Simone Janiga

I help women to find a partner at eye level.

Simone Janiga
4.87 out of 5
307 Reviews
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By working with us, women finally get the answers to all their questions. They finally understand why they are still single or why their relationship is not harmonious and fulfilling.

We help them to stop comparing themselves to other women, let...

Contact information

Simone Janiga
Janiga Coaching
Droste-Hülshoff-Straße 9
58708 Menden

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4.99 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
I did the coaching with Simone from February to August 2022 and looking back I would say that it was THE most valuable investment in myself to date! 4 weeks after the coaching I met my current partner, with whom I am even expecting my first child this year. I would never have dreamed of that before - I had actually been single my whole life and only had short relationships (sometimes with abusive behavior), if at all, which never turned into a relationship at eye level. I had also been in therapy for a while, but at a certain point I needed a roadmap and tasks - and that's exactly what I found with Simone's coaching.

At the beginning of the coaching, it's mainly about reflecting on your own past and uncovering negative beliefs that you carry around with you and that can IMMENSELY sabotage you. Even if it was very challenging at the beginning to really formulate all of this, it was very valuable to realize what bad things you actually think about yourself (in relation to love). It also deals with your own childhood and your relationship with your parents, for example, which helped me to realize a few things. Before you even start dating, you work through various modules on the topics of self-love, the future and values - which was also extremely important for me, as I didn't admit to myself for a long time that I would like to have children at some point or what kind of partner would suit me (I jumped at any kind of attention), let alone that I had ever clearly stated during a date or on an online platform that I wanted a relationship.

Then it was on to dating. With Simone's tips and support, I had a strategy to ask certain things before the date, so the overall quality of the dates I had improved. I had dated one man for about 3 months during the coaching - it didn't work out with him in the end, which was good in hindsight. But because of this, some of my fears and perhaps not-so-good behaviors really came to light again, which was very exciting. Simone was very good at picking up on these, reassuring me or showing me a different perspective and the feedback from outside helped me a lot to reflect on my (previous) behavior. After things didn't work out with this man, I didn't bury my head in the sand (which I would certainly have done before the coaching) and about 4 weeks later I met my current partner, who is simply wonderful and with whom I feel so safe and secure. I've always wanted a relationship like this!

I also have fond memories of the group coaching sessions - you simply realize that you're not quite so alone with your problems and thoughts. Above all, of course, it was the constant Whats App support, which helped me a lot in all my thoughts and dating situations. I wasn't afraid to talk about my thoughts and Simone always responded very empathetically but also honestly. That's exactly what I needed! Friends and family are often too "sweet" and go easy on you.

In September I will be a mom for the first time (and I was firmly convinced that this would never be the case) and I can only recommend this coaching to anyone who has problems in love - and especially to those who really have a lot of fears. It is possible to leave the past behind and build a new, positive future in love!
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
To put it simply, it is one of the most valuable experiences I have had.

Specifically, I would like to emphasize the logical structure, the tasks are always appropriate to the topic and very detailed, so that you really go into depth through the elaboration. On the other hand, the personal component is the absolute highlight - I would particularly like to thank Nina, who was always there for me and also made me think even more and showed me new perspectives and ways of thinking. I noticed a change after a short time and this has continued steadily. I was able to dissolve my patterns and triggers and feel very confident in dealing with the topic of dating/relationships and am convinced that it was an absolute mind shift. And at the end of the journey I met someone "new" who had been in my life in a different way for 12 years and we found each other as a couple with a real future. All very fresh and just the way that feels right and safe.

