
Our mission at DollyGown is to create fashionable Formal Dresses/Daily Dresses

DollyGown is a renowned specializing in the design, production, and retail of exquisite wedding dresses, prom dresses, and everyday wear dresses. With a commitment to craftsmanship, quality materials, and attention to detail, DollyGown has established itself as a trusted brand in the fashion industry.


75 Gerow Ave
10977 Spring Valley
Amerikanische Jungferninseln

Claire May


Soziale Medien

2 Sterne 0
1 Stern 0
Gut (3,50)
Preis / Leistung
Gut (4,00)

4 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

4,05 von 5
4,40 von 5
I ordered a wedding dress and petticoat from here in 2023. I used the custom sizing option to ensure it was made to measure. This isn't a UK company and having bought my bridesmaid a standard 12 from another non uk company and it was too small I wasn't taking a chance here. There was no updates unless I emailed. They did respond promptly. They never issued the tracking information until I asked. This made me nervous however it got here and was served under Royal mail 48hr tracked. Fits like a glove and the quality is amazing and the dress is stunning. There were other sites that suggested this was a scam site but that wasn't my experience and I would use them again.
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4,00 von 5
I was hesitant about ordering my event dress online. However, my experience was so great with DollyGown!The dress was great quality and it fit perfectly. reply my emails a little slow.Overall, it is good. DollyGown is the best online wedding dress retailer due to their high-quality dresses and low prices.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
2,80 von 5
NOT a US company. Dresses do not look like photos and did not fit me well. no support in the bust. Looks cheap and tacky and the stitching on the waist was poor. We ended up sourcing another dress a few days before. I certainly wouldn't recommend them.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I had bought a dress a month in advance for our wedding, and decided a WEEK before we were to be married that I was unhappy with it. My now husband told me to get something I would be happy with. After reading the reviews I was scared it would not fit properly after ordering because I am a very petite person and was hoping even the smallest size (2) would fit and with such short notice I wouldn't have time to have it altered. But it fit PERFECTLY. I am 5'2" and it was super long but I had my bridesmaids help me hold the material up when I walked because I liked the extra length on it. The cups were a little bit too big but with a padded sticky bra it fit just fine. For the price and how quickly it arrived, could not ask for better. The string that ties in the back I ended up cutting off because it was really long but I had to sinch it quite a bit to fit my waist so it may not be necessary for everyone. All in all, I loved this dress and I wish I could wear it every day.
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