Book Writing Genie

We provide Ghostwriting, proofreading, editing and publishing services

Book Writing Genie
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13 Bewertungen
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Book Writing Genie is a leading book writing, book publishing and book marketing service provider in USA. We have a team of professional Ghostwriters, publishers and marketers who will write, publish and market your book. We provide quality services to our clients.


Book Writing Genie
166 Geary St 15th Fl #1610 San Francisco, CA 94108
San Francisco, California (CA) 94108
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


Bewertung vom 27.10.2023  
4,60 von 5
Sehr Gut

10 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

4,60 von 5
Sehr Gut
The influence of Book Writing Genie on my book writing and publishing journey cannot be overstated. Their marketing strategies stand as paragons of excellence, propelling my book to attain bestseller status. Perhaps most impressive is their consistent delivery on promises, consistently exceeding my return on investment expectations. I wholeheartedly recommend Book Writing Genie to any author seeking professional and exceptional support in the realm of publishing.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Book Writing Genie
4,75 von 5
Sehr Gut
They helped me a lot to edit and proofread my book's chapters. Now they are going to publish my new book. They have many expectations for their hard work.
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Customer Feedbacks
4,50 von 5
Sehr Gut
Good customer support and project management team, especially Mr. Aaron McCarthy.
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Customer Feedbacks
4,50 von 5
Sehr Gut
They very friendly and easy to work with, I have never found any issue with them.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Customer Feedbacks
4,50 von 5
Sehr Gut
With utmost confidence, I declare Book Writing Genie as the unassailable leaders in their field. Having ventured into collaborations with numerous writing agencies and independent contractors, both on and off platforms like Upwork, I have diligently sought the pinnacle of quality and satisfaction. Yet, it is with Book Writing Genie that I have discovered a level of excellence unmatched elsewhere. Their writing prowess is nothing short of extraordinary. For all my writing needs, I simply cannot fathom working with anyone else, given their remarkable talents. I wholeheartedly recommend Book Writing Genie to anyone in pursuit of top-tier content. Your exceptional work and unwavering dedication to your craft are deeply valued.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Customer Feedbacks
4,25 von 5
I discovered Book Writing Genie's website online, and they were the only business that could deliver expert writing for my startup so quickly. I would recommend Book Writing Genie to anyone looking for content providers because the customer service was outstanding.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Customer Feedbacks
4,75 von 5
Sehr Gut
With a title written on the spine, my book is a 108-page workbook with comb binding. A press-ready digital copy was given to Book Writing Genie, and they exceeded my expectations. They met their deadlines and produced the work of the promised caliber. I am ecstatic beyond words.
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Customer Feedbacks
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I made the decision to try my hand at writing a short story since I have always wanted to be an author. My sister suggested that I use Book Writing Genie to assist me in finishing the ideal manuscript and having it ready for publication. They were able to make my story a compelling read, and I'm currently working to get it published.
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Customer Feedbacks
4,97 von 5
Sehr Gut
Fulfilling my dream of writing a book was a momentous achievement, but delving into the intricate realm of book marketing posed a whole new set of hurdles. I sought a team capable of not only grasping the distinct essence of my book but also formulating a meticulous marketing strategy to guarantee its triumph. It was during this quest that I chanced upon a company dedicated to the art of book marketing. Thanks Book Writing Genie.
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Customer Feedbacks
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Their deep knowledge of the industry and their unwavering zeal for promoting authors' work made an indelible impression on me right from the outset. They meticulously devised a customized marketing campaign, expertly fusing online and offline strategies. The result was a remarkable surge in book sales and heightened exposure. If you're an author in need of a committed book marketing team, these specialists are the ones to trust.
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