AktiFlex Produkte KG

Products against shoulder pain and for a straight and upright posture

Contact information
Our ShoulderHelp is predominantly purchased by people who mostly suffer chronically from shoulder pain. Because we are aware of the great responsibility we have to bear here, we work in an extremely customer- and service-oriented manner.

Contact information

AktiFlex Produkte KG
Industriestraße 34
63150 Heusenstamm

Contact person
Thomas und Nicko Duttine

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5 stars 39
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Excellent (5.00)
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Excellent (4.82)
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
3 Reviews

40 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

4.95 out of 5
4.80 out of 5
The entire company, from the boss to the employees, personally and immediately take care of concerns and have clarified them to date top. Really a model of competence and friendliness.....finds one today otherwise only rarely.
All thumbs up!!!!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
04/20/2023Jens S.
4.60 out of 5
The shoulder aid has already contributed to the significant improvement of the pain situation or the restriction after a few weeks of training. The application description to the exercises are very understandable and clearly described!
I can recommend everyone to use the product in a SMS.
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Customer review & rating for:
11/11/2022Joerg L.
5.00 out of 5
I am very satisfied with the shoulder aid. The information on the site was worth its weight in gold for me. The customer service was unique. Thanks to the whole team and your invention, I am now pain free!
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Customer review & rating for:
08/31/2022Michael D.
5.00 out of 5
Shipping to Denmark was very fast! The first test of the product ( shoulder night pain help) was promising and I hope for quick help! Thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Hello Mr. Duttine,
I purchased a shoulder brace from you in April 2021.
A few facts about me: I am 59 years old and have had problems with my right shoulder for eight to ten years. Since I have been an archer for a very long time, I think it is possible that the problems come from that as well.
I was diagnosed with shoulder impingement. The first orthopedist wanted to operate immediately, which was much too fast for me. So I put the problem on the back burner. Two years ago I was
at the Praxisklinik 2000 in Freiburg with Dr. Lais. He advised me to have an operation only if the complaints really made it necessary. At that time I was probably still too mobile.
But he also said that after an operation not everything will always be good again or as before. So I refrained from an operation for the time being. The complaints increased and in the meantime
the left shoulder has also been affected. On the MRI images, the tendon damage is clearly visible. Especially at night I had pain. My wife always noticed this because I groaned painfully when I turned.
I groaned painfully when I turned. It was always the typical pain at rest. I decided to have surgery on my right shoulder at the end of this year.
Then, in February, my wife was diagnosed with cancer and I can't use a break at the moment because I have to be there for my wife.
Through a neighbor I became aware "again" of the shoulder help, which I already looked at "Youtube" years ago.
He had an unsatisfactory shoulder surgery and bought the shoulder aid afterwards. It has helped him a lot.
In a nutshell, I have bought some "crap" in my life, but your shoulder aid is one of the best things I have ever purchased, besides my motorcycle.
After three weeks I had no more rest pain! The left shoulder is now downright pain free. The right shoulder I can move fully again. Only a few movements still cause
pain there. I train every two days (5 x 20 repetitions) with the blue expander. During the vacation I let it slide a bit and noticed this immediately. I haven't tried archery yet, I'm afraid that will set me back.
Thank you for this great product, which has given me back my quality of life with very little financial investment. An operation is now a long way off.
I hardly ever rate products, but with the shoulder aid it just had to be.
Greetings Uwe Behnke
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Customer review & rating for:
09/20/2021Uwe B.
5.00 out of 5
The training helps me super! Extra stars for the customer service. Size exchange handled in record time and super friendly.
Many thanks C. Reitz
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Customer review & rating for:
09/14/2021Christian R.
5.00 out of 5
I already had a referral for shoulder surgery, which I no longer need thanks to the AktiFlex.
My suffering, (you no longer knew how to lie only pain in the shoulder) ca.2Jahre
has disappeared after about 6 months of practice with the training bracket almost completely.I think you can also say it is gone.
Of course you have to stay with it.
and another good side effect you have a much better posture