One last addition: I've had my issues "tinkered with" before (without success) and I was a bit skeptical - Simone and her team are the real deal and I would like to give an unqualified recommendation. A holistic and well thought-out method.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
Conclusion on 6 months of coaching with Simone... This was probably the first investment in myself that has had a lasting positive effect on my life!
To be honest, I was a bit skeptical at the beginning and above all very impatient. I had already dealt with the topic of relationships and patterns in advance and wanted to get straight into the deep issues. Fortunately, the coaching has a modular structure and starts with the "primordial ooze", regardless of your starting position. That's a good thing! I wasn't even aware of where I had fears, what triggers they set off and these could be uncovered and dealt with. For me personally, it was particularly important that I wanted to improve my communication with men and also within the family. To be able to communicate feelings, wishes and, above all, boundaries without being afraid of them or reacting too emotionally. But above all, to make better decisions about who suits me and not just attract the problem cases.
At the beginning of the coaching, I kept wondering whether and how I would feel and perceive the change. As life always has surprises in store, there was more than one situation in which I noticed my growth. Each of these moments that made me realize this was an absolute enrichment. They often involved men from the past who could have upset me before the coaching, but who I could now confidently shove into the imaginary "Thanks, but no thanks" drawer.
Specifically, in my case, I made the decision during the coaching to apply for new jobs with leadership skills in my home country and to shift into forward gear. At the same time, I also started dating a man and I am now very relaxed about it. I am very grateful for this relaxed attitude! And whenever there were moments of uncertainty or impatience, I could always turn to my coach Nina. Thank you for your support over the last few months, which has given me so much peace and strength. Especially in the times when I had to work to the maximum.
Even though the coaching is now complete, a lot will change over the next few months and I'm looking forward to what's to come. No matter where the journey takes me...
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
I have been looking for a long time for a coaching where competence and heart meet. The coaching content and the way it is communicated are top-notch. Simone and her team make every effort to support you as best they can throughout the entire process. What I like best is that they work with very specific methods, giving you the "tools" you need to develop personally and finally live the life you've wanted for a long time. I feel empowered and am very grateful that I was able to get to know Simone and learn from her. Her clear words and her hearty laugh will stay with me for a long time.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
The coaching has changed me and my life for the better
I had never been in a relationship and always fell in love with men who were unavailable because they were either taken, had no serious intentions or didn't return my feelings and played sadistic proximity-distance games. The men I fell in love with were all similar and I experienced the same rejection and hurt over and over again until one day I realized that I'd had enough and couldn't take any more negative experiences. I felt cursed for years, I felt that something invisible was standing in my way in love that I couldn't define myself. I found Simone and contacted her. That was the best decision of my life and I am infinitely grateful. In just 6 months, with Simone's help, I recognized and worked through everything that had been standing in my way for so many years as "invisible stones", I understood why I had attracted these men and why I had fallen in love with these men. Among other things, I was able to break through all my negative beliefs and patterns and have become a self-confident woman full of self-love and with a different way of thinking. The coaching has changed me and my life in a positive way and I am now getting to know other great men.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
Simone and her team are simply great. I felt totally at ease. There is a relaxed and appreciative atmosphere. I learned so much and can recommend the coaching sessions to anyone. Everyone should be worth investing in themselves and their happiness. Simone will help you with that :-)
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
Great 👍 recommendation - get coaching!
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
Doing the coaching with Simone has enriched my life so much. Since dating had never resulted in a partnership in the last few years, my self-confidence had been severely damaged. As I've always had too little self-confidence, the failed dating attempts were of course my additional confirmation that I was probably not worthy of someone loving me. I kept googling the reasons why a relationship just wouldn't work out for me. Of course, there was a lot of advice on Google and no, nothing really helped. Even worse, it dragged my self-esteem down even further. I was then suggested Simone's group on Facebook and of course I was skeptical at first. I saw that she also had a YouTube channel and a podcast and watched videos and listened to the podcast episodes. I really liked her from the start and I found myself 100% in many of the things she said. Shortly afterwards, she offered a free workshop in which she explained precisely and simply why it can be difficult to make love work if you carry around various baggage and don't deal with it. I had so many aha moments at this workshop that I signed up for her coaching that same evening. I wanted to change and I was ready to work on myself. I no longer wanted to get stuck at this low point and moan.

Simone and her team's program is very clearly structured with videos and tasks. It not only helps you understand men, dating and relationships, it gives you so much more. Because entering into a partnership at eye level can only start with yourself. With you as a woman, your self-worth, your beliefs, your love for your own body, your positive thoughts, your personal attitude and so much more. All of this has been lost to me in recent years due to negative experiences, but also due to strong imprints in childhood. Through various methods, tools, videos, meditations, tasks and group meetings (online) and one-to-one conversations (online), you get to know yourself really well, as long as you are willing to work intensively on it. But it's so worth it. Of course, it's not easy to face up to the past and some things may hurt or not be so pleasant, but the progress you make after this process is worth it. Being able to love yourself and understand that "hey, it wasn't always just me" is so valuable for your own mindset.

It's also so good to recognize your parts and understand why you cling to relationships that are absolutely toxic or why you can't let go of someone or mourn them forever. Coaching also teaches you to stand up for yourself early on because you are worth it. You learn to set boundaries, to show and express your feelings and opinions, to respect your own needs and to communicate clearly. All very important points for self-love.

