SNASH | Consulting & Services

Advice and service around your sales team

SNASH | Consulting & Services
41 Reviews i
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out of 43 reviews
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What's on offer

Employee placement - Sales - Executive development - Management - Training - Marketing

Contact information

SNASH | Consulting & Services
Am Kirschbaumwäldchen 28
40547 Düsseldorf

Contact person
Sascha Oliver Disch

Review from 07/24/2024  
5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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Situation analysis

5.00 out of 5
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41 Reviews on

5.00 out of 5
For me, Sascha embodies one thing above all: a holistic approach to sales. Because it's never about "selling" in isolation! It's always about our personality - which automatically grows with us on the way to ever more successful selling. With this in mind, Sascha not only helped me to become a better salesperson - he also worked with me to develop a strategy that fits me and my focus perfectly.

An indispensable part of this strategy was to understand exactly how I can naturally (!) expand and retain my customers in the long term - and how I can consistently and permanently call up prices that do full justice to the quality of my service. Of course, my clients now also benefit from this valuable knowledge!

The result: after just a few months, I am fully booked and reaping the rewards of numerous successful sales meetings. I warmly recommend working with Sascha to anyone who is really motivated to improve their sales skills in a predictable, systematic and continuous way!

Simon Machleidt, Founder & Owner Cutting Edge Copywriting
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
07/24/2024Simon M.
5.00 out of 5
I have a marketing agency in Berlin with a sales team of four. We are working with Sascha to train one of our closers. This closer had no previous experience and now has a closing rate almost as good as our main closer. Therefore, I can absolutely recommend Sascha's consulting from a sales perspective. Sales is the heart of every B2B company, and Sascha gets incredible results here.

Sascha is not only an absolute expert and strategist when it comes to sales, but has also given me valuable advice on a personal and managerial level. This advice has led me to restructure my entire team and make some strategic decisions with a strong impact - with direct (strongly positive) effects. I am incredibly grateful to Sascha for that.

On a personal level, Sascha has great integrity, is personable and at the same time absolutely honest and direct. He doesn't mince his words, but gives honest feedback and context in a personable way. This quality is absolutely invaluable as it is the only way to make decisions based on facts and (sometimes harsh) reality where others may beat around the bush.

Working with Sascha has not only improved the performance of our closer enormously, but has also helped my company strategically. His holistic view and honest advice make him an indispensable partner for our future projects.
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Customer review & rating for:
SNASH | Consulting & Services
07/23/2024CROAS - Leif U.
5.00 out of 5
Before I met Sascha, acquisition was my biggest pain point.

She ate up 10 hours of my time every week and thanked me with a zero on the bottom line.

The reason: I had absolutely no idea which acquisition measure would suit me.

Until Sascha not only recommended telephone canvassing to me, but also developed a customized guide together with me.

"Selina, you are likeable and have energy, use that and call people"

Everyone has an unfair advantage. In other words: a SuperPower.

Admittedly, before the collaboration - I didn't even know there was such a thing.
Nor that my energy is also my SuperPower.

Sascha did - he was just waiting for the right moment to lure me out of my comfort zone.

In addition to the mindset work, realization of my SuperPower and my functioning acquisition strategy, he also gave me a tool that I can use to regulate my energy for constant performance.

Today, I do acquisition one week a month and have appointments for the rest of the month, leaving me enough time for fulfillment and process optimization.

An absolute heartfelt recommendation!

Because Sascha sees the potential when we don't see it ourselves.

He doesn't say what we want to hear in order to stay in our comfort zone.

Instead, he makes us understand WHAT we need to change and HOW in order to develop it.

Thank you for your expertise & simply for being.
Selina Kébé
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
07/03/2024Selina K.
5.00 out of 5
I could no longer identify with the "sales tricks" of the 1980s and spent a long time looking for a truly authentic solution - even rather unconsciously. I always had the feeling that if you just said the right things, you would "clothe" everyone and everything. Far from it. I never felt 100% comfortable, even though I knew I was passionate about what I was doing. I always knew that my service was an absolute win-win.
Nevertheless, there were many moments when I felt insecure and customers did inexplicable things.

