
Grandomastery: Creative English learning & integrative thinking platform.

Grandomastery provides creative English learning and integrative thinking activities, promoting autonomy and non-traditional education. Its uniqueness lies in valuing daring creativity, individual opinions, and offering randomized tasks for an...


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2 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

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I am an EFL teacher, teacher trainer and manager with over 17-years' experience in the industry. I started using Grandomastery early this year in some of my higher level EFL classes and found it to be a fantastic learning tool. If you have a B2 – C1 level class, then this website is ideal, especially if you are looking for an interactive, communicative and fun learning aid, that doesn’t require much preparation. I often use it at the end of class as a filler and the students go crazy for it; it really helps to finish the lesson on a high note. However, if you have time, I recommend going through the different games/activities of which there are currently 37, as some of them lend themselves to specific grammar, functional language etc., and therefore you can use the tool to practise and review the target language from your lessons.

I’ve found that not only do the activities engage my students, but they also give them the opportunity to produce language at length on random topics and in doing so boosts their confidence and increases fluency. In addition, it helps students to be more creative and improves their analytical thinking, which some students from more traditional learning environments can struggle with. Some of the activities are great for IELTS part 2 speaking practice, allowing for delayed feedback at the end of the game. Teachers can even use the website as a needs analysis tool, which is especially useful when getting to know the strengths and weaknesses of a new class or student. In fact, for more confident teachers, it could even be used as an intro to a Dogme style lesson. Grandomastery is a highly innovative and flexible learning tool that really does help students and teachers alike. I like it so much that I have incorporated it into my classroom and online lessons on a daily basis and I strongly encourage other teachers, be it new to teaching or old hands, to do the same.

Richard Smyth
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In the quest for foreign language mastery, the prevailing goal remains to attain communicative competence, the art of effectively and accurately using a language in diverse contexts. However, the conventional approach often falls short in providing the necessary systematic foundation required for this linguistic journey. Enter Grandomastery, a revolutionary Integrative Thinking Training Platform, poised to address the gaps in contemporary language education.

Grandomastery, in stark contrast to the communicative approach, places systematic learning at its core. This platform, accessible at [], offers a dynamic ecosystem designed for educators and advanced English language learners. It thrives on the principles of creativity, resourcefulness, and integrative thinking. It promotes active engagement, inspiring learners to delve deep into language intricacies and cultural nuances.

By fostering resourceful and constructive problem-solving, Grandomastery equips learners with the essential skills needed for effective communication. It empowers individuals to become not just language users but language masters. This aligns seamlessly with the systematic approach, as it encourages learners to see language as a comprehensive system where each component connects to form a unified whole.

In a world where language proficiency extends beyond casual conversation, Grandomastery offers a systematic alternative to the communicative approach. It bridges the gap between learners and their newfound language, providing a pathway to comprehensive language proficiency, adaptability, and success in diverse contexts. The time has come to rethink language education and embrace innovative platforms like Grandomastery to embark on a systematic journey toward linguistic excellence.
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