Wilson Consulting Group

FedRAMP Compliance Consulting, IT Governance Services, Compliance Services

Wilson Consulting Group (WCG) is an innovative global cybersecurity consulting firm headquartered in Washington D.C., with a European office in London, England. We specialize in IT governance, risk management, and compliance consulting services,...


Wilson Consulting Group
800 Maine Avenue SW
Washington, District of Columbia (DC) 20024
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Wilson Consulting Group

4 Sterne 0
3 Sterne 0
2 Sterne 0
1 Stern 0
Sehr Gut (5,00)
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Sehr Gut (5,00)

6 Bewertungen auf ProvenExpert.com
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I highly recommend Wilson Consulting Group to anyone in need of high-quality IT governance services. Their services were thorough, efficient, and effective. They provided me with the necessary tools and resources to streamline my IT governance processes and ensure that my organization was fully compliant with relevant regulations and standards.
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Wilson Consulting Group
5,00 von 5
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If you're looking for a cyber security company that offers top-notch data protection consultancy services, look no further. Wilson Consulting Group is absolutely fantastic. Their team is incredibly knowledgeable and helped us implement effective security measures that have significantly reduced our risk of data breaches.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Wilson Consulting Group
5,00 von 5
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Wilson Consulting Group is top-notch when it comes to project management consulting services. They are incredibly knowledgeable and experienced, and their attention to detail is unparalleled. They helped us implement a comprehensive security plan that has significantly reduced our risk of cyber attacks.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Wilson Consulting Group
5,00 von 5
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Wilson Consulting Group is the best in the business. They have a deep understanding of the latest threats and vulnerabilities, and they are constantly updating their services to stay ahead of the curve. Their team is highly skilled and responsive, and I would recommend them to anyone looking for top-tier cyber security solutions.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Wilson Consulting Group
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Wilson Consulting Group has a deep understanding of the cybersecurity landscape, and their team is constantly monitoring our systems for potential threats. Their proactive approach has saved us from several potential attacks.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Wilson Consulting Group
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
We have been working with Wilson Consulting Group for several years now, and we are extremely satisfied with their services. Their team is responsive, professional, and always willing to go above and beyond to ensure our systems are secure. I would highly recommend them to anyone in need of cyber security solutions.
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Wilson Consulting Group
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