Nicole Katzenschlager

psychological counseling - emotion coaching - couple counseling - family counseling

Contact information
Since 2006 I have been accompanying people in emotionally difficult situations. By helping them to solve their problems at the root, they experience deep inner peace and relaxed balance."

Contact information

Nicole Katzenschlager
Zilo, App. 2
90601 Ilot Fortier

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Nicole Katzenschlager

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5.00 out of 5
3 Reviews

Ability to relate

5.00 out of 5
3 Reviews

Raising awareness

5.00 out of 5
3 Reviews

23 Reviews on

4.95 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Ich habe einige Einzelsitzungen bei Frau Katzenschlager gemacht , die mir zu mehr Klarheit in meine Gedanken und Handlungen gebracht haben. Die Beratung hat mir geholfen, zugrunde liegenden Muster und Konflikte in meiner Patchwork -Familie zu erkennen und Wege zu finden, wie ich mit diesen Herausforderungen konstruktiv umgehen kann. Besonders beeindruckt hat mich die einfühlsame und professionelle Herangehensweise von Frau Katzenschlager, die mir durch diese Erkenntnisse einen inneren Frieden vermittelt hat.
Ich kann Frau Katzenschlager nur wärmstens empfehlen.
Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Liebe Lisa,

herzlichen Dank für ihr wundervolles Feedback! Es freut mich sehr zu hören, dass die Sitzungen ihnen mehr Klarheit gebracht haben und sie Wege gefunden haben, konstruktiv mit den Herausforderungen in ihrer Patchwork-Familie umzugehen. Ihr Vertrauen in meine Arbeit bedeutet mir viel, und es ist schön zu wissen, dass sie durch unsere Zusammenarbeit inneren Frieden gewinnen konnten.

Alles Liebe und weiterhin viel Kraft und Gelassenheit auf deinem Weg!

Herzliche Grüße,
Nicole Katzenschlager
5.00 out of 5
Nicole hat uns unglaublich weitergeholfen. Sie ist extrem gut darin Paarprobleme zu lösen, indem die Gefühlsebene besondere Aufmerksamkeit bekommt.
Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
01/21/2025Andreas H.
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Lieber Andreas,
vielen Dank für dein Feedback! Du hast völlig recht – Beziehungsprobleme sind oft ein Ausdruck von Bindungsthemen, die sich nur auf emotionaler Ebene wirklich klären lassen. Es war mir eine Freude, dich und deine Partnerin auf dieser Reise zu begleiten und euch dabei zu unterstützen, eine stabile und erfüllte Verbindung zueinander aufzubauen. Eure Fortschritte sind beeindruckend und ein wunderbares Beispiel dafür, wie kraftvoll die Emotonsfokussierte Paartherapie (EFCT) sein kann.

Ich wünsche euch beiden weiterhin viel Freude und Tiefe in eurer Partnerschaft!
Liebe Grüße Nicole
5.00 out of 5
Nicole hat uns gerettet. Keine Ahnung wie, aber das hat sie gemacht.
Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Liebe Ana, danke für dein Feedback. Der Schlüssel liegt darin, sich gegenseitig als sichere Bindungspersonen wahrzunehmen, die bereit sind, in schwierigen Momenten aufeinander zuzugehen, die Bedürfnisse des anderen zu hören und respektvoll darauf einzugehen. Das war unsere Reise zu eurem Beziehungsglück.
5.00 out of 5
Frau Katzenberger hat sofort erfasst was gerade bei mir Thema ist und mich ein Stück näher herangeführt um es mir anzuschauen:respektvoll, traumasensible und empathisch
Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Vielen lieben Dank für das Feedback. Ich freue mich immer, wenn ich meinen Klienten Ihr Thema veranschaulichen kann und sie dann ein Stück weiter Ihres Weges begleite, damit die Bindungstaumas gelöst sind. Alles Gute für die Zukunft. LG Nicole Katzenschlager
4.95 out of 5
A few months ago, I was looking for a coach/counselor to explicitly work on inner child issues and improve my emotion regulation. My issues are mainly in the area of couple relationships and work (pressure to perform).

After several sessions with Ms. Katzenschlager, I am very satisfied with my progress. During the sessions, I receive the encouragement I need to trust my own system again, as well as valuable external perspectives to help me put my experiences into perspective. I was able to open up to her quickly and feel safe, so that my system was also able to allow me to work on issues in greater depth than is possible for me in self-coaching (I am a trained systemic coach myself).

For me, it was absolutely the right decision to go to Ms. Katzenschlager for advice/coaching with my issues. I find that she strikes a very good balance between professionalism and emotional accessibility. She applies the methods confidently and also finds a good balance between guiding the process on the one hand and giving the client enough space on the other.

From an organizational point of view, I also find the options for making appointments (in person or via the website) very convenient.
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
09/03/2024Hanna W.
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Dear Ms. Weber, thank you very much for your appreciative words. Your self-reflection and internal will have contributed greatly to the success of the sessions. I look forward to the next steps that I can accompany you on your journey.
With best regards
Nicole Katzenschlager
5.00 out of 5
Nicole Katzenschläger is really great, I can only recommend her. I went to her for a childhood work-through and she helped me a lot. She has a talent for asking the right questions, guiding the conversation well, and listening really well. With her, I was able to work through things that I had unconsciously carried with me for years, and thanks to her, I now have a healthy understanding of what was going on. It was worth every penny, thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
04/30/2024Britt H.
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Dear Ms. Hausmann, thank you very much for your feedback. You were a really great client. All the best for the future. Nicole Katzenschlager
5.00 out of 5
Very empathetic and she also gives you a good feeling online of being in good hands and receiving intensive support.
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
5.00 out of 5
Thank you so much it was the best session I've had with a therapist so far! I really like your clarity and empathy in your words!
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Thank you so much for your feedback and I look forward to our next session. Nicole
5.00 out of 5
I have been in psychological counseling with Ms. Katzenschlager for a few months. She is very empathetic, competent and knows where my issues are. With a gentle manner she guides me through my process and clarifies, resolves my deep emotional wounds that came from past relationships.
Anyone who wants to work through their attachment issues is in very good hands with her.
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Thank you very much for the feedback and for going along with the process. lg Nicole
4.60 out of 5
I participated in the online seminar "Understanding and regulating one's own emotions" by Ms. Katzenschlager and I am thrilled.

