90.10. AG

Quantenfrequenztechnologie auf dem nächsten Level

90.10. AG
4,70 von 5
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819 Bewertungen
Als erstem Unternehmen weltweit gelang der 90.10. AG mit Sitz in Zürich / Schweiz 2011 die Entwicklung eines Verfahrens, das Materie auf quantenphysikalischer Ebene so beeinflussen kann, dass sie quantenhafte Energie speichert und danach dauerhaft...


90.10. AG
Max-Högger-Strasse 6
8048 Zürich

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Soziale Medien

97% Empfehlungen
Sehr Gut (4,71)
Preis / Leistung
Sehr Gut (4,76)


4,85 von 5
155 Bewertungen


4,73 von 5
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148 Bewertungen

819 Bewertungen auf ProvenExpert.com

4,70 von 5
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5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
A must have for your favorite genius or genius plus, my favorite is the water bottle and the pendant and crystal.
The water bottle gives you a sense of peace and tranquility like no other
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Add-on - Peace
23.04.2024Nathan Metcalf’
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Liebes 90.20 Team, liebe Lucia
Ich bin voll zufrieden für deine „Bekümmerung“ meines Anliegens, sogar über Ostern hast du mir geschrieben, ich bin begeistert! Und jetzt klappt alles 😀 Der Cube steht über meinem Knie, für das ich mir Heilung wünsche mit 50T Quepps ….. mal schauen, was jetzt passiert…..
Liebe Grüße und einen kraftvollen April
Gabriele Lindinger
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Support Lucia
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Vielen herzlichen Dank, für deine tolle Bewertung! Es freut uns, dass du mit unserem Support rundum zufrieden bist. Herzliche Grüsse, dein 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Ohne große Worte Der Support, selbst über die osterfeiertage , ist klasse !!! Ich bin mehr als dankbar dafür!!! Allen Mitarbeitern des 90.10 medbetten wünsche ich alles liebe 🧡.und nochmal vielen Dank !! Gruß Klaus von der Insel La Palma im Wohnmobil.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Support Roland
31.03.2024Klaus strohe auf der Insel la Palma
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Vielen herzlichen Dank, für deine tolle Bewertung! Es freut uns, dass du mit unserem Support rundum zufrieden bist. Herzliche Grüsse, dein 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Vielen lieben Dank für die schnelle, tolle, professionelle und liebenswürdige Unterstützung lieber Benjamin!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Support Benjamin
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Herzlichen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast uns ein Feedback zu geben! Herzlichst, dein 90.10. Team
4,72 von 5
Sehr Gut
I tried the 90.10. Genius+ Smartphone service, after having tried other products, such as the MedBed, the Genius+ Sofa und Genius+ Pendulum... they are all truly fantastic products.
Considering that I am able to feel electromagnetic sources (thankfully not too sensitive), especially Smartphones (when holding them in my hand) and W-LAN (when sitting very close to them), I was especially intrigued by this product. Before quantum-entangling the phone, I expected that entangling it would result in me "liking" to have the phone next to me. This expectation was not disappointed. After turning it on, I placed my phone on my comfy covers I have on my sofa. It was a very nice feeling. What I found interesting is, that the phone/energy felt "smoother" when I used the phone in flight mode, than when I turned flight mode off, which actually sounds quite logical. I did however notice that I liked using the phone with less output than other products. Usually 1000 to 2000 QUEPPS where fine. All-in-all I'm very pleased with the product. I'm starting to think of getting the CUBE instead of ordering the smaller products separately.

What I do think needs improvement is the upload process for the photo. There is no clear feedback about whether the entanglement worked or not. The only way to find this out, is by actually "feeling" the product, which I imagine would be off-putting for non-sensitive people.

