MH Performance Consulting LLC

Helping people become a high ticket remote closer

MH Performance Consulting LLC
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37 Bewertungen
veröffentlicht (27%)
We help you to learn a high income skill - Sales - and land a closing gig that makes you 7-10/month in under 90 days.


MH Performance Consulting LLC
7901 4th ST N STE 300
St. Petersburg, Florida (FL) 33702
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Maximilian Herzfeldt

Soziale Medien

Bewertung vom 26.02.2024  
5,00 von 5
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10 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
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Das Coaching war extrem effizient und tatsächlich sehr straigt forward. Max und die coaches nehmen kein blatt vor den mund und man merkt dass ihre erfahrung aus der real world kommt. Wirklich sehr geile wie schnell ich meine erste sales position bekommen habe und bereits kommissionen neben meinem aktuellen job verdiene. Absolute Empfehlung!
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MH Performance Consulting LLC
5,00 von 5
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Vor zwei Jahren stand ich an einem entscheidenden Punkt: Ich arbeitete in der Gastronomie und trotz harter Arbeit reichte mein Einkommen kaum aus, um meine Träume zu verwirklichen. Mein größter Wunsch war es, die Welt zu bereisen, flexibel zu leben und finanziell dort zu sein, wo ich sein wollte. Doch mit herkömmlichen Remote-Jobs konnte ich mir keinen Lebensstil leisten, der mir das Reisen in vollen Zügen ermöglichte.

Dann entschied ich mich für eine bedeutende Veränderung und startete im Bereich Remote Sales. Diese Entscheidung hat mein Leben grundlegend gewandelt. Heute, zwei Jahre später, habe ich Länder wie Zypern, Osteuropa, die Schweiz und Asien bereist und verbringe meine Winter in der Wärme Asiens. Ich lebe genau so, wie ich es mir immer erträumt habe, und habe meine Kommunikationsfähigkeiten enorm verbessern können. Mein Einfluss auf meinen Freundeskreis ist gewachsen; wir treffen uns nun in den unterschiedlichsten Ländern. Meine Standards und Erwartungen an das Leben haben sich deutlich erhöht.

Die Entscheidung, im Remote Sales zu starten, war die beste meines Lebens. Sie hat es mir ermöglicht, meine Ziele – Reisen, Flexibilität und finanzielle Unabhängigkeit – zu erreichen. Letzten Monat habe ich 14.283 € verdient, ein Betrag, der zuvor unvorstellbar für mich war.

Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen, der seine Träume verwirklichen möchte, diesen Weg in Betracht zu ziehen. Es hat nicht nur mein Leben zum Positiven verändert, sondern mir auch Freiheiten und Möglichkeiten eröffnet, die ich nie für möglich gehalten hätte.
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MH Performance Consulting LLC
5,00 von 5
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Früher war ich als Fitness-Trainer bei McFit tätig, hatte lange Arbeitswege und musste mich mit anstrengenden Spät- und Frühschichten herumschlagen. Finanziell war es so knapp, dass ich jeden Cent umdrehen musste. Ich träumte davon, diesem 9 to 5 Hamsterrad zu entkommen, wusste aber nicht wie. Dank des Mentorings hat sich mein Leben komplett gewandelt. Jetzt liebe ich es, ortsunabhängig zu arbeiten, bin ständig auf Reisen und genieße ein viel besseres Lebensgefühl. Ich verdiene nun teilweise pro Monat, was ich früher im ganzen Jahr verdient habe. Das Mentoring hat mir den Weg zu dem Leben gezeigt, von dem ich immer geträumt habe, aber nicht wusste, wie ich es erreichen kann. Absolut empfehlenswert!
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MH Performance Consulting LLC
5,00 von 5
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Sehr stark, was Maximilian da mit seinem Team auf die Beine gestellt hat. Am Anfang war ich skeptisch, ob ich als schon relativ erfahrener Vertriebler hier noch etwas lernen kann, aber WOW ja, das konnte ich. Für mich eine ganz klare Empfehlung, sowohl für Anfänger, die in dem Bereich Fuß fassen als auch Fortgeschrittene, die das volle Potenzial für sich herausholen möchten.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
MH Performance Consulting LLC
5,00 von 5
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Despite already having sales experience, Max taught me how to sell. He took me from a "exchange information" perspective to selling, to a understanding the subconscious elements that make or break a sale and how to deal with them in a way that is in the best interest of the customer as well.

