MBA Crystal Ball

MBA admissions consulting and MBA application services, career counselling

We help MBA applicants get into the top business schools often with scholarships.
The vision for MBA Crystal Ball is to create an ecosystem of services that will help many more deserving candidates get access to the opportunities that currently seem out of reach.


MBA Crystal Ball
400703 Navi Mumbai

MBA Crystal Ball

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5 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
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5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I bought the Profile Builder plan from MCB and it was really helpful for me. I'd just begun looking at MBA as a serious option a few weeks back and I really wanted a good unbiased review of my profile from someone who's been there and done that. After some simple research online, I bought their package and they delivered what they promised - a clean, unbiased profile review with suggestions on how to improve one's profile. The hour-long call was particularly helpful; the consultant was empathetic and did not force his opinions on me, but rather listened to me and unlocked a few other options that I was not very sure of initially, all in a way that doesn't put you in a dilemma but brings clarity of thought instead!

If there's someone who's just beginning to look at MBA as an option seriously, and values time and timely advice, go for the Profile Builder by MCB!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
MBA Crystal Ball
5,00 von 5
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I received prompt responses. We were able to complete INSEAD application and CJBS prep in parallel; and I got into both! Inputs brought out really good stories and I think overall quality of essays was improved drastically. Ravi, my consultant, was very systematic and open to suggestions. We made some really bold changes in our stories, which I was able to do because of his clarity of thoughts. Particularly in case of CJBS interview prep, the grilling and intensity of prep, helped me gain confidence. I was more tensed during my conversation with Ravi than the actual interview, which shows the high bar which was set to perform during the former.
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MBA Crystal Ball
5,00 von 5
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Getting into Duke Fuqua, Ross and LBS while partnering with MBA Crystal Ball was a great experience. I believe that the inputs were of a high quality. Especially with Duke's Fuqua school of business, Shantanu knew exactly what the school wanted and helped me put across my story in exactly that manner.
My mentor, Shantanu was a confidante and friend throughout the process and always provided me with honest feedback. It put me at ease, made me more confident in myself, and made it possible for me to always reach out to him with any queries without thinking twice.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
MBA Crystal Ball
5,00 von 5
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These guys are thorough professionals in MBA admissions consulting and they know their job very well. They know the process and what the schools look for, inside out and working with them really prepares one well for the admission process. I worked with with them for one school admission consulting package and then the interview package. I have got admission to PGPX for IIMA and a lot of credit goes MBA crystal ball and Vibhav Agarwal, the consultant I worked with. Be ready to answer a lot of questions, introspect and for your essay drafts to be worked and re-worked, till the best version of the essay emerges.
A warning: To get the best returns from working with these guys, ensure you give yourself enough time. They don't offer quick fix solutions, they don't write essays for you. They will give you quality inputs and facilitate the process of writing. They even shared some inputs with me beyond the application package. Truly grateful for that.
All in all, I will say that if you are serious about your MBA dream and want to strengthen your application, you will do well to work with MBA crystal ball team.
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MBA Crystal Ball
5,00 von 5
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The experience was valuable and customised to suit my needs and requirements. My consultant Shantanu paid attention to how I wanted to approach certain things and ensured that we could incorporate them in the best way possible. He had a strong hold and understanding of the entire process and went out of the way to bring clarity to me. No matter what hour of the day, Shantanu was available to help ease my anxieties. He would always give me the right guidance and be there throughout the process. Highly recommended!
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MBA Crystal Ball
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