Natural Clinic


Natural Clinic
10 Bewertungen i
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61 Bewertungen
veröffentlicht (16%)
Natural Clinic, located in Istanbul, is the pioneer health provider through Hair Transplant, Plastic Surgery, and Dental Treatment operations by accompanying more than 500 multilingual employees including medical professionals, private health...


Natural Clinic
atakoy 7-8-9-10 kısım mah yan yol cad. no 8/2A
34158 İstanbul

Natural Clinic

Bewertung vom 16.03.2020  
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut

10 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I underwent a hair transplant some years ago in Prague (Czech Republic), so I can compare. All advantages on side of the Natural Hair Turkey and those general are twice more grafts and half price. An excellent care and service in addition
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Natural Clinic
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
top advice. top team. top operation. top result. I am very pleased! I can warmly recommend!
greetings from Dubai and thank you for everything!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Natural Clinic
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
perfekte Ärzte und Krankenschwestern.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen
Dank natural hair turkey
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Natural Clinic
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Great results for hair transplant on scars
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Natural Clinic
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
La clinique est au sommet. Je l'ai recommandé à plusieurs amis et nous sommes tous satisfaits. L'accueil est top et l'intervention s'est très bien passée.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Natural Clinic
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Amazing experience with Dr Royal. I felt comfortable telling him what are my concern for my skin or face conditions and Dr Royal will examine and then explain in detail what he planned to do and how it is going to help me. He is patient and honest and his entire team always make sure that i felt comfortable during the entire procedure. Without hesitation, i highly recommend him.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Natural Clinic
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I did not expect the high-quality standards at Natural Hair Turkey, the experience was awesome, they have arranged my trip I was treated like a VIP person, I was with my son 12 years old they have also take care about him, I was surprised that whatever I asked for an extra journey to other places they were arranging with pleasure.
The price is too reasonable with the package provided, I recommend this clinic to anyone who wants to do hair transplant as professional treatment, I wanted to do the hair transplant in the USA or UK but I was shocked the price of operation was ten times more.
This clinic provides a guarantee letter if the results are not satisfied they redo the hair transplant on them cost.
I want to give my special thanks to Ms. Houriya for her efforts in arranging everything and I would like to thank the medical crews for the care they have given to me.
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Natural Clinic
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Das hat meinen Traum wahr gemacht
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Natural Clinic
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Great experience
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Natural Clinic
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Great experience and good staff to deal with. No pain at all during operation
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Natural Clinic
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