It's an extremely valuable skill to develop, as it will provide life long rewards (every social interaction is selling to some degree). Max provided me with a fundamental paradigm shifting approach, changing the way I do sales from the ground up. This allows me to be extremely efficient on sales call, cutting through all the bullsh*t and honing in on what actually matters.

My prospects are also grateful for this, as they feel more comfortable with me being the expert that is guiding them to a solution to their problem, hence creating a better life for them.

I came to Max because I knew it was the best way to escape the 9-6 lifestyle and start working toward the life of my dreams. I took the decision to join Max once I came back from holiday and had temporarily broken free from my 9-6 job mentality. I'm extremely glad I acted on this moment of inspiration, as two weeks into my normal job after that, and I couldn't find the clarity of mind to know how to break free of the rat race anymore. At this time I was already committed to working with Max, which pulled me forwards.

At the end of the program, Max connected me to a business owner in his network who was in need of a closer, so he could focus more on the operational aspects of the business. In the first week of working with my new business partner, we already closed the first prospect. Many more to come, thanks Max!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
MH Performance Consulting LLC
5,00 von 5
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I am a remote closer in the high ticket sales with 2 years of experience. Before the coaching with Max I felt like my progress was a bit slow and stumbling upon repetitive objections not knowing exactly why my handling wasn’t delivered in a proper way.
I worked with other coaches in the past, but I haven’t noticed so many upgrades compared to working with Max. My biggest bottle necks were in objection handling and putting more emphasis on solving the emotional blocks of the prospects. So having Max 1:1 being focused specifically on my failed calls and understanding my problems really did give me some great insights on my bottle necks.
I knew Max from a common friend, who actually recommended him as a coach. I didn’t hesitate because I knew that Max has a lot of experience as a closer and could help me with my objection handling.
The most visible results were in the fact that I saw my prospects be more emotionally involved in the call, in their decision, rather than just logical. I felt that I have more control in the call and know how to put the focus right where it should be in the discovery phase of the call.
I would honestly recommend anyone who is thinking about working with Max, don’t hesitate because this guy has an unshakable frame / mindset that will help you unblock your limits.
My plans for the future are to level up my gig, my skills and become the best version of myself as a closer.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
MH Performance Consulting LLC
5,00 von 5
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Despite already having sales experience, Max taught me how to sell. He took me from a "exchange information" perspective to selling, to a understanding the subconscious elements that make or break a sale and how to deal with them in a way that is in the best interest of the customer as well.

It's an extremely valuable skill to develop, as it will provide life long rewards (every social interaction is selling to some degree). Max provided me with a fundamental paradigm shifting approach, changing the way I do sales from the ground up. This allows me to be extremely efficient on sales call, cutting through all the bullsh*t and honing in on what actually matters.

My prospects are also grateful for this, as they feel more comfortable with me being the expert that is guiding them to a solution to their problem, hence creating a better life for them.
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MH Performance Consulting LLC
5,00 von 5
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My experience working with Max was transformative. When I first joined, my sales process was basically me getting "lucky" occasionally.

I seriously lacked skills. The first thing Max helped me do was to enable and inspire me to get more call volumes. Once that was set, he helped me define a proper sales questions and helped me understand nuances of the questions I should be asking in the calls and helped me establish a solid frame with my prospects.

Another thing I lacked massively on was that I had been a people pleaser. That would mean I'd end up signing weird contracts with near-impossible fulfillment. And yet that wouldn't make a significant difference in my closing rates.

As I went through more and more calls, Max would provide me feedback after each call, and I'd learn and make a different mistake the next time; which I believe is part of learning.

What stood out to me was the consistency in the feedback and that he called me out on my blindspots when it was needed. He had been patient in his coaching and never shied away from putting in extra to help me get the right guidance when I needed it.

Investing my time and energy with him was by far the best investment in my business I made this year.

I now can find the right clients, that I would want to work with, without having to make some odd promises just to get them to sign the contract. And that had been possible through this coaching, so I'm very grateful.
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MH Performance Consulting LLC
5,00 von 5
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I'm new in this sales Business. Max did a really great Job! After 4 Weeks in this Training i could improve my results more dann 30% Which bringing me more dann 5000$ more each month. RECOMENDATION!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
MH Performance Consulting LLC
5,00 von 5
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I’m really happy to have brought the sales Navy Boot Camp because it helped me a lot to improve and refresh my knowledge in sales. Max did his job great. In the shortest time here gave me The most necessary know how. Thanks Max great job
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MH Performance Consulting LLC
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