Much thanks to 90.10... keep up the terrific work! In my opinion, this is just the beginning of the wonderful times ahead of us after transitioning to fourth density!... I am sooooo looking forward to it! Much thanks.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Smartphone
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Thank you for sharing your detailed experience with the quantum-entangled phone and your observations about its effects. It's fascinating to hear how the entanglement enhanced your comfort and preference for having the phone nearby. Your sensitivity to electromagnetic sources adds an interesting dimension to your experience. Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Während des Handy-Experimentes wurden meine Augen nicht so schnell müde und mein Blutdruck stieg nicht so schnell an wie sonst. Alleine diese Auswirkungen finde ich genial! Wahrscheinlich, weil ich seit mehr als 25 Jahren energetische Heilarbeit mache, spüre ich den Unterschied in den anderen Bereichen nicht so deutlich. Herzlichen Dank für Eure tolle Arbeit!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Smartphone
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Wir danken dir, für das tolle Feedback und freuen uns, dass es so viel bewirkt hat! Herzlichst, dein 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I would like to recognize the invaluanle benefit I have been deriving from the 90.10. Quantum Technology, its leadership, its staff, and also to thank the en.support team for its assistance, whenever I ask for it, in a timely, respectful and cheerful manner.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Support Benjamin
25.03.2024Carmelita Santiago
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. We're delighted to hear that you've found value in our staff, and the support team, and that you've received timely, respectful, and cheerful assistance whenever needed. Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
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Life is exciting and my life is real busy and I never relaxed enough. I do feel a big benefit by the peace add on and use it many times a day to slow down and friends comment on me being at peace. Thank you
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Add-on - Peace
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
We're so grateful for your feedback! Best regards, your 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I have a 2 seater leather sofa and it is not ver comfortable and so it was used mainly to dump things there and not often used to sit on. I was amazed how immediately after the quantum entanglement this sofa became the most sat on seating. When I first sat down I sank in there in absolute comfort and ease and couldn’t get up. And I watched how any of my friends entering my living room was immediately attracted to sitting down on my most uncomfortable double seater. And I took care to not let anyone use it as a dumping spot. I loved sitting on it and miss it after the trial finished. So yes I will buy the genius+ sofa. Thank you for this genius gift. Shunyam Welscher
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Sofa
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
It's truly remarkable to hear about the transformation your sofa underwent after the quantum entanglement! Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
4,80 von 5
Sehr Gut
Sehr freundliche und zeitnahe Antwort mit mehreren Lösungsvorschlägen.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Support Lucia
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Herzlichen Dank für deine Bewertung! Liebe Grüsse, dein 90.10. Team
4,33 von 5
From Brian Lappan… During the free trial period my smart phone was nearby protecting me from EMF! Really? Seems so! Normally it is off and far away from me. I used to always turn my smart phone off…because for me EMF is harmful. But With 99.10. technology modifying EMF and me feeling a lack of anything negative, I look forward to more experimenting. During the final 3 days of the trial period, I have experienced peace, much less tension and clearer thinking, perhaps a taste of what is to come?
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Smartphone
24.03.2024Brian Lappan
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Hello, Brian. Thank you very much for your feedback. We would like to make it clear that our technology does not protect you from EMF radiation. This would not be possible, as you would no longer be able to use your smartphone. What our technology is trying to do here is to neutralise the negative biological interference effects that these frequencies have on your body. And we seem to have done a good job of it. So, thank you for your feedback from the entire 90.10. team.
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
There was a sense of Vitality and Balance for the entire test period. Experience improved energy and an eagerness to perform tasks and enjoy the experience. A great sense of peace and my mind was more clearer. - Jean Olsen
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Smartphone
24.03.2024Jean Olsen
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
It's wonderful to hear about your experience during the test period. The sense of vitality, balance, improved energy, and mental clarity you've described are truly remarkable. Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
3,45 von 5
je n'ai malheureusement pas pu tester l'expérience pour le smartphone car j'ai eu pas mal de problèmes à règler, notamment la fin de grossesse de ma dernière fille, et ce n'est toujours pas fini, la vente de ma maison avec la préparation et plusieurs visites et lorsque j'aurais pu le faire, c'était fini.
J'aurais voulu réellement effectuer le test mais je ne l'ai pas pu.
De plus, j'ai téléchargé la photo de mon smartphone qui a été envoyé sur un site qui n'était pas 90.10. et je croyais recevoir un retour qui n'est jamais arrivé. J'ai beaucoup de mal à assimiler les modalités d'application. Je suis désolé de pouvoir vous apporter plus de renseignements sur l'expérience.
De surcroit, pour le cube 90.10. je ne sais pas si je l'utilise correctement car, contrairement à la communauté, je ne ressens rien, tout comme pour le medbed. Je n'ai absolument aucun ressenti et je me demande si cela fonctionne. Je dois être trop nul ou il y a pas mal de choses que je n'ai pas comprises.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Smartphone
23.03.2024JOEL georges LE CHANU
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
We're sorry to hear about the challenges you've been facing, including the end of your daughter's pregnancy and the sale of your house. It's understandable that amidst these circumstances, testing the smartphone experience wasn't possible. Regarding the upload of your smartphone photo, I apologize for any confusion you experienced. It's important to review the terms and conditions carefully to ensure proper understanding of the process.

