Dexoc - BizTalk Application Development

Custom Software Application Development and BizTalk Application Development

Dexoc is having 11+ years of experience in system design, development & implementation of EAI solutions, Client/Server applications and Windows applications development.

Having years of experience in various phases of Custom Software Development...


Dexoc - BizTalk Application Development
Times Square Arcade - 2,
Delray Beach, Florida (FL) 33484
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


4 Sterne 0
3 Sterne 0
2 Sterne 0
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Sehr Gut (5,00)
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Sehr Gut (5,00)

6 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
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5,00 von 5
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Dexoc was able to help in improving the client's software product. The team utilized the Agile methodology for the project development cycle. They are experienced, highly professional, and skilled. The team is collaborative and communicative, ensuring a smooth engagement. Customers can expect a successful partnership with Dexoc.
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Dexoc - BizTalk Application Development
5,00 von 5
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Dexoc - BizTalk application development company is a top custom software application service provider and we are working with them since year 2010.
Dexoc is very reliable software services provider and their skills for business analysis & efficient communication helps them to understand our requirement very well and quickly. They have provided us solutions for BizTalk application development, Mobile app development (iOS & Android), AWS Cloud services, Microsoft .Net Application, Maintenance & Support for all our on-going software projects. I highly recommend services of Dexoc software company.
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Dexoc - BizTalk Application Development
5,00 von 5
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If you are looking to hire BizTalk Application development expert that are going to bring your development project to fruition, it is time to get in touch with Dexoc - software development company. Dexoc is an expert of Microsoft .Net technologies along with cloud solutions. Dexoc has successfully provided BizTalk application programmers for long-term basis and it's on-going relationship with them since we have started working with this amazing team.
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Dexoc - BizTalk Application Development
5,00 von 5
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Dexoc is great partner for BizTalk Application development services. Dexoc has provided Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services which is a simple, powerful, and extensible cloud based integration service for providing Business to Business & Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) capabilities along with delivering cloud and hybrid integration solutions. Dexoc helped us over the years for providing simple, robust & powerful cloud based EAI capabilities. I highly recommend Dexoc as BizTalk Application Development partner for long-term basis.
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Dexoc - BizTalk Application Development
5,00 von 5
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Dexoc is having a good pool of experience biztalk developers. They have understand our requirement in details and provided cost and time estimation for the project which was delivered on time. During the project development they have convey lots of good ideas to improve the process which we have asked them to integrate and they did it very well. I highly recommend Dexoc for the Biztalk application development services.
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Dexoc - BizTalk Application Development
5,00 von 5
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Dexoc - custom software development & BizTalk application development company delivers results in quick time as if they were working on their own software projects. Dexoc is a leading global provider of BizTalk application development, IT consulting, and enterprise software product and custom software development services. Along with .NET programming languages for my multiple software projects they have expertise in Azure & AWS cloud consulting & DevOps consulting services
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Dexoc - BizTalk Application Development
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