thanks again thanks thanks
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
I am just thrilled !
After many years of partly severe pain in my right shoulder due to the well-known impigment syndrome and then 3 months ago the complete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon, a shoulder surgery was inevitable according to my orthopedist. He kindly told me that due to my age (66 years) and the advanced wear and tear, it could still be possible that I would continue to have problems with my shoulder after the operation.
Unfortunately, it was only after this conversation that I looked into alternative possibilities, outside of physiotherapy and a lot of painkillers, and came across the company Aktiflex Schulterhilfe in Heusenstamm on the Internet.
My wife then ordered the Aktiflex Optima without me knowing it. After the first painful training sessions I had the feeling that I was somehow not getting anywhere, that it was not doing any good or that I was doing something wrong. After a phone call with Mr. Duttine, who took a lot of time and explained to me once again exactly how to train best with the Aktiflex, it suddenly got better and only went forward. The mobility actually got better from day to day and I am now even pain-free at night again. Of course I notice that the shoulder is no longer fully functional, but it is much better than an uncertain operation. I think I just have to continue intensively!
It was certainly the best decision - for the Aktiflex- that I have made.
Many thanks to the Duttine family for the excellent Aktiflex training device and for the very nice competent professional help.
Peter Ebner
56428 Dernbach
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Customer review & rating for:
12/09/2020Peter E.
5.00 out of 5
About 2 weeks ago I started training via shoulder assist. Now I am experiencing the first days of waking up pain free.
My left shoulder was operated a few years ago because of impingement syndrome. Now a few months ago the right side started to hurt as well. Through sports and various therapies (e.g. Flex program at the physio) it did not get better. On the internet I came across your site and I am glad that I ordered the shoulder support. I feel better every day and have fun moving again.
Thank you and keep up the good work!
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Dear Mr. Duttine,

after 4 weeks of using the shoulder aid, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for your invention.

I have been suffering from shoulder impingement (partial rupture of the supraspinatus and subscapularus tendons and attachment dinophathy of the long biceps tendon) and bursitis for over a year.

In early September, I happened to find your shoulder help on the internet. We had a very pleasant and encouraging phone conversation. After 4 weeks of treatment at 2-day intervals, my conclusion is:
- I am significantly more mobile.
- I sleep through the night no matter which side I turn.
- The movement with the critical (right) arm to the back (from below) is still problematic. However, this is now possible immediately after treatment with the shoulder support.
- Note: Very quickly I was able to switch from the blue to the green training band.

In summary:
I am in good spirits that I will continue to gain sufficient muscle strengthening of the shoulder through the treatment. If it continues like this, I will not need surgery.

Thank you for your courage and ideas to develop this product and bring it to the market.

I have already recommended it in my professional environment, circle of friends and also to my orthopedist and physiotherapist.

With warmest regards

G. Grabietz
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Customer review & rating for:
10/09/2020Gerhard G.
5.00 out of 5
At the end of February this year, I discovered Shoulder Help on the Internet. At that time, I was at my wits' end. I had already been tormented by unspeakable shoulder pain for three months. The painkillers prescribed by my family doctor had no effect whatsoever, despite a high dosage. My orthopedist ordered an MRI, which revealed bilateral impingement syndrome and bursitis. I was terrified of an operation and the associated complications or deterioration of my condition.

I contacted Mr. Duttine to find out which device would be suitable for me. He advised me competently and recommended the acute variant, as I could only lift my arms to a very limited extent.

In addition to the device, I ordered the well-designed Cool Shirt with cold packs, which can be used selectively due to their small size and also freeze quickly again in the cooling compartment for further use.

The expander bands have different colors/thicknesses with which you can perform the exercises at different intensities.

I used the exercises consistently and of course cooled my inflammation with the cool shirt. And what can I say? Already after 14 days, there was a significant relief of the discomfort. Thanks to this and also thanks to the coaching, I was able to sleep through the night for a few hours again.
Today I am completely pain-free and do the exercise only weekly to fortnightly instead of every 2 days. For me it borders on a small miracle to have a completely pain-free shoulder again. And that without any surgery or medication with side effects.
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Customer review & rating for:
10/07/2020Andreas B.
5.00 out of 5
I have had pain in my left shoulder since about September last year, so that I could no longer extend my arm upward. Even sleeping on my left side at night was extremely painful. After my doctor diagnosed an impingement syndrome with a thick bursitis, I first got iontophoresis and painkillers. After that did absolutely nothing, I was prescribed physical therapy. This was pleasant, but the pain remained. My doctor said that if all this did not help me, I would have to have an operation sooner or later. Of course, I was not thrilled about that and so I started to browse the Internet. There had to be something I could do to avoid surgery. Then, by chance, I came across the shoulder support on the web. In the reviews I found myself 1:1 and thought ok try it. The price scared me off a bit at first but then I thought what the heck. So I ordered the complete package. In the first week I did not really notice an improvement but then so gradually I noticed that the pain was less. Now I have been using the shoulder aid for about 1.5 months and I am almost pain-free. I can stretch my arm almost completely again. Only a few cm are still missing, but I am sure that this will soon be possible again without pain. I would never have thought this and I am very grateful that the shoulder aid exists. I train every other day. In the meantime 5 minutes are enough. I would recommend Schulterhilfe to anyone who, like me, would also like to avoid surgery. Many thanks to Schulterhilfe.de!
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Customer review & rating for:
10/03/2020Michaela G.
5.00 out of 5
I rarely write reviews, but here it has to be.

