American Publisher House

Book Writing, Book Publishing and Marketing Services with Author website design.

Welcome to American Publisher House, where stories come alive and dreams take flight. For over 15 years, we've been dedicated to the art of crafting, publishing, and promoting books that inspire, entertain, and leave a lasting impact.

At American Publisher House, we understand the power of storytelling to connect hearts and minds.


American Publisher House
5931 Greenville Ave
Dallas, Texas (TX) 75206
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

American Publisher House

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10 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

4,80 von 5
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4,60 von 5
Sehr Gut
I was very lucky to find these guys. With their help I was able to get a great book which is now the best seller everywhere. After getting my book done, I could make sure to make it available for everyone and reach out to everyone which made it a great success and I am very grateful for the experience and the results. I was very impressed with the ghost writers at American Publisher House. The company was professional and courteous and I really appreciated the time they spent to understand my needs before writing the book. I would highly recommend their services! Initially and I would hate to admit this but I was struggling with my book and found out that I needed someone to write it for me. It was then that I was first introduced to the writers at their company.! Their team of ghostwriters are truly great and they deliver as promised.
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American Publisher House
4,80 von 5
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I began my journey with American Publisher House in April 2023. As a grandparent, I wanted my grandson to get some recognition for the four books he had written. The company's ghostwriters did a good job in making some changes. There have been some issues with editing and follow through. However, I'm a grammar nerd and they've allowed me to make corrections. The project seems to be moving along now, and his four books will soon be published. I worked primarily with Mr. Bill and Ms. Linda. Both have been helpful. Bill has been particularly helpful in moving the project along. It's difficult to give a rating when we haven't yet seen a return, but at this point I am trusting the people I've been working with to get this done.
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American Publisher House
4,80 von 5
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I've worked with a number of content agencies, but none have shown the same level of dedication and professionalism as American Publisher House. It was not only excellent service, but also extremely friendly staff and on-time delivery.
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American Publisher House
4,80 von 5
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Their in-depth knowledge of the industry and passion for promoting authors' work impressed me right from the start. They crafted a tailored marketing campaign, utilizing a mix of online and offline strategies, which resulted in increased book sales and exposure. If you're an author in search of a dedicated book marketing team, look no further than these marketing specialists.
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American Publisher House
4,80 von 5
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I can't express how pleased I am with American Publisher House! With the expert guidance of project manager James and the team of skilled ghostwriters, my memoir was written to perfection, capturing every detail beautifully. The collaborative effort ensured that my story was not only told but truly brought to life. If you're seeking a writing service that delivers impeccable results, American Publisher House is the way to go!!!
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American Publisher House
5,00 von 5
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I have chosen American Publisher House as the publisher of my book. This company did an excellent job for me from the beginning to the end. These include editing, book cover, posting, etc. The guys are professional, patient and kind. I am fully satisfied of their work. I highly recommend them to anyone for their book project.
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American Publisher House
4,80 von 5
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Through every step of the process of publishing my work through the suggested book source, American Publisher House has been incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. The publisher's function, the reason for the contact, the processing of the review and editing phases, the estimated timeframes for publishing, and other details were all made clear and transparent in the first communications.
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American Publisher House
4,60 von 5
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For the last few years of my life, I have been playing with the idea of writing a book. I tried to begin this project several times, but I was scared and a little bit lost. I contacted American Publisher House for an orientation, and they gave me the “push” that I needed to go for it. I have had the pleasure of working with Ethan, who helped me organize my ideas, and with his professional advice, I am on my way to finishing my book soon. During this process, I faced unexpected personal situations that caused difficulties and delays on my project, but during those moments, Ethan has been by my side, encouraging me and giving me the necessary support to stay on track. I am very pleased with the advice and support I received. I am looking forward to seeing this dream come true, as well as other projects that I have in mind.
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American Publisher House
5,00 von 5
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Creating a cover for a sci-fi mystery book that captures its humor and darker aspects requires a skilled hand. American Publisher House demonstrated their expertise by delivering a design that seamlessly blended suspense with abstract elements. I am extremely pleased with the outcome.
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American Publisher House
4,80 von 5
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I couldn't be more excited for how my biography has turned out with the help of the amazing writing team at American Publisher House. They made sure to listen patiently to my entire story and made sure not a single detail was missed. A special shoutout to Alex for being supportive throughout. I love how the marketing for my book is also coming out.
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American Publisher House
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