Human Design Academy

Personal development Mentoring coaching Training

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We at the Human Design Academy impart the original knowledge of the IHDS (international Human Design School) professionally and comprehensibly in readings and training courses.

Our passion is to bring interested parties and course participants...

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Human Design Academy
Hochstr. 48
60313 Frankfurt

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Barbara Peddinghaus

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Review from 06/25/2024  
5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
"With great attention to detail, space for self-discovery and personal transformation"

"Discover your Human Design" by Barbara Peddinghaus is a wonderful workbook that is suitable for both beginners and advanced users of the Human Design System. Barbara has spanned the arc from deep knowledge to self-awareness in a clear, beautiful way.

With many practical examples, accessing the Human Design System becomes a journey to discover your unique talents and qualities. The book is not only full of knowledge, but is also beautifully designed and clearly structured.

Every page invites you to continue reading and to take a closer look at your own Human Design. It stays close to the origins of human design and I was absolutely thrilled by its details, its love of the subject and its depth.

Thank you dear Barbara for this wonderful book!
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Customer review & rating for:
Entdecke dein Human Design - Ein Theorie- und Praxisbuch für alle, die Human Design wirklich (er-)leben wollen
06/25/2024Nicole L.
5.00 out of 5
All the new terminology that comes with getting started in human design can be very overwhelming at the beginning and during the learning process. Barbara conveys the theory in a very practical and tangible way in all her courses. Now finally in her own book. I can wholeheartedly recommend it!
There are so many different practical pages with tips, to-do lists, reflection questions, copy templates, etc. in each chapter. This book is simply the perfect practical companion to the basic knowledge of Human Design to start directly with the contemplation and integration work. It is about getting to know and perceive yourself and your Human Design Chart with types, strategy, aura, authority and centers.
In addition, the design and layout are so lovingly designed and beautifully realized with many small details, which is very pleasing to my aesthetic eye!
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Customer review & rating for:
Entdecke dein Human Design - Ein Theorie- und Praxisbuch für alle, die Human Design wirklich (er-)leben wollen
06/12/2024Victoria B.
5.00 out of 5
The live immersion in April 2024 was indescribable. Not only because I met Barbara and the mentors, who have been with me for 4 years now, in person for the first time. But above all because I would never have thought that experiencing and feeling my human design knowledge would have slipped from my head into my body at such a deep level. Even though the content was primarily focused on the types and centers, many other individual Human Design aspects emerged that brought additional AHA moments to light. This complex system cannot be viewed in complete isolation. The science of differentiation produces highly individual body graphics that work as a whole.
I can not only recommend this self-perception/experience, I consider it essential in any human design training. No Zoom room in the world can make up for this experience! The knowledge level of the participants is irrelevant when it comes to feeling the energies. I was also deeply impressed by Barbara's work in this bodywork. She knew at every moment what was needed in this sensitive and yet so safe space, who needed more or less time in the exercises, at which point more or fewer words of the experience were needed. Hats off! The mentors also did a great job, in addition to holding the space, being there for the participants and the wonderful organization around it.
Anyone who knows Barbara knows that the apparent aesthetics and all the little details around it also resonate so lovingly, whether it's just the location and cuisine, the goodie bags, room design, lighting or music.
Once again, a huge thank you for this touching live event to Barbara, Annick, Bas, Marc, Honne, Melanie, Ulla and Jenny!
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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir die Live Immersion 2024 gefallen?
06/12/2024Victoria B.
5.00 out of 5
You will find many insights and answers to questions about yourself.
Clearly explained, lots of tips on how to promote your strengths and understand your weaknesses
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Customer review & rating for:
Entdecke dein Human Design - Ein Theorie- und Praxisbuch für alle, die Human Design wirklich (er-)leben wollen
5.00 out of 5
It was extremely exciting and instructive. Many of my preferences were confirmed. A really very interesting course that I can only recommend.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir die PHS Masterclass gefallen?
06/11/2024Birgit M.
5.00 out of 5
Barbara's knowledge transfer is incomparable. Her respectful and appreciative way of imparting knowledge makes it fun and I have learned a lot about myself and others.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir die Grundlagen Ausbildung gefallen?
06/11/2024Birgit M.
5.00 out of 5
This book is my absolute favorite book on the subject of human design at the level of the most important teaching content, namely type, aura, strategy, authority and the centers in connection with one's own implementation. This book is an absolute must-have, it accompanies me on my way to becoming an HD analyst and I look at it again and again. In my experiment, I keep coming back to these basics in the jungle of details to reflect on how I can live my own design. It is so special for me because this book is simply alive, I can devote myself to questions for reflection and delve deeper into topics, and there are always links to in-depth content to listen to. As a result, I am getting more and more into myself and, above all, into the practical experience and implementation of my human design experiment in everyday life. The information is so beautifully prepared, structured and illustrated with so much attention to detail that my heart leaps whenever I open the book and continue working with it. Anyone who has this book can be sure that they are getting the original teachings, nothing has been watered down here, it is well-founded and has been tried and tested over the years! I highly recommend it to anyone who really wants to get to grips with their Human Design on a deep level and learn how to use this great experience tool for themselves, no matter where they are on their Human Design journey!
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Customer review & rating for:
Entdecke dein Human Design - Ein Theorie- und Praxisbuch für alle, die Human Design wirklich (er-)leben wollen
5.00 out of 5
I have been on the journey with the Human Design Academy since 2021 and I am still thrilled with the Human Design Academy! The courses are incredibly well structured and provide an in-depth introduction to the world of human design. The mentors are extremely knowledgeable and very dedicated. They take the time to address individual questions and provide a supportive learning environment.

