
Mercantil Banco is a financial institution with more than 90 years of banking.

Mercantil Banco is a financial institution with more than 90 years of banking activity in Venezuela and is a subsidiary of Mercantil Servicios Financieros.


7055 N 300th W, Huntington
Huntington, Indiana (IN) 46750
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Oscar Jhon

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3 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

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5,00 von 5
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anco Mercantil del Norte, established in 1899, is a Mexican banking and financial services company and a subsidiary of Grupo Financiero Banorte. It is one of the four largest commercial banks of Mexico and the largest domestically held bank. Banorte offers various banking products and services to individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises in Mexico and the United States. Banorte adopted the Equator Principles in 2012, the bank is profiled as part of our Tracking the Equator Principles campaign.
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Banorte was founded in 1899 in the city of Monterrey. It now operates as a financial group known as Grupo Financiero Banorte (GFNorte), offering universal banking products and services in the Mexican financial system. Banorte is currently the third-largest banking institution in Mexico measured by the size of loans and deposits.

At GF Norte we conceptualize sustainability as maximizing profitability and growth of the Institution, procuring at all times a balanced development among the financial, economic, social and environmental aspects inherent to our operation.
With more than 22 million clients and a footprint of more than 1,300 branches and more than 6,700 ATMs nationwide, GFNorte’s main business line is retail banking, and it also provides a wide array of products and services through its broker-dealer, annuities & insurance companies, retirements savings funds (Afore), mutual funds, leasing & factoring company and warehousing.

GFNorte manages more than US 114 billion in assets and Banorte is the full retail bank, among the six largest institutions, that is controlled by Mexican shareholders. Its decisions are taken locally without the influence of international headquarters. In 2006, Banorte entered into the US Hispanic market through the purchase of Inter National Bank (INB), a Texas-based bank, and two remittance companies in 2007: Uniteller and Motrin.
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We are a Swiss Private Bank with more than 30 years in the market, characterized by our discretion, convictions, and expert advice. At Mercantil we provide sustainable financial solutions to our clients’ needs by delivering best-in-class service.
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