Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS

Best Rhinoplasty in Istanbul, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
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Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS

World Renowned European Board Certified Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon with 15 years of global and national experience....


Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
Tesvikiye Mah. Hakkı Yeten Caddesi No:11 D:97 Sisli
34365 Istanbul

Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS

Bewertung vom 13.12.2021  
4,00 von 5

10 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

4,00 von 5
Ich habe meine Nase bei Dr. Süleyman Tas in Istanbul machen lassen. Ich komme aus Deutschland und habe mich bei den Ärtzen nicht wohl gefühlt. Dr. Süleyman Tas erzielte immer sehr natürliche Ergebnisse nach seinen Nasen-OPs weswegen ich mich für Ihn entschied. Er ist auf meine Wünsche eingegangen und ich bin sehr froh, diesen Schritt gewagt zu haben. Nach 2 Monaten Post-Op sieht meine Nase schon sehr schön aus und ich kann auch gut atmen. Auch das Personal war sehr nett und zuvor kommend. Danke nochmals!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Dr Tas is an incredible surgeon. The hype around him is well founded. He took me on for my third rhinoplasty, after I was damaged from previous surgeries, and has delivered a near impossible result.

What started as me trying to fix a small issue with breathing and the outside appearance turned into a horrible situation where both the primary and revision surgery made it worse. I turned to Dr Tas, feeling British surgeons had failed me, and he has delivered what I began to think was impossible.

The way he examined my nose was far more professional and knowledgable than any previous doctor I’d met. He pointed out issues I wasn’t even aware of, and had been missed by previous surgeons. He was able to show me these things, and develop a plan for the surgery.

10 days later and the cast came off, revealing a brilliant result. While it is early in the recovery process, his other work leads me to believe that this result will hold very well, and long into the future.

Thank you so much.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Dr. Tas and his team are amazing. I had my surgery one year ago and I am very pleased with the result. Dr. Tas really knows his craft. The rhinoplasty itself but also all the help and information provided by the assistance was very professional and friendly and I felt comfortable the whole time.
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Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I have travelled from Iraq to have my nose job done by doctor Tas. I was thinking to have this operation for a long time. Finally I have found doctor Tas. Today I got my cast removed. And I got a perfect nose, a nose of my dreams which perfectly suits my facial features. My breathing is also better than before. Thank you doctor Tas and his beautiful staff. I strongly recommend Dr.Tas to anyone who wants to make their nose dream to come true.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I had a great experience with Dr Suleyman Tas and his staff, all of them were supportive, understanding, and helpful, and friendly since day one. I am very satisfied with everything. I would highly recommend Dr Tas for everyone who wants to get a rhinoplasty as he is very professional and expert in what he does!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I was looking forward for my nose job during years and could not find the doctor will suit me in my country and abroad as well and accidentally I found on Instagram Dr. Suleyman Tas and I read and review a lot about the doctor, so I understand I have to fly to Istanbul. After consultation with him I decide to do my surgery next day. So now I am with my new nose, I can say that healing process was painless, staff very friendly and at the day of my cast removal I was so excited with my new nose, as I was born with it, looks so natural, suits to my face, I sincerely recommend DrSuleyman Tas as the best of the best not only in Turkey, I can say all over the world.
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Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Ik had een hele fijne ervaring bij dr. Suleyman Tas en zijn zijn team. Ik kon altijd terecht met mijn vragen en veel dingen kunnen ook door het team geregeld worden zoals de transfer. De arts is heel kundig en luistert goed naar je. Na uitgebreid lichamelijk onderzoek maakt hij ook simulatie foto wat mij veel informatie gaf. Na de operatie wordt je ook voor een dag opgenomen wat zeer fijn was. Ik raad deze arts aan.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I’ve had a really good experience with Dr. Tas, he addressed all of my concerns and issues, the staff at the clinic is so helpful and supportive, I’d recommend Dr. TAS to everyone!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I’m very happy with my experience with dr Süleyman TAS and his team, I’ve had rhinoplasty consultations with other doctors in the past but none used the same technique as Dr Tas. I’m now day 10 after my op and couldn’t be happier with the result. All staff working for him have been amazing throughout my trip
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I love my nose! I traveled from the U.S for a rhinoplasty with Dr. Süleyman and I am NOT disappointed . I strongly recommend him. His team is also very professional, dedicated and gentle which is important in the process . I’m happy
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Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS
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