What particularly impresses me is the practical approach to teaching the content. Especially in this Business Mastery, it was very helpful for me to be able to work on these insights together in a really small group. We participants were also regularly given the opportunity to present our results to the group.

Theoretical concepts are explained clearly and comprehensibly and illustrated with numerous practical examples and exercises in the workbook. As a result, what we have learned is of course immediately applied and deepened.

I can recommend the Human Design Academy to anyone who wants to seriously engage with the original Human Design. Here you work intensively with the I Ching and the original texts. An absolute enrichment and an excellent investment in your own personal development!
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Customer review & rating for:
Business Mastery - Die Human Design & Business Masterclass
5.00 out of 5
With "Discover Your Human Design", Barbara Peddinghaus has created a human design fundamentals masterpiece that is both informative and inspiring. This book introduces its readers to the fascinating world of human design in a structured and insightful way. It explains in very understandable terms how to decode the uniqueness of one's personality.

Particularly noteworthy is the clarity and simplicity with which the author conveys the really complex and sometimes difficult-to-understand interrelationships of human design. Peddinghaus manages to "keep it simple" and translate the theory into practical applications. The reader is given tips on how human design can be implemented in everyday life and is given space for their own thoughts on specially designed pages. In addition, examples and suitable pictures illustrate the explanations and make it incredibly easy to understand your own Human Design Chart.

Another plus point is the author's writing style. Peddinghaus takes the reader by the hand and accompanies them on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. She encourages readers to recognize and use their own strengths and at the same time offers valuable insights for overcoming personal challenges. She repeatedly refers to the "experiment" and explains what might be functional or dysfunctional about it. This gives the reader a logical explanation of why a process of reflection can be helpful.

"Discover Your Human Design" is a valuable reference book for anyone who wants to better understand the basics of human design in all its contexts, delve deeper into their own being and develop their full potential. It is a book that you will pick up again and again to gain new insights and understand yourself better. An absolute must-read for anyone interested in personal development and self-knowledge in the field of human design.
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Customer review & rating for:
Entdecke Dein Human Design - Ein Theorie- und Praxisbuch für alle, die Human Design wirklich (er-)leben wollen
5.00 out of 5
If you are ready to jump, you can do so with this course. Life is change, movement and a change of perspective.
I was able to experience a high-quality course in the "Living Your Design course, which was well structured and yet left enough room for personal experience. The implementation was very professional (with mentors) and well-founded. Highly recommended for people who want to develop themselves further.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir der Living Your Design Kurs gefallen?
05/30/2024J. A.
5.00 out of 5
I have been involved with human design for some time and now wanted to delve deeper into this extensive topic. So I set out on a search and am very happy to have found Barbara from the Human Design Academy and her fantastic team.

I started the Living Your Design course in May 2024 and am very grateful for this amazing experience under the most competent and empathetic guidance in a wonderful group.

The weekend gave me a lot of aha effects about my design but also about the other participants. I was able to get to know and understand myself better and deepen my empathy and understanding for other people.

Living Your Design definitely still resonates with me and I was immediately sure that I wanted to continue on this path with Barbara and her great team at the Human Design Academy.

So I am continuing with the basic training in June and am looking forward to everything that is to come.

If you would also like to delve deeper into the topic of human design, I highly recommend the Human Design Academy. Straight from the source, absolutely well-founded and with a lot of heart and empathy.

Thank you for allowing me to learn human design with you.