In theory, I knew that it could be down to the whole process, i.e. all sorts of little communication issues, when something like this happened. Nevertheless, I just didn't know how to do it better. All the tips and tricks from books, videos and courses didn't help...

What was missing and what I have now: 100% clarity and an authentic way of communicating charmingly. Now this way suits me really well.

I've been working with Sascha and SNASH Consulting for less than a month now and I've already been able to conjure up 9 sales calls "out of thin air" - with people I didn't know before and they weren't recommendations from my network either.

Sascha has helped me turn my ideas into a viable path. Due to my specialization in real estate financing, the sales cycles are long. Real estate is always a long-term project. Logically, I have not yet been able to generate any financing including a notary appointment, i.e. no "real estate deal", after such a short time. However, prospective buyers are reacting extremely positively to my individual approach, which Sascha and I have forged together. As a result, I get positive feedback and/or new appointments every day and I'm really keen to get stuck in every day. I can clearly see how the strategy is working. Incidentally, the strategy only needed 2 to 3 small adjustments due to learnings from the target group and then worked straight away.
It was awesome! Sascha's simply got what it takes.

I had really wondered beforehand how Sascha manages to push entire sales teams to such top performances (actually even without really pushing haha) - and yes, what can I say. Without pushing and with his magic, he just gets it done.
I've never really seen anyone who breathes sales as much as he does! Calm. Solution-oriented. Individual. And of course, the humor should not be missing ;)

I highly recommend Sascha and SNASH Consulting - also for financial service providers!
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
05/29/2024Corvin S.
5.00 out of 5
Until I started working with SNASH, I found it very difficult to sell. There was no success. Selling felt more like pressure than pleasure

SNASH gave me a valuable & healthy perspective on this often tiresome subject of selling and I was able to celebrate my first successes after just a few weeks of working together.

Selling no longer feels like a MUST, but finally like a WANT!
I now even look forward to every sales call!

In mentoring, you work together to develop a strategy that suits you & the product, which is screened at regular intervals & adapted if necessary.
In addition, you are inspired & motivated. Successes are honestly & authentically celebrated together.

I can wholeheartedly recommend SNASH to anyone who is still struggling with the topic of sales!

Sascha is a likeable & authentic guy who understands a lot about his subject (sales) and lives and communicates it inimitably through his strong values.
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
05/13/2024Dimitri R.
5.00 out of 5
Working with Sascha in a 1-to-1 context has been a great lever for me so far. His broad and in-depth understanding of the topics of sales team development, sales team performance and culture is just right for me, as he brings together his knowledge from a wide range of different areas and always creates directly implementable solutions with me & these also show results directly in my teams.

Sascha really takes his time and you really always get to the bottleneck that needs to be solved.
I can really only recommend Sascha to anyone who is Head of Sales or Sales Manager and wants to get to the next level. No matter in which area, whether B2C or B2B, he brings a high level of knowledge and will definitely push you forward.

Many thanks for the extremely good work!
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
05/08/2024Nico H.
5.00 out of 5
Sascha is brilliant at what he does. For several years now, he has been at my side whenever I get stuck in my business. He always has a solution and always manages to help me move forward with ease and joy. Above all, he teaches me tricks and tips that I can use to "help" myself in many situations and move forward with ease. Always happy to have a professional mentor.
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
5.00 out of 5
The topic I came to Sascha with was "Leadership of a 100% remote freelancer team".

In every coaching session, Sascha was able to show me new perspectives and give me extremely valuable advice on how to deal with my leadership challenges.
I felt much more confident and "empowered" in my role afterwards, which had a positive impact on the whole team.

I can definitely recommend SNASH to anyone who has a leadership issue and wants coaching from an expert.
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
5.00 out of 5
We at Scalable Content can only warmly recommend SNASH. After several months of working together, the successes speak for themselves:

1. we were able to gain many new customers through Sascha's expertise and thus significantly increase our turnover.

2. in addition, we have worked out a completely new positioning together with Sascha, as he has made us aware of many blind spots. As a result, we are much clearer and better positioned.

Sascha really takes a lot of time for the individual situation and, above all, you can tell that he puts his whole heart and passion into it!

Thank you very much for everything we learned!
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
12/15/2023Scalable C.
5.00 out of 5
Coaching with Sascha not only took my sales performance to a new level, but also changed my perspective on long-term success in sales.

