, liebe Antonia, da bin ich ja glatt ein bisschen sprachlos ... DANKE für Deine wunderschöne Rückmeldung!
Und ... die Wärme und Herzlichkeit haben wir alle gemeinsam aufgebaut :-)
Ich wünsche Dir ganz viel Freude und Erfolg mit dem HeartMath-Wissen.
Alles Liebe, Simone
5.00 out of 5
Das Training mit Simone war sehr spannend und interessant. Simone ist sehr wertschätzend und man fühlt sich immer wohl mit ihr. Das Wissen was sie vermittelt ist Gold wert. Und es macht richtig viel Spaß. Ich hätte noch viele weitere Tage von Simone lernen können.
Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
16/12/2024Kerstin Schimpfermann
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Liebe Kerstin, vielen Dank für Deine wunderbaren Worte - und es hat auch mir sehr sehr viel Freude bereitet, mit Euch zu arbeiten!! Ich wünsche Dir noch viel mehr Freude beim Integrieren des neuen Wissens in Deine Arbeit.
Liebe Grüße,
5.00 out of 5
Ich durfte bei Simone Brückner die HeartMath® Trainerausbildung absolvieren, was mir ein großes Vergnügen war: voller wertvoller Impulse und Wissensvertiefung. Simones warmherzig-wertschätzendes Auftreten hat für einen vertrauensvollen Rahmen der Ausbildungstage gesorgt. Danke liebe Simone!
Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
10/12/2024Kristina Wernoth - Zertifizierte HeartMath® Trainerin und Coach
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Liebe Kristina, DANKE für dieses schöne Feedback! Wie schön, dass Du dabei warst. Viele Freude und Erfolg mit dem neuen Wissen- und ganz liebe Grüße aus München, Simone
5.00 out of 5
I am very grateful that I was able to benefit from Simone's wide-ranging life experience. With the help of many practical pictures and good explanations, I was able to take a lot with me for my future! Thank you for that, dear Simone!
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
12/11/2024Julia H.
5.00 out of 5
Simone is an incredibly empathetic and appreciative coach who coaches with a lot of specialist and methodological knowledge and experience. I felt very understood by her and was able to learn incredibly helpful things about myself. And she also gave me some great tools.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear N., a thousand thanks for our enriching work together, your trust and, last but not least, this wonderful reference! Thank you very much! All the best for the future - and maybe see you soon :-)
Best regards,
5.00 out of 5
I got to know Simone as a trainer for resilience with the HeartMath method. She has extraordinary expertise and a great deal of practical experience. I benefited greatly from this during the training. But she also lives what she teaches, which is why her moderation and her handling of critical questions and votes was always calm and professional, yet cordial.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
21/09/2024Roman Stalder
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Roman, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful feedback! I am particularly pleased about the mirror you show me - that you can feel that I live things myself. Yes, that is indeed very important to me.
THANK YOU and all the best on your journey, best wishes, Simone
4.76 out of 5
Appreciative, empathetic, sensitive, competent. Great coach and trainer. Gladly again.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
18/08/2024Willy Menzi
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Willy,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the lovely feedback!
And I'm curious to know what you think I can do better in terms of benefits and services? Please feel free to give me feedback here too.
Kind regards,
5.00 out of 5
Thank you very much for these two very instructive and inspiring days as part of the HeartMath Coach training. I felt very comfortable with Simone and the group. With her authentic and warm manner, she created a space right from the start where learning, experiencing and sharing could take place with wonderful ease.
I was able to benefit a great deal from Simone's vast know-how and the many tips from her many years of experience.
Many thanks, Petra
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
15/07/2024Petra P
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Petra,
I am very happy that the two seminar days have brought you so much - THANK YOU for the wonderful and heartfelt feedback!
