Morpher Helmet

Morpher Helmet Technologies pioneers safety innovation with revolutionary foldab

Morpher Helmet
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At Morpher Helmet Technologies, we're redefining safety by seamlessly merging portability and top-notch protection, offering a groundbreaking solution for safety-conscious individuals.


Morpher Helmet
30 City Road, London, Greater London England, EC1Y 2AB
Greater London EC1Y 2AB

Morpher Helmet

Bewertung vom 06.01.2024  
5,00 von 5
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9 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
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Adult Folding Cycling Helmet. metropolitan helmet for both sexes. helmet for commuters. roller skates, bikes, scooters, and skateboards can all use an adjustable helmet.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Morpher Helmet
5,00 von 5
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Experience smart design and unparalleled protection with the Folding Helmet Advantage. Our innovative folding helmet redefines safety and convenience, providing a sleek and compact solution for cyclists. Embrace the future of helmet technology, where portability meets uncompromising protection.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Morpher Helmet
5,00 von 5
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A really useful helmet that folds easily for storage in your backpack. It could fold a bit flatter but then you would compromise on the cushioning of the helmet. Overall a good compromise between safety and the fact that it is fast and easy to fold flat.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Morpher Helmet
5,00 von 5
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I ride a Brompton folding bike and I’m an Apple fanboy - as such I am used to eye watering prices prices for accessories. This doesn’t disappoint - the price would ellicit a tear from a rock.
The first thing that struck me was the box it comes in; it’s slightly bigger than A4 size, 8cm thick brown cardboard - every expense has been spared. I’m seeing a trend here: the more expensive the item the less flashy the box tends to be - recent Spurbell, Monkii clips and Brompton toolkit were also in unpretentious brown cardboard. But that’s fine; it’s going in the recycle bin. Did I mention it’s 8cm thick?
The helmet itself comes with a micro fibre type storage bag and is indeed flat- looks like a deflated rugby ball. There is no wasted space. The only way to get a helmet more compact than this would be to run over it with a truck. Opening it is easy, it’s held flat with magnets. It does have to be clicked together to use and there are two yellow plastic clips on either side which click into one of the side sections on either side of the helmet. They seem durable enough but are slightly fiddly until you get used to them.
However, folding it is extremely simple - you just depress the latches on the aforementioned side sections and press the helmet together. Awesome!
The helmet’s natural state is flat so when not on your head it does tend to fold itself towards its flattened state. There is ventilation but it’s not a racing helmet and not that different from most commuting type helmets in that regard. I bought black which on reflection is not the best idea for sunny days but I’m in Scotland so it’s a pretty moot point.
In conclusion, this appears to be the most compact of the current slew of folding helmets and I can’t see the current technology coming up with anything smaller.
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Morpher Helmet
5,00 von 5
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As a keen cyclist, I sometimes find myself on a trip in a foreign country. Traditionally, I would hire a bike without a helmet sometimes. During a recent trip, somebody opened their car door at the wrong time. I bought this helmet in response.
This allows me to use my own helmet with me, giving me the safety of cycling with a helmet, without wearing a helmet I do not know who else has worn.
The helmet is well designed, and becomes a sturdy head protection when assembled, yet folds fairly flat at other times.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Morpher Helmet
5,00 von 5
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This helmet design is a work of genius. It is so easy to open, close and fit. It fits my pin head perfectly and I got it right in the first minutes after delivery. I ordered this last night and am now in awe of it. I have an electric longboard and always struggle to take my helmet when travelling abroad but don’t leave the house without it at home so now this helmet will fit easily into any bag including my board bag. Awesome design all round especially the strap clasp which you can fadten and unfasten with one hand.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Morpher Helmet
5,00 von 5
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The helmet is compact when flat and fits nicely into my rucksack as I commute on the train. It takes a few moments to open up and click the yellow catches in and sometimes can be a bit fiddly. Once clicked into place the helmet is good to go. The quick release chin strap is great and clever. I now wish I had gone for a brighter colour than black! Way better than not wearing a helmet as I cycle around London on a Boris Bike.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Morpher Helmet
5,00 von 5
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This is a beautiful light weight and compact design. It was sold for a reasonable price. The seller dispatched the item very quickly. Fully satisfied.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Morpher Helmet
5,00 von 5
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It’s a brilliant bit of kit. Folds nicely and when folded it, fits nicely into an average size bag protected in a bag. I’m sure it doesn’t fit every size head but it fits mine perfectly (and it’s big). My only reservations are the 4 catches are fiddly, don’t lock precisely and appear to be made of fairly soft plastic-I’m slightly concerned for their longevity. However I was so pleased with mine, I bought one for my daughter.
It’s the perfect partner for commuting when being able to fold a helmet on the bus or train and put it in a bag is very helpful. Could we have more colours in stock please?
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Morpher Helmet
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