Mark Bastorous Academy

Informations de contact
Mark Bastorous has been a realtor in California city for over 10 years, and his clients have consistently praised him for his knowledge and demeanor. For aspiring realtors, he also runs a Mark Bastorous real estate Academy.

Informations de contact

Mark Bastorous Academy
3071 Ashcraft Court
California, California (CA) 2110
États-Unis d'Amérique

Personne de contact
Mark Bastorous Academy

Revue de 23.01.2023  
5,00 sur 5

10 Avis sur
 (24 derniers mois)

5,00 sur 5
The professors were educated and helpful, and the program was well-organized. The lessons were well-paced, and I found the subject matter to be interesting. The course sparked my interest in real estate and assisted me in acquiring the abilities needed to succeed as an agent. I would advise anyone who wants to become a successful real estate agent to check out this academy.
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
23.01.2023De manière anonyme
5,00 sur 5
I have been studying with mark real estate academy for over a year and I have to say that I have had the best experience possible. The teachers are very knowledgeable and they make sure that you understand what you are learning. The facilities are top notch and the classes are always well organized. I would definitely recommend anyone looking for a quality education.
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
19.01.2023De manière anonyme
5,00 sur 5
Mark Real Estate Academy is a well-known and highly respected real estate school. I decided to attend the school because of its excellent reputation and the many positive reviews. Their professors are highly knowledgeable and can teach complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand, and they are always willing to help students get the most out of their education. I am extremely happy with my decision.
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
16.01.2023De manière anonyme
5,00 sur 5
Joining this training academy was a great investment, and I'm glad I took classes here. The faculty is experienced and knowledgeable, and the curriculum is comprehensive and relevant. It's a one-stop shop for all the real estate information you need, and they offer study materials, provide discounts, and more. I highly recommend Mark Real Estate Academy to anyone interested in acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the real estate industry.
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
12.01.2023De manière anonyme
5,00 sur 5
Students have a special chance to study with professionals in the field here. The academy was educational and beneficial, in my opinion. The instructors were skilled and knowledgeable. The course material was comprehensive and created with students like me in mind. I was able to use what I had learned in the classroom to improve my own career. Thanks Mark!
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
09.01.2023De manière anonyme
5,00 sur 5
I now have a lot of knowledge and abilities that I may use in my future job thanks to this academy. I developed new abilities in the areas of property analysis, creating marketing strategies, and improved negotiation techniques.
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
06.01.2023De manière anonyme
5,00 sur 5
The assistance of Mark is invaluable. I am so appreciative of his help as a first-time business owner that I can't even begin to say it. I still refer to the one-on-one meetings when necessary because they taught me so much. The nicest aspect is how perceptive he is and how proficient he is at resolving particular issues. Anyone seeking guidance on beginning a new business or changing the course of an existing one should contact him immediately.
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
05.01.2023De manière anonyme
5,00 sur 5
My knowledge of real estate and how to succeed in it has greatly increased thanks to this academy. I now know how to find the ideal property for my needs among the various real estate types. As well as learning how to get the best mortgage rates, I also learned about the various financing options. All in all, this place has taught me a lot, and I am a much more confident real estate agent now.
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
03.01.2023De manière anonyme
5,00 sur 5
This academy has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and skills that I can apply to my future career. I acquired new skills in property analysis, marketing strategy creation, and better negotiation skills.
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
28.12.2022De manière anonyme
5,00 sur 5
I got training from Mamdoh's real estate academy, and it has helped me improve my skills. The training I received from Mamdoh's real estate academy was invaluable and helped me develop my skills as a real estate agent. I believe that the training that I received from Mamdoh's real estate academy was very helpful. I learned a lot, and I am now able to do my job better.
Avis des clients & évaluation pour :
Mark Bastorous Academy
22.12.2022De manière anonyme
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