Alpha Self Academy

Coaching for female entrepreneurs, on business, mindset, energy and vibration.

Coaching for female entrepreneurs, on business, mindset, energy vibration and Law of Attraction. We have helped hundreds of women to reach their full potential and success in every aspect of their lives.


Alpha Self Academy
14 Rangeview Road
1543 Brakpan

Liesje Paulsen

Soziale Medien

4 Sterne 0
3 Sterne 0
2 Sterne 0
1 Stern 0
Gut (4,44)
Aufwand / Nutzen
Sehr Gut (5,00)

3 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

4,99 von 5
Sehr Gut
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I was in a deep dark void with this immense feeling of utter hopelessness. I did not know love and understanding from anyone for years and thus became a shell of just trying to get through another day without the dark thoughts when I found Alpha Self Owner and Founders herself Lesje. Firstly, she showed me unconditional Love and understanding as person who's life was broken and shattered, just knowing someone had me already gave me the hope I so desperately needed. When she started her intensive working with me no time day or night was to much for her she gave me full attention from. The word go which is so so rare in today's day and age. Nothing was ever to much for this precious lady. My life starting showing improvement within just ONE WEEK. Today I have a career again with her guidance, YES I WENT FROM UNEMPLOYED TO A CAREER just by applying what she took my hand with and guided me through. My personal and mental wellbeing in week two showed immense progress to the point where my confidence in myself started aligning as well and the dark thoughts started dissipating bit by bit. With her ever presence positivity and belief continuously every day I, Thanks to her are more the person I so badly wanted to be in such a short time. I am a Single Mom that got my life back, stronger bond with my Son and everything I work towards are simply falling into place and it's all with gratitude, Thanks and Love to Lesje who is my anchor, Rock and Constant.
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Alpha Self Academy
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Working with Liesje really helped me to integrate the embodiment work around being more in my feminine, feeling safe within, and aligning my energy to be more in sync with where I want to guide my business. She provided so many amazing resources to help me tune back into my own energy and helped guide me to my own answers while moving past a lot of blocks that were keeping me stuck repeating the same cycles. I love that she combined intuitive coaching along with strategy to help me apply the lessons and learnings into my 3D reality. Highly recommend working with her!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Alpha Self Academy
4,98 von 5
Sehr Gut
I enjoyed how supportive and proactive Lieje was throughout my journey - she definitely comes from a place of empathy and service.
The information and materials shared with me were relevant and helpful.
My experience with Liesje was exactly what I'd hoped for. Thank you.
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Alpha Self Academy
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