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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir der Living Your Design Kurs gefallen?
05/28/2024Dr. Vanessa S.
5.00 out of 5
The live immersion was a unique experience and anchored my design much deeper within me. By connecting the auras without words and sensing the other, I was able to experience the conditioning of my open centers. My different reactions, from fearful with the ego to curious with the crown, made me realize how differently I deal with my openness based on my previous life experience. In this protected space, I was able to get involved in sensing other types and centers and reclassify negative conditioning through positive experiences. Under Barbara's guidance, we were repeatedly encouraged to stay in the feeling. This now serves me as a guideline in my everyday life to live my type, strategy and authority with more courage and confidence despite all the daily conditioning.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir die Live Immersion 2024 gefallen?
05/22/2024Katja K. 3.
5.00 out of 5
If you are looking for high-quality services in the field of human design, you currently have two options:
You end up with those who advertise themselves loudly and at some point you realize that the quality of the offers and coaches is unfortunately not what you had hoped for.
Or you do more research and find Barbara Peddinghaus and her team.
You're really in good hands with her, whether it's a reading, one of the many wonderful courses on offer, Barbara's podcast or her newly published book.
Everything is just right here, especially the expertise.
Barbara is not only an IHDS (International Human Design School) certified analyst with many years of experience in her own experiments and HD work with her clients.
She also has numerous other qualifications, e.g. in the field of body psychotherapy, which give her a comprehensive, holistic view of the human being and thus enrich the Human Design perspective.
The way in which she teaches, imparts HD knowledge in depth, involves the participants in the learning process, guides and accompanies them, and designs the training room is both skillful and loving. You can feel how much Barbara has immersed herself in Human Design, lives it herself and passes it on wholeheartedly so that each and every one of us can find our very own place in the orchestra of life :-)
She is supported by a team that is as committed as it is qualified. All of them are either already trained Human Design Analysts or are on their way to becoming one. They accompany the courses, answer questions and are always available for anything to do with the Human Design Academy.
After attending several courses, listening to the podcast regularly and reading her book, I can wholeheartedly recommend Barbara and her team.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir die Grundlagen Ausbildung gefallen?
5.00 out of 5
It was an incredibly enriching experience to be part of the immersion!
The Human Design Academy team put a lot of thought into the preparation and planned and implemented everything down to the smallest detail with a lot of love and professionalism!
Thank you so much for this wonderful experience! I would do it again anytime! ;)
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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir die Live Immersion 2024 gefallen?
5.00 out of 5
If you really want to immerse yourself in your own human design, this book is the best advice.
All the important terms are explained one by one so that you are taken along step by step.
All types are discussed, as well as inner authority and the various strategies for making decisions that are right for you.
The logbook provides space for your own observations and notes.
The description of the centers is very helpful to recognize stumbling blocks and to avoid them in the future.
There are also some pages to download as a template, which is very helpful.
I can highly recommend it!
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Customer review & rating for:
Entdecke dein Human Design - Ein Theorie- und Praxisbuch für alle, die Human Design wirklich (er-)leben wollen
04/22/2024Christine L.
5.00 out of 5
Very loving and well thought out.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir die Live Immersion 2024 gefallen?
5.00 out of 5
This book is so helpful and valuable that it should be a standard work in every school!

The author has succeeded in conveying the basic knowledge of human design in a wonderfully practical way.
The book leads to self-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-love and encourages us in our uniqueness.

Many thanks to you, dear Barbara, and to the whole Human Design Academy team for sharing your serious knowledge with us all in online courses, the free podcast and this wonderful and healing book! 🫶🏻
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Customer review & rating for:
Entdecke dein Human Design - Ein Theorie- und Praxisbuch für alle, die Human Design wirklich (er-)leben wollen
04/22/2024Tina V.
5.00 out of 5
A fascinating travel guide for the journey to yourself. Wonderfully clear and concise in its design with the appropriate sensitivity as to what may be emphasized and which colors stand for naturalness, the linguistic design immediately brings you into contact with yourself. The warmth of the words and sentences, the respect shown to this very personal journey of each individual in this book is incredible. Thanks to the exercise instructions and the fact that this book offers space and room for notes, it becomes a personal travel diary and therefore a gift to myself - my treasure. The golden color in the book combines the sensitive design of the content with the beginning understanding of oneself and the self-love that is perhaps only now emerging.
Thank you Barbara for this gift.
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Customer review & rating for:
Entdecke dein Human Design - Ein Theorie- und Praxisbuch für alle, die Human Design wirklich (er-)leben wollen
04/17/2024Ulla K.
5.00 out of 5
I am incredibly impressed by this live experience. The immersion gave me a completely new and unique approach to human design, especially to my own design, but also to the energy of the other types.

Through the exercises, feeling the energy, the Human Design becomes alive and tangible. The group was simply wonderful and each individual contributed a great deal to creating a very warm and trusting atmosphere, a safe space that invited people to open up and show themselves.

This experience is very special for me. No theoretical knowledge from books, online courses etc. could describe how it really FEELS to experience your own design.

Thank you for this indescribably valuable event and for the organization, energy and love that made it all possible <3
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Customer review & rating for:
Wie hat Dir die Live Immersion 2024 gefallen?
04/15/2024Melanie C.
5.00 out of 5
A very special book on the subject of human design by an experienced IHDS-trained human design analyst and teacher.

In my opinion, what sets this book apart from other books on the subject is the very understandable language and the practical relevance through various exercises and reflection questions. In addition, the book is beautifully presented and makes the respective energy tangible through appropriate pictures.

It is of great value that the author not only has and imparts a great deal of knowledge on the subject of human design, but also offers approaches for inner work with the "not-self" as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy. It is therefore a book that really encourages you to get to grips with your own design and provides support to really live it, despite all the resistance and challenges.

It is basic knowledge, but is definitely also recommended if you have been dealing with the topic of human design for a long time, because it is a new and helpful approach to really understanding and living the basics.
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Customer review & rating for:
Entdecke dein Human Design - Ein Theorie- und Praxisbuch für alle, die Human Design wirklich (er-)leben wollen
04/15/2024Melanie C.
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