
House Extension Architect Wirral

At House, our architects specialise in re-designing, re-configuring, and extending your house to create your forever-home that works for you, your family and your lifestyle. Our architects at House have designed over 100 house extensions for happy...


3 Village Road, West Kirby
Wirral CH48 3JN

4 Sterne 0
3 Sterne 0
2 Sterne 0
1 Stern 0

6 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
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5,00 von 5
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Catherine came with me to visit a house I was hoping to buy and extend. During the visit Catherine was very helpful in discussing possible layouts that took into account the needs of the family. She also explained about the possible planning/ building regs applications that might have to be made and explained the process that she and her staff would undertake. She also took the time to look around the rest of the property to get a feel for the place. Unfortunately I was not able to buy the property, but should I need to extend or alter the property that I eventually buy, I would not hesitate to use Catherine.
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5,00 von 5
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Very personable and professional. I wish all companies were like this!
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5,00 von 5
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Catherine offered very professional advice during her design consultation and made it really easy to explore different ideas for what we wanted from our extension. The service was great and we felt supported by Catherine throughout the whole process, we would absolutely recommend using House for anyone wanting to extend their home.
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5,00 von 5
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House came up with several designs for extending my current bathroom. The designs were really good and the advice they gave on the planning and building regulations was very thorough and helpful. Would recomend. Marianne.
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5,00 von 5
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The service is fantastic and the help Catherine provided was brilliant. I have been looking for a simple and easy to use architect service that deals with home improvements for ages. Unlike the many other architects I contacted, Catherine actually responded with a clear service description and clear pricing. The free initial consultation was super insightful. The design consultation gave us everything we needed and ended years of procrastination about the best options to solve the functional issues we have with our house. Catherine helped us narrow down what was really important, drew up a number of different options from simple solutions to grander designs and then talked us through them in detail. The benefit of engaging an architect has been immense. I have no hesitation recommending Catherine.
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5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
House are great architects! I used them for an extension over my garage to make an extra bedroom for my foster daughter. I had an objection from my neighbour but our architect was really good with the council and we got planning permission in spite of the objection. The bedroom is fab, Catherine the architect designed a walk in wardrobe for it, and a skylight which floods the room with light, it’s lovely and bright. I’ve used House since then for an outbuilding in the garden which we got through planning and I plan to also extend the garage in a few years so I’ll definitely be using them again. I would recommend them to anyone I know who wants a house extension, they have fab ideas and make everything easy. Mary xx
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