Support from herself and her team, and I would like to mention Nicole in particular, is available immediately via WhatsApp. You can ask your questions there and get direct advice, tips and recommendations. You always feel very well looked after and supported. Simone and Nicole are both such open, warm and humorous people. I always felt understood and wasn't afraid to confide in them. It was always fun to communicate with them. I can really recommend the coaching to any woman who is struggling in love and who is ready to work on herself. You'll definitely have a new attitude to life afterwards, just like me :)

Thank you Simone, Nicole and the team
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
Today I completed the 4-month love coaching session with Simone, during which I learned a lot about myself, my beliefs, relationship patterns and dating. I have gained a lot more clarity and valuable insights for the future that I definitely don't want to miss.
The concept with self-study, exchange in the live calls and 1:1 conversations have awakened in me more self-love, muttanken and the belief that there is "out there" a suitable man for me <3 again.
Don't despair but dare to accept the help and support from the wonderful coaching!
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
The coaching with Simone is highly recommended and the best journey to yourself.
I followed Simone on Facebook and Spotify many months before and watched many of her videos. I recognized myself in many posts and all explanations made sense. I had already studied a lot about personal development and the law of attraction beforehand, but I could have read countless more books about it. It was only through Simone's coaching that I was able to rediscover myself and managed to revise my beliefs. I still experience many "aha" moments and consciously notice positive changes. Since then, so much has changed on the outside and I get more compliments. I can only recommend it to anyone who wants to change their life and has the will to change something within themselves. I have not regretted my decision and would always choose coaching with Simone again. It is a lot of work and time, but also the most beautiful journey to yourself selbst❤️.
Many thanks to Simone and her team
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
The coaching with Simone and her team was a wonderful experience for me. Simone and the team are super sweet and they provide valuable and easy-to-implement tools to help you reach your personal development goals faster. I found it really great that I could ask them anything, no matter what, at any time. Such a commitment is really fantastic and I am happy that I chose this coaching. Highly recommended :)
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
Before the coaching with Simone, I lost the belief in love and the motivation to date online. During the coaching I realized that a personal change also causes a change on the outside. It takes a lot of courage and time - but it is worth it. I dealt with myself intensively and worked on myself. Simone and her team actively supported me and I never felt alone. Now I can look to the future with strengthened self-confidence and know that I too deserve love. I would definitely do the coaching again and can highly recommend it. Many thanks to Simone and her team. 😊
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
Many, many thanks for everything!!! I have completed the 3-month coaching with Simone and I am thrilled: I feel so much better since then and I am much more satisfied and happy with myself. In the coaching you learn not only a lot about love, but especially a lot about yourself, your own patterns and fears. Since the coaching I finally have my fear of loss under control instead of letting it rule me. I have become more relaxed, I like my body much more than before and thanks to Simone I was able to identify the points where I should take a closer look at myself and continue to work on them after the coaching in order to lead an even happier life. Thanks to her compassionate, patient manner and her constructive feedback, I felt totally in good hands: no more shame for my own mistakes. She was always there with good tips when I was stuck or unsure. I can only recommend to every woman who has had a bad experience in love, for example, to get help from Simone. This is the best investment in yourself that you can treat yourself to!
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
This coaching has made me grow on many levels. One of my best decisions so far, a clear decision for ME. Reflecting on it, my development in this relatively short time is extraordinary. In my everyday life I can now welcome meditations, a large portion of self-love and countless tools for an easy life. Thanks to the intensive belief system work and the extremely great exercises of Simone, I am now a happy woman who has learned to love herself. Even though I had doubts in the beginning, today I can say with conviction that the coaching is worth every cent. Once again it has been proven that the best investment is an investment in oneself. All that I was able to experience and learn through this valuable coaching, no one can take away from me. I have been able to continue filling my personal treasure chest, so to speak. I am infinitely grateful for this brilliant experience and would like to conclude every person with, "YOU ARE WORTH IT, HAVE COURAGE TO CHANGE".
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
12/05/2022Katharina L.
5.00 out of 5
I am incredibly grateful for the coaching and for the time with Simone and her team<3 I have a completely different self-image, much more self-confidence and also confidence in life in general. I am happy with what I have and am since the coaching! So much lightness, self-acceptance and -love I do not want to miss anymore. Can only recommend the coaching!
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
Since I got in touch with Simone via facebook, I felt comfortable and accepted with her. The final decision to coach, however, was made only after my participation in the Self-Love Challenge and the many valuable thought-provoking impulses there. I am infinitely grateful that I finally decided to enlist Simone's help as a coach and I don't regret a second of it. <3 Through my own work with the coaching modules (which logically build on each other and are also only unlocked after processing one after the other) and through Simone's loving and consistent manner in the whatsapp chats, but also in the weekly video calls, you very quickly get on the track of your own patterns in the area of love but also life in general, you can clean yourself up and come to peace inside and with yourself. The work on the beliefs is really exhausting, BUT it is so so so worth it!!!
So if you are still thinking about it, I can only tell you: take the step. This investment in coaching with Simone (and therefore in myself) has changed my life so positively and I am grateful for the many impulses, meditations, exercises that I can take with me for the future.
Thank you, Simone, for your motivating, loving, appreciative, cheerful, appreciative and supportive way with which you accompanied me in such a valuable way and still do! <3
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
My dear Simone, I don't even know where to start. I can only thank you again and again for bringing this wonderful coaching to life. My life has changed completely in the 3 months, I would really say around 360 degrees and sometimes I can not believe it myself. When I decided to do this during the preliminary interview, I honestly had doubts because I myself never thought that my fear of loss, which accompanied me for almost a quarter of a century, would ever dissolve. I also thought I was totally dysfunctional in relationships because I went from one toxic relationship to another and I myself never really understood why I only attract narcissists and can't give nice men a chance and "push" them away from me every time. I learned through this super structured coaching that the key to love and all other areas is self-love. Step by step in the coaching is explained with the help of many modules, homework, zoomcalls and above all loving support and motivation pure, how to learn to find your self-love. Moreover, not only in the area of love everything changes, the coaching has an impact on ALL areas of life and I can say that with full conviction!!! My self-confidence and self-esteem have increased immensely and my fears of loss have vanished into thin air!!!! This is absolute madness and for me a huge weight that has fallen off. How did I recognize this? I have in the 3 months, quit my apartment and my job and I will even leave my city. I could never have done that before with my fears of loss, but now I can live my real dreams and all that through simple techniques. In addition, I get to know really nice men, my prey scheme has changed completely and I realized that it is really only me that attracted all the narcissists, because everything has to do with our inner selves.
I can only recommend the coaching to everyone, Simone her knowledge is priceless. Just let yourself in for a preliminary talk with her and then you can decide for yourself if you finally want to invest the time in yourself and your life. I can only recommend it to everyone.