The preparations, such as the pre-sending of the handouts via email as well as the gentleness of Ms. Katzenschlager towards me are very commendable. The conduct of the seminar is structured and with participatory option to change the course. Ms. Katzenschlager explains the psychoeducation with professional competence and noticeable wealth of experience. Her guidance in the direct demo/intervention is also empathetic, appreciative and caring. She effectively addresses any questions and thoughts of the participants and provides empowering impulses.

Basically, it should be noted that certain rudimentary prior knowledge regarding emotions and their modes of action is an advantage, as is at least selective access to one's own emotional world, as these are also active self-regulation strategies that can lead to powerful changes. If this should not be the case, further work can be done with Ms. Katzenschlager afterwards in order to expel or release the corresponding processes.

I hereby recommend Ms. Katzenschlager to anyone who would like to learn more about emotions and how to deal with them in order to better understand themselves and their environment.

Kind regards

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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Thank you very much for the detailed feedback and the praise. I am grateful that I was able to pick you up very well in the webinar, which is always a special concern of mine.

Kind regards Nicole Katzenschlager
4.77 out of 5
At the beginning I was skeptical whether the online sessions could bring relief, but Nicole managed in a sensitive and special way to bring about a profound change. At the beginning of my journey, I was in emotional chaos, so I couldn't relate to issues at all. But in the course of the appointments I got more clarity. So I was able to work through one issue after another with Nicole. Today I know that I still have a journey ahead of me, but the big issues in my life, like grief and family history, are in the past.
I can only recommend everyone to take their time and walk the path with Nicole. She knows exactly what she is doing and how to accompany people so they can get back to themselves. I am grateful for that and I appreciate it very much.
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
5.00 out of 5
Nicole Katzenschlager is very competent, empathetic and understood me very well.
She helped me a lot in 3 sessions.
I can highly recommend her for emotional challenges:)
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
5.00 out of 5
Ms. Katzenschlager has been very helpful to us as a couple! We lost sight of each other as a couple and both had different expectations of a relationship. She got us back on track and taught us how important it is to have conversations on a relationship level. Thank you very much Mrs. Katzenschlager!
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
I am very happy about the evaluation and of course about the result of our work. It is always nice for me to see how couples develop towards relationship and bonding level. All the best furthermore. Nicole Katzenschlager
5.00 out of 5
I am very impressed by her empathic manner and her great expertise. She immediately picked me up where I was blocked and isolated, totally drained and without perspective. After only a few sessions, she showed me a better way. A path that was not apparent to me on my own. I am glad and grateful for the valuable time I spent with her. She has brought me forward much faster than I could ever have done on my own.
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Dear Mrs. Haas, it was a pleasure to accompany you and to see you so much happier now than when you started. All the best and have a great time - Nicole Katzenschlager
4.80 out of 5
Was the best decision and highly recommended.
Help is simply often decisive.

Thank you at this point!
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Dear Daniela, I am glad that it helped you and that you could take some things with you on your way. All love Nicole
5.00 out of 5
Nicole helped me a lot in a very short time. After each session (especially already after the first) I felt much better afterwards and also sustainably. After a few months I was able to steer my life in the right direction for me and am now satisfied, on the right path for me and always find my way back to my center. Thank you for that.
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Dear Katharina, thank you very much for your words. In a short time you have really steered your life in the direction you always wanted to go. It was a pleasure to accompany you. All love Nicole
5.00 out of 5
I went to Nicole Katzenschlager because of negative experiences in my childhood and adolescence that caused me problems up to the present. She helped me a lot with EMDR therapy. Since this appointment with her I feel much better.
Also, when my partner and I had a situation in our relationship that was unsolvable for us and communication between us was very difficult, Nicole Katzenschlager helped us to resolve the problem by focusing on how to get closer again. We would not have been able to do this on our own and we are very grateful to her for the professional support.
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Dear Kati, I am glad to hear that everything has developed positively. Thank you for your appreciative words.
Love Nicole
5.00 out of 5
Dear Nicole,
You sensitively led me to the source of my problem and then worked out the solution together with me. Unbelievable what you did afterwards with me ... Serenity, distance, but above all I manage to be as I am and that does soooo good.
Thank you for your professional guidance, with you I am in good hands!
All the best, Karin
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Dear Karin, thank you for your trust and for engaging in the process. Have fun with the regained YOU.
All love Nicole
5.00 out of 5
Nicole Katzenschlager is very well trained in coaching and therapy. Due to her high level of empathy, she quickly finds the actual topic that needs to be worked on. She is excellent at putting everything into words. A thoroughly empathetic and competent coach. I recommend her 100%!
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
08/16/2023Stephanie E.
Nicole Katzenschlager Comment from Nicole Katzenschlager:
Thank you very much Steffi, for your appreciative words. I enjoy working with you. Love Nicole
5.00 out of 5
Through her level-headed way of working, Nicole was able to very gently show me the way to a new perspective on my topic. Thank you very much.
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Customer review & rating for:
Nicole Katzenschlager, psychologische Beratung, Paarberatung, Familienberatung, Emotionscoaching
20 Reviews from
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5.00 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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