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ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin

Massage school

ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin
5 Bewertungen i
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Welcome to our school´s profile, I hope you enjoy your stay!

My name is Jorge Márquez, CEO and head teacher of ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin. We teach official Traditional Thai Massage and Spa treatments according to Thai tradition.


ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin
Kollwitzstr. 77
10435 Berlin

Jorge Marquez Graffigna

Bewertung vom 12.04.2019  
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut

5 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
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In ITM Thai Hand Berlin I was amazed to see the level of profound and intimate classes being taught in such a beautifully located area. My time at ITM Thai Hand Berlin was and continues to be, one of the most incredible experiences I have ever been through.
The new people that I have met on this Traditional Thai Massage venture have helped me in many ways that include more than just being a fellow student and practicing massages. They give you new perspectives of their own country, as many students are from abroad, and we share a bond between each other that allows us to freely express ourselves in our purest way.
The immense diversity of cultures and languages at ITM Thai Hand Berlin has also given me many a new opportunity to meet and be a part of different lifestyle in one place. The students vary from all over the world and meet at one point to achieve the same goal, but at the end of the course we come back home with more than just knowledge on massage; but also the knowledge of the extensive diversity outside your own country and how each and every single student interacts with one another.
The teachers at ITM Berlin are the best teachers I've ever had, the things they have taught me have gone above and beyond what I ever expected, and have given me a potential future career where I enjoy every second. They are hard-working and dedicated people to their passion for what they do, and they share their passion with the rest of us future generation at ITM Berlin. Everything I have learned from these teachers will be with me for the rest of my life practicing on my family and friends and maybe making a career out of these teachings.
The atmosphere within the class is totally different from the outside world, no matter what part of the world you come from each and every person is welcome to this school and this is an impactful fact that is undeniably remarkable.

Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin
5,00 von 5
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The ITM School in Berlin is great! I participated in a 60-minute Thai massage class and teacher training traditional Thai yoga massage class, which gave me a professional approach and the way to my remaining life as the owner of a Thai massage salon in Japan ! I will open my salon in my hometown,Japan with this certificate here! This school and Gorge gave me brilliant sunflowers for my life! Thanks for all Gorge, my teacher!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin
ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin Kommentar von ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin:
Thank you very much for taking the time for this comment and a lot of luck in your personal and professional future, you deserve the best dear Rie, you are a fighter that must continue on!
5,00 von 5
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Fui con la idea de tener trabajo y nada más. Pero la experiencia dentro sea escuela fue estupenda. Haris es un excelente profesor explicando y hace que se entienda muy bien cada paso de los masajes. También te ayuda con una paciencia gigante cuando no sabes cómo seguir el masaje.
Termine el curso de masajes y me encontré con más herramientas de lo que pensaba, me encontré con un mundo estupendo que quiero explorar. Me encontré con personas súper simpaticas y amables que fueron mis compañeros durante el curso.
Tengo que felicitar a Jorge por el trabajo realizado de formar una excelente escuela de masajes que te ayuda a despejar tus dudas y formar conocimiento de cómo tratar al cuerpo humano. También felicitarlo por el equipo que tiene, Haris es estupendo.
Súper recomiendo a la escuela ITM, es un viaje de ida que te embarca en un mundo enorme, que es los masajes y como darlos.
Agradezco la colaboración de Jorge y Haris en todo momento
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin
ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin Kommentar von ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin:
Muchas gracias por dejarnos este fantástico comentario. La verdad es que somos así de amables, porque nuestros estudiantes son increíbles, y tu no has sido la excepción Santiago. ¡Esperamos verte pronto de nuevo!
5,00 von 5
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Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin
ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin Kommentar von ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin:
Thank you for choosing us and coming to our school, and thank you for taking the time to write this comment. Your opinion is very valuable to us!
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I am so happy I’ve chosen ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin for completing the Massage Therapist course. The methods, teaching approach and the lovely environment with amazing and inspiring people really put me in the right direction. I want to thank for everything I could learn from the great teachers there and I would highly recommend this school for everyone who wants to learn the art of massage;-). I’ll be back for sure! Thank you!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin
ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin Kommentar von ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin:
So happy to see such wonderful reviews from grateful students. This is the type of things that make us love our job. Thanks Gabriela we wish you all the best until the next time you visit us!
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