Knee pain can affect your quality of life, and even be debilitating. The most common treatments for knee pain are steroids, physical therapy, arthroscopic surgery, or a knee replacement. A total knee replacement is an invasive surgical procedure
where surgeons replace damaged cartilage and bone with metal implants and a plastic spacer. Sometimes, it can take up to a year for a patient to fully recover. One of the more promising non-surgical treatments for knee pain relies on regenerative therapies to promote the healing and repair of cartilage and bone tissue. The treatment involves injecting stem cells into damaged tissues using special needles. These stem cells can differentiate into cartilage cells or bone cells depending on their location in the body. They then produce collagen that acts as a scaffolding for new tissue growth. Searching for regenerative medicine near me? The therapy regimens we provide at QC Kinetix (South Portland) naturally accelerate your body's healing processes, which immediately relieves your discomfort. We offer specialized therapies that offer optimum results and aid in your recuperation thanks to our staff of qualified therapy specialists. Contact us today, and we'll help you get pain relief!