I can only recommend the Aktiflex shoulder support. Firstly, because after half a week of training I actually feel slight improvements, I can hardly believe it, and secondly, because the customer service is unbelievably good. I was given two sizes to choose from in my package, as I wasn't clear which one I would need. Also, the materials included, DVD and all, are wonderfully thought out. It is easy to use and you are not "left sitting" somewhere.
This is how it should always be - the product is worth every penny.
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Customer review & rating for:
09/16/2020Bettina J.
5.00 out of 5
Hello Mr. Duttine,
after the shoulder aid helped me a lot with my left FROZEN SHOULDER two years ago and I became pain-free mobile again very quickly at that time, I would now like to share my experience with the shoulder aid again with my right shoulder diagnosed with rotator cuff syndrome.
In March 2020, I could almost not move my right arm without pain, upwards anyway. Then in April I slowly started using the shoulder aid and expanders, every other day. After two months I noticed a clear improvement, after three months the pain was as good as gone. And today I can do everything with my shoulder and arm again. At the moment I still train every other day, but now I will train every three days. What are the few minutes against the terrible pain.

My friend had shoulder surgery 6 months ago and now her pain is the same as before.

I would buy the shoulder aid again and again and really recommend it to everyone.

THANKS and many greetings
Sylke v. W.
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
The customer service and the benefits of this shoulder aid are really unbeatable.you get an immediate response by mail, but also by phone you are competently advised.after I was operated in January 2019, the complaints occurred again after 11 months.the orthopedist has not doubted for a moment the success of his skills, it had to be found now another body part, which triggered the complaints.It was now the neck, so I got physiotherapy, which did not help me.From then on I worked with the shoulder aid every 2nd day.And after a short time I was actually free of complaints, which has remained so until today.Many operations are superfluous after my current experience.
Thank you for this great invention
Best regards from Braunschweig
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Customer review & rating for:
07/13/2020Monika D.
5.00 out of 5
MRI report dated 8/23/2019: transmural rupture of supraspinatus tendons bilaterally after bicycle fall without physician visit 08/2018. (Master electrician,78Y). Doctor's visit about a year later after increasingly severe pain, inability to lie on side at night. Start training shoulder help 10/2019 .cold shirt. Since 05/2020 full range of motion again and pain free at night despite constant overhead work during renovations. No surgery! Congratulations to Mr. Duttine for this great invention!
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Customer review & rating for:
07/03/2020Gerhard R.
5.00 out of 5
Dear Mr. Duttine

I bought the AktiFlex stirrup because of an advanced and extremely painful impingement syndrome with rupture of the supraspinatus tendon and a severe bursitis. My range of motion at the affected shoulder was about 20%.
Today, two and a half months later, I am a good 90% pain-free and can even go golfing again. This without medication, only by training with the shoulder aid and ice cures as recommended by you. Of course, I will continue to train with the brace and will also recommend it warmly and with conviction should I come across a fellow sufferer.
I am extremely grateful for your great invention and your constant willingness to help and/or advise.
Thomas G.
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
The pain becomes less and the mobility increases.
Definitely recommended !
Customer service first class.
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Customer review & rating for:
01/16/2020Susanne W.
5.00 out of 5
A top product made in a small family business Made in Germany.
I am glad to have found this product.
Everything is wonderfully explained, there is a telephone support where time is taken and also good tips are given along the way. I ordered the shoulder aid with the cool shirt and have to say I look forward to the next workout after every workout. Also the cool shirt works wonderfully the cool pads are really where the pain sits, just great.
All in all, thumbs up and goodbye surgery.
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Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
I can't say anything else but thank you very much! The device was delivered the day after the order. I have been training with it for 4 weeks and the complaints are as good as gone. Mr. Duttine also takes a lot of time for you on the phone. Super device, super service!
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