A few months ago, I was looking for a coach/counselor to explicitly work on inner child issues and improve my emotion regulation. My issues are mainly in the area of couple relationships and work (pressure to perform).
After several sessions with Ms. Katzenschlager, I am very satisfied with my progress. During the sessions, I receive the encouragement I need to trust my own system again, as well as valuable external perspectives to help me put my experiences into perspective. I was able to open up to her quickly and feel safe, so that my system was also able to allow me to work on issues in greater depth than is possible for me in self-coaching (I am a trained systemic coach myself).
For me, it was absolutely the right decision to go to Ms. Katzenschlager for advice/coaching with my issues. I find that she strikes a very good balance between professionalism and emotional accessibility. She applies the methods confidently and also finds a good balance between guiding the process on the one hand and giving the client enough space on the other.
From an organizational point of view, I also find the options for making appointments (in person or via the website) very convenient.
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herzlichen Dank für ihr wundervolles Feedback! Es freut mich sehr zu hören, dass die Sitzungen ihnen mehr Klarheit gebracht haben und sie Wege gefunden haben, konstruktiv mit den Herausforderungen in ihrer Patchwork-Familie umzugehen. Ihr Vertrauen in meine Arbeit bedeutet mir viel, und es ist schön zu wissen, dass sie durch unsere Zusammenarbeit inneren Frieden gewinnen konnten.
Alles Liebe und weiterhin viel Kraft und Gelassenheit auf deinem Weg!
Herzliche Grüße,
Nicole Katzenschlager