Much joy and success on your path as a HeartMath coach and best wishes,
5.00 out of 5
Dear Simone, your empathy and flexibility on the two seminar days was wonderful. I had a lot of fun in the group and I am a step further :-)
Small note: Colored clothes look much better on you than the black :-)))
Best regards Lieselotte
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
12/07/2024Lieselotte Weisel
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Lieselotte,
Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback on the content and colors :-) and also for your contribution to the two seminar days!
All the best and best wishes,
5.00 out of 5
I was able to get to know Simone as a trainer as part of the HeartMath coaching training and felt extremely comfortable with her from the very first moment. Her extraordinary warmth and cordiality immediately created a space of trust. In addition to her professional expertise, I was deeply impressed by her calm, focused manner, friendliness and level-headedness. In keeping with the motto of the training, thanks to Simone I was able to immerse myself in a true space of the heart and experience what embodied warmth means. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Stephanie E.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
10/07/2024Stephanie E.
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Stephanie,
Wow ... what a wonderful reference, thank you so much! I am delighted that together we managed to create this heart space, as you write, even in an online context. I also felt very comfortable with the whole group over the two days!
Best regards and see you soon,
5.00 out of 5
Dear Simone, thank you very much for your fantastic support as a mentor coach. With your open and warm manner, you shared your diverse knowledge and extensive experience with me. Every lesson was full of clever questions, valuable tips, exciting background information, winks and laughter. I was able to learn so much from you and hope that our paths will cross again at one point or another. Sincerely, Ulrike V.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
16/06/2024Ulrike Veit
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Ulrike, our work together has given me immense pleasure and enriched me just as much as you describe. WOW! THANK YOU for your indescribably beautiful words and the great reference! All the best for the future and yes - hopefully see you soon! Best regards,
5.00 out of 5
I had a great coaching session with Simone. She took a lot of time and created an atmosphere of trust. In just one session, I was able to discover a lot for myself, reflect and (very importantly) bring about a change in my everyday life. I found her neuroscientific expertise in particular very helpful. I am super grateful for the coaching because I have taken an important step forward in my life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
23/05/2024Tina Ge.
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Tina,
Thank you for this wonderful feedback - and above all THANK YOU for your trust and your great work in this session - that laid the foundation for the change you described. I wish you every success with the sustainable integration into your life and on your further path - and I am of course happy to answer any questions you may have.
Kind regards,
5.00 out of 5
I got to know Ms. Brückner in her function as seminar leader as a very professional, competent and empathetic personality. She responds intensively to the concerns and questions of individual participants without losing focus of the general interest. Her friendly and cheerful disposition motivates and makes learning fun! I would book a seminar with Ms. Brückner again and again. Thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
26/04/2024Dr.Ursula Hanke
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Ursula, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your appreciative and beneficial words - I am very happy about that!
It was a huge enrichment to have you in the training - THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge so generously with us! All the best on your journey and maybe see you again soon, best regards,
5.00 out of 5
Very good management of the two-day workshop as part of the HeartMath training. Extremely competent and empathetic. It was an extraordinarily good time for me.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
24/04/2024Florian Scherbauer
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Florian, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful review - I also really enjoyed the two days with you and the other participants and found them enriching. With this in mind, thank you too!
Best regards, Simone
5.00 out of 5
Your open, friendly, calm and authentic manner made me feel well looked after and supported at all times. I found your enthusiasm for the content you conveyed very inspiring and it is an incentive to try out a lot of things myself and incorporate them into my everyday life. Working together has made me feel stronger and courageous to continue on my path.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
20/04/2024Mandy G.
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Mandy, wow, thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! I wish you lots of joy in implementing and passing on your ideas - all the best on your journey!
Sincerely, Simone
5.00 out of 5
Very clear, professional and authentic.
She explains even complex issues in an understandable and comprehensible way and responds to the participants individually.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Brückner
20/04/2024Uwe Mario Kaiser
Simone Brückner Comment from Simone Brückner:
Dear Uwe, a thousand thanks for this great review from a professional, I'm really delighted!
I wish you continued joy and success and best wishes to Lake Constance! 😇 Simone
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