Sascha not only imparts theoretical knowledge, but also brings his practical experience into every coaching session. This practical approach has helped me not only to understand the theory, but also to implement it directly in my everyday sales work.

His metaphors are creative and also reflect reality. You can tell that Sascha comes from a practical background and knows the challenges of everyday sales. In just one month, my sales performance has improved and a lot has changed mentally.

The result?
My strongest sales month in October with a net order volume of €225,800 and a closing rate of almost 79%.

The most important thing:
I achieved these figures without feeling the slightest bit burnt out. Every appointment was approached with ease and enthusiasm, thanks to the new topics I was able to learn through the coaching.

Success in sales starts with continuous learning and consistent implementation. Sascha is like a sparring partner with whom you can hone your skills and clarify mindset issues for yourself - a clear recommendation for anyone who wants to be successful!

Best regards
Nico Bruch
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
11/13/2023Nico B.
5.00 out of 5
Thanks to Snash, I quickly regained much more clarity in my business. In places where I had completely lost my way and it had become too chaotic, I had a common thread again after constant sessions and a focus on what really makes my business grow. I particularly appreciate the individual and very clear communication. Thank you for more clarity, motivation and inspiration!
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
11/10/2023Karla G.
5.00 out of 5
We at Tribus-Filmstudio can only warmly recommend SNASH. After several months of collaboration, the successes speak for themselves:

1. we were able to gain many new customers through Sascha's expertise and thereby significantly increase our sales.

2. in addition, we have worked out a completely new positioning together with Sascha, as he has made us aware of many blind spots. As a result, we are much clearer and better positioned.

Sascha really takes a lot of time for the individual situation and above all you can see that he is there with all his heart and passion!

Thank you for everything we were able to learn!
5/5 stars, gladly again! :)
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
5.00 out of 5
I came to Sascha for mentoring because I had total trepidation in my job as a closer when it came to actual selling.

The topic of selling was totally negative for me. I didn't know why. I always felt kind of uncomfortable when my lead had already committed to me and it was just about paying. The leads sensed this and then quickly backed out. So in 2 weeks I went through 15 closes and my rate was 18%.

Already after the first session with Sascha I noticed how the switch in my head had settled. I went into the calls much more relaxed. He managed to show me that through me my lead gets the opportunity to turn his life 180 degrees to the positive.
I feel totally relaxed knowing that I have the skill within me. Just needed Sascha to remind me of that. And the best thing: we still have some sessions ahead of us :-) And my quota is now already 55-60%.

Lucie Knoll
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
10/23/2023Lucie K.
5.00 out of 5
Through the advice of SNASH I got a much better feeling in sales.

Sascha has a tremendous expertise, which is due to his years of experience, which he has made in various companies. Sascha only wants the best for you and that's why he doesn't mince words. You have a lot of fun in the live calls, but the goal is also to get ahead. You notice a certain seriousness about him. And that's exactly what I was still missing.

SNASH is really only to be recommended, here you make an investment that simply enriches you!
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
5.00 out of 5
Personal growth and success in business with Sascha

Before working with Sascha, I often felt unsure and aimless in my business world.

But after working with Sascha and SNASH Consulting & Services, that has completely changed.

Sascha communicates with a clarity and directness that impressively shows me the way to success in business.

His burning passion for sales is not only palpable, but also contagious and inspiring.

He constantly challenges me, pushes me beyond my limits and makes sure that I not only see my goals, but also achieve them.
That makes him an exceptional mentor!

My experience with Sascha has been transformational.
Before, I often felt overwhelmed and unsure of myself, but after our collaboration, I have a clear understanding and direction for my business path.

His ability to challenge and inspire me has helped me not only achieve my short term goals, but also grow in the long term.

I would work with Sascha again without hesitation.

For anyone who not only wants success in business, but also wants to grow continuously, Sascha is undisputedly at the top.