Regarding the 90.10 Cube, it's not uncommon for individuals to have varying sensitivities to energy and different experiences with the technology. It's possible that you may not feel anything immediately, but this doesn't necessarily mean that it's not working. Sometimes the effects can be subtle or take time to notice. If you have any doubts or concerns about using the Cube correctly, I recommend reaching out to customer support for assistance.

Please don't feel discouraged or that you're not understanding things properly. Everyone's experience with these technologies can differ, and it's okay to seek clarification or support if needed. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I found Lucia to be extremely helpful and appreciate her quick response to my questions. Great to deal with. Highly recommend. 🙏🙂
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Support Lucia
23.03.2024Mary Crook
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
We're so glad you're happy. Thank you for letting us know! Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Nicht nur mit meinem Cube und MedBed bin ich glücklich und zufrieden, sondern auch mit meiner ganz persönlichen „Betreuerin“ Lucia.
In ihrem Kalender ist immer ein Plätzchen frei für meine Fragen und ihre Tipps sind für mich sehr hilfreich. Da ich absolut sprachentalentbefreit bin, macht es richtig Spaß mit Lucia deutsch sprechen zu können und doch zu wissen, ihre Muttersprache ist italienisch.

Durch die Astronomie ist mir das Quantenfeld schon lange ein Begriff und eines meiner Lieblingsthemen. Dass ich jetzt einen Cube in Händen halten kann – ein Traum!
DANKE, an das ganze 90.10.-TEAM und ganz besonders an OLIVER für diese geniale Erfindung, DANKE !

Margit Weiß
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Support Lucia
23.03.2024Margit Weiß
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Danke für dein Feedback, es freut uns sehr, dass dir der Support durch Lucia so gut gefallen hat. Herzlichst, dein 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Seitdem ich die Add-on Peace nutzen kann, nutze ich sie permanent in allen möglichen Situationen. Ich habe Knie- und Hüftschmerzen, hervorgerufen durch einen eingeklemmten Nerv, in vielen Situationen kann ich die Schmerzen durch die Peace-Add on eindämmen oder sogar auflösen
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Add-on - Peace
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Vielen herzlichen Dank für dein tolles Feedback! Es freut uns zu hören, dass es dir mit dem Add-on besser geht. Toll! Herzlich st dein, 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
This is an answer to my prayers! The add on for my iphone was immediately effective. Clear calm and stable energy emitted from it. Also the whole area around it was definitely brighter and calmer. I took the phone with me when going out to meetings and shopping. A very noticeable harmonizing effect overall. Over the trial period I raised the frequency gradually until up to 150,000 QEPPS. I believe this is for everyone! The simplicity of use and beautiful energy will really contribute calm and harmony to any place.
I have tried out so many different methods for emf mitigation and nothing compares to this Smartphone add on Genius! I will share with my friends and network. Thank you so much for this opportunity to trial the Genius technology. It works on many levels. It is obviously accumulative over time and I believe it will strengthen the immune system. I intend to continue to use this Genius technology and will post feedback again.
Many best wishes to 90.10 this is a breakthrough!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Smartphone
22.03.2024Rahima Sayer
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
It's wonderful to hear about the positive impact of the smartphone add-on Genius technology on your energy and environment! Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Honestly , I'm not sure this time . I know I didn't feel like connecting with Facebook, which is positive in my mind . I sense that the people on the other end of calls were receiving frequencies as well . I am spending less time on my phone . Getting to know myself better . I can tell you that the possibilities are endless and so exciting. Thank you for allowing myself to be apart of this . I am grateful 🙏🏻
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Smartphone
22.03.2024Lisa Crawford
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Spending less time on your phone and getting to know yourself better are very positive outcomes. Indeed, the possibilities with this technology seem endless and exciting. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
The 1st night was an uninterrupted whole night! It was amazing…the following days I noticed I was ultra sensitive to a lot of things, in different environments! The people in the same environment as myself experienced the same thing although they did not understand what was going.
Thanks to the team for all the hard work.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Smartphone
21.03.2024Michelle Whitford
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Thank you for sharing your experience! Warm regards, you 90.10. Team
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
How has the use of your smartphone changed over the last few days? The phone was changed by the energy coming from the phone with love.
Have you noticed an improvement in your well-being or productivity? I was more joyful and more jolly.
Did conversations feel clearer and connections more genuine? It feels more clearer and connections were amazing
Were there moments of peace and serenity that were previously unknown to you? There were moment of joy and serenity that was never there before
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Trials - Smartphone
21.03.2024Jessica Lee
90.10. AG Kommentar von 90.10. AG:
Much appreciated! Your feedback fuels our passion. Warm regards, your 90.10. Team
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