Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching

Sex Coaching for Men

Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
4,74 von 5
Sehr Gut
16 Bewertungen
Multi•O•Coaching is a coaching and educational service that offers video resources, workshops and personal coaching packages to men interested in exploring their sexuality and orgasmic potential. Special focus is set on extended orgasms as a way...


Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
Bossestr. 7
10245 Berlin

Moshe Weizman


Soziale Medien

100% Empfehlungen
3 Sterne 0
2 Sterne 0
1 Stern 0
Sehr Gut (4,87)
Aufwand / Nutzen
Gut (4,44)


5,00 von 5
4 Bewertungen


5,00 von 5
4 Bewertungen

Persönliches Auftreten

5,00 von 5
4 Bewertungen

16 Bewertungen auf

4,74 von 5
Sehr Gut
4,20 von 5
Das Coaching hat mir sehr geholfen, mich einem sensiblen und sehr persönlichem Thema offen und unter erfahrener Anleitung zu nähern. Der Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten in der Gruppe, wie auch die privaten Sessions mit Moshe haben mir neue Betrachtungsweisen ermöglicht und etwas sehr positives bewirkt. Eine klare Empfehlung für jeden, der neugierig, offen und entwicklungswillig ist - mit Moshes Hilfe hat man einen starken Partner an seiner Seite!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching Kommentar von Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching:
Vielen Dank für dein tolles Feedback! Es freut mich riesig, dass dir das Coaching geholfen hat, dich einem persönlichen Thema zu öffnen, und dass der Austausch in der Gruppe sowie unsere privaten Sessions dir neue Blickwinkel ermöglicht haben. Ich glaube, du bist wirklich auf einem guten Weg!
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Moshe is extremely personable, compassionate, and devoted to helping men achieve new levels of sexual awareness.

He will encourage you to find your own path towards becoming a multi-orgasmic man. His vast experience can provide you with a structure that allows you to slingshot into a topic that is largely unknown and complex to beginners.

With his help, I was able to develop my sexual energy and evolve my sexual experiences within weeks.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching Kommentar von Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching:

Thank you so much for this feedback. I'm thrilled to read about your positive experience and progress. Your dedication to growth is inspiring. Keep on the good work!
4,12 von 5
> opening to shelf awareness
> speak openly about sex
> Learn more about your self
> See that you are not alone with your struggles
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching Kommentar von Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching:
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience! I'm glad the course helped you open up, speak openly about sex, learn more about yourself, and know that you're not alone in your struggles. My door is always open if you need any more assistance.
4,80 von 5
Sehr Gut
What gives me a lot of confidence in Moshe is that he is walking this path himself, and he speaks from depth of experience - this is what gives him the ability to guide others on this path. He is careful to not be too prescriptive, but to recommend people to explore this domain themselves. I think this is really brilliant. He has an easy and caring manner, which makes me feel valued, and I will continue to work with him going forward.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Moshe’s coaching strikes the balance between a careful build-up of topics and a continuous integration of the topics into something bigger than the sum of its parts. Being able to sense that bigger picture was very fulfilling to me and makes this coaching stand out compared to other learning experiences I had in the past.

I found the course rhythm to be pretty effective, having both a one-to-one relationship with Moshe as well as the opportunity to exchange in the group, keeping things light and motivating while allowing me to make progress on personal topics.

I didn’t know any of the materials in this course before and, as a beginner, felt always supported and super welcome as I went from session to session. If I had to start all over again, I would again choose this course. Glad I found it the first time already!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
It was a wonderful journey and I enjoyed our time together. my experience was a deepening of personal growth
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
4,90 von 5
Sehr Gut
Moshe changed my relationship to sex. Since working with him, I have learned to harness my breath and my focus to allow myself to access more meditative or slow states, bringing my sexual satisfaction to higher levels than I experienced previously. It took time, but I feel so much more clearly the act of moving energy to other parts of my body, and it is truly beautiful and fulfilling.

I feel that now I have more agency in my path towards orgasm. I also have developed new ways to read my partners' needs and body language. We move towards orgasm with new paths, sometimes not needing the climax at all, because the arc of the play together is so satisfying.

I am very grateful for all I have learned, and am excited to see how continuing to develop my sexual literacy within myself continues to improve my experience in sexual spaces, both alone and with partners.

Thank you Moshe! Highly recommend!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Moshe helped me better connect with my body and with my partner. Even though we spoke less than once a month, he always remembered exactly what we talked about last time which gave me great continuity
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Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Very professionally delivered course
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Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
4,70 von 5
Sehr Gut
Moshe has been an immensely helpful coach.

I feel so much more confident and at home in my sexuality.

After each session, there was always a clear take away and enough time between to allow me to explore and integrate whatever element we had uncovered together.

Moshe was especially supportive in this phase of my journey. He has certainly brought about a great shift – not only in the level of my sensitivity to my sexual energy – but in my mindset and general approach to sex and orgasms.

For this shift, I can not be more thankful!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I enjoyed working with Moshe. He is very compassionate and understanding, and as a coach he provide both guitars insight into becoming multi- orgasmic. He is truly an amazing human.
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Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
He knows to guide you on your personal Road to yourself . Excellent teaching skills combined with empathy.
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Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
The Work I did with Moshe helped me a lot and although it's now four years back I still profit from the things I learned with him.
Still feel thankful for what you showed me Moshe!
If I would still live in Berlin I would gladly come regularly to you.
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Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
As a workshop leader, I found Moshe extremely knowledgable, passionate, open and empathetic. He is inspiring and leads by example. I believe he is a trail blazing pioneer doing vital work.
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Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
02.10.2022M. K. Anchorage, A.
4,46 von 5
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Moshe Weizman - Multi•O•Coaching
3,60 von 5
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