So in this sense once again, thank you for my new life. 😍
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
4.90 out of 5
I have learned a lot through coaching with Simone. She gives a lot of background information to understand everything better or to see it from a different perspective. This has often helped me, she has the right "eye" for it. The support during the coaching was always super, I could turn to her with any questions at any time and I also got the help I needed. Especially in difficult situations, this was extremely helpful. Simone also encouraged me to stay on my path when things were a bit difficult. This supported and encouraged me. I find her manner very pleasant. The exercises were great, they helped me to perceive and accept myself better.
A big thank you for the great help and the time together. I feel stronger than before and I know that I will go my way now.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
A good three months ago I was still totally desperate. I had been having an affair for years.
It was a constant on/off.
I thought it would never end.
It was draining my energy and strength.
But I couldn't get out of it.
Then I came across a podcast by Simone.
At first I wasn't sure if I should do coaching. I have never done anything like that before.
But the preliminary talk with Simone was very pleasant. She is totally sympathetic and very warm.
It is super structured. Everything is explained to you in detail during the preliminary meeting.
With the help of Simone, I was able to strengthen my self-confidence and forget about my long-standing affair.
I never thought I would ever be able to do that.
And the best of all is that unexpectedly a man at eye level has entered my life. 😍
I would not have thought all this was possible.
Thank you Simone!
It was the best decision to do this coaching.
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Customer review & rating for:
Simone Janiga
5.00 out of 5
First of all, I must directly emphasize what a wonderful and positive person Simone is. Already during our first conversation together I had the impression to be on the same wavelength with her and I had the feeling to be able to confide in her.
I chose the path in Simone's coaching because I really wanted to change and turn something around in my life. The cost factor is of course something to keep in mind, but I have to say that the cost invested was more than worth it.
The coaching with Simone was structured in an understandable way and one had a common thread in all tasks. But what was even more important for me was the fact that she was always there and available. She motivated you to always stay on the ball and working on yourself was really fun with her help.
Thanks to Simone, I was able to break down my false image of love and recognize and solve my patterns.
Already at the beginning of the coaching I had the experience that I became much more positive in my mindset and with time I regained the basic trust and also the belief in love.
Then I already met a really sympathetic man during my coaching and Simone supported me and motivated me to stay on the ball, even if it was initially so !!!! different than in my previous acquaintance phases (which of course irritated and unsettled me in the beginning).
Before the coaching with Simone, I would have possibly sabotaged myself again and dismissed the whole thing quickly and directly with "Oh no, then it's just not that again". But since I got to know my patterns and recognized how I sabotage myself, I stayed calm and steady on the ball and just gave ME and getting to know each other time. Simone was always by my side and supported me and encouraged me, because she immediately recognized that our attitudes to life, values, etc. harmonize super.
In the meantime, I am together with this very man and have never before had such a harmonious relationship. We meet totally at eye level, communicate openly and honestly and have super fun together. I can talk to him about everything without being afraid and he is always there for me. I am looking forward to many adventures that we will definitely experience together.
I am still in contact with Simone and I am still enthusiastic about her positive nature, which has infected me from the beginning.
Simone showed me to look at life but also myself and love from a different perspective.
The coaching was a journey to myself and has brought me forward in so many life situations, so that I would like to recommend Simone's coaching to everyone who wants to turn their life around in the area of self-love / self-worth but also of course relationship and partnership.

I do not regret for a second to have gone this way.

Thank you very much, dear Simone 😀
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Simone Janiga
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