I highly recommend SNASH Consulting & Services!
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
10/09/2023Ariane V.
5.00 out of 5
I can only warmly recommend consulting. When we had our first contact, our sales were in the lower five-digit range. After only 6 months, we were able to celebrate our first six-figure monthly turnover thanks to the individual strategy consulting and the realistic support. Unthinkable without SNASH. Our business has grown quickly, so it is even nicer that we were able to directly find the right employee contacts for our sales processes. It was so hard to find well-trained employees before. Now we can concentrate on the essentials, namely growth. Thank you very much.
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
10/09/2023Ralf H.
5.00 out of 5
Establishment of structured acquisition and sales processes for predictably increasing revenues

Before I got to know Sascha and SNASH, my customer acquisition as a marketing service provider resembled a game of chance.
It worked, but I could not rely on it and had strongly fluctuating sales.

Sales calls were not a plannable component, but random products through marketing activities.

Sascha identified the weak points in my system and showed me what I had to change.
We built a solid structure that starts with systematized acquisition and builds a reliable pipeline to successful sales calls.

I was able to trust the processes in my business for the first time.
I have clarity on the most important numbers in my business and know that by doing X work at the beginning, sales Y will happen at the end.

My performance in the sales calls themselves, has played a crucial role in the collaboration, through which I have also grown extremely personally.

Growth and sales have become controllable variables that I continue to optimize month after month and drive to new heights.

What I particularly appreciate about working with Sascha is his honest and direct manner.
He does not mince words. The truth is spoken without sugarcoating.

This applies to technical business topics as well as to personal issues that got in my way, especially during sales calls.

Sascha has the unique talent to recognize where the TRUE problem is.
He told me what I really needed, not what I wanted to hear.

Thank you for everything!
Absolute recommendation!

Oliver Beckert
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
10/09/2023Oliver B.
5.00 out of 5
Every business goes through different phases.
And as a rule, every business always fluctuates somehow between growth and stabilization phases.
At least that's how it was for us at Freedom-Writer-Academy.

But at some point there was no more growth.

We did more - but the results stayed the same.
We invested more money - but the sales stayed the same.
We tried new ways - and profits even continued to decline.

That's when we realized we needed help.

As a child, one of my favorite series was "The A-Team" - mainly because of the intro with the cool song.

What happened next felt exactly like said intro of the A-Team:
We contacted Sascha. Directly a few hours later we set up a plan together.
Directly the next morning came a well prepared written offer from him.
5 minutes later we signed and the thing started rolling.

Within a few days, our sales team was first completely restructured, then doubled in size.
Areas we had previously accepted as weak spots were patched up.... Within days.
The areas that we had perceived as strong anyway were significantly polished up.

What Sascha brought to our business in terms of automation, system, leadership and structure was groundbreaking - no question about it.

But the real gamechanger was the realization that, despite being the market leader in Germany, we had thought far too small before Sascha.

Monthly sales have doubled thanks to our collaboration.
The team has grown together even more.
Processes are smoother today, work is more fun, and everything runs smoothly together.

Thanks to Sascha, I was able to see how my business was transformed from a start-up into a real company in a short time.

Biggest recommendation!
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
10/06/2023Philipp F.
5.00 out of 5
Topic: Selling and Mindset

I came to Sascha to learn how real acquisition works and what mindset is needed for it.

Before that, I had done some acquisition work, but I lacked the right strategies and tools, as well as the mindset.

Sascha is a machine - and not suitable for everyone. Because he's tough as nails. Direct. Honest. And really kicks you out of your comfort zone. You really learn to sell. You learn to face your fears and doubts. By going straight into implementation and delivering.

Because ultimately everything else is just an excuse and distracts you.

Sascha knows exactly where to start with you, so that you finally get going for yourself and ensure excellent results.

But if you're not an implementer and can't stand uncomfortable truths, you're at the wrong address with him.

I would go back to Sascha because he is someone who knows exactly what he is doing and why he is doing what he is doing.

Last but not least: He is a lot of fun to work with and his formulations are simply unbeatable.

So: You want results? Choose SNASH!
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SNASH | Consulting & Services
5.00 out of 5
Distribution, sales, sales, structures... With Sascha at my side, it was suddenly no longer overwhelming but clear, creamy and highly professional.
Through Sascha I got to know in depth not only how to deal with objections and how to use structures sensibly, but also a smart, humanly close person with borderline-genius knowledge in his luggage.
Exactly what I was looking for - perfect in every respect. THANK YOU for that!!!
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