RaajCCTV is a professional cctv and intruder alarms installer.

We have over 20 years industry experience. We serve mainly the commercial and industrial customers. We offer premium products at a great price and exceptional service.


The Orchard,
Sunderland street, West Yorkshire, 
Bradford Bd215le

Mahinder Bhaker


Soziale Medien

4 Sterne 0
3 Sterne 0
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Sehr Gut (5,00)
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Sehr Gut (5,00)

1 Bewertung auf ProvenExpert.com
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I had been let down by a security company in Keighley who i’d used several times before.

I approached two different companies with regards to a new system at my new build house which was due for completion October 2021.

Raaj came back to request a visit to see me to discuss requirements etc. We sat down with the architects plans of my house to work out location/coverage of cameras and what sort of system I wanted.

We agreed on Dahua system with 8 grey cameras, 5 mega pixels and with full colour view at night.

During the build process Raaj liaised with my developer and run all the cables within the wall cavities back to the agreed location of the XVR, I was very insistent that absolutely no cables are to be on show either externally on the brickwork or anywhere internally, happy to say this was achieved.

I specially asked that the system is viewable on a TV within the house and access to cameras also being available on several IOS devices. He’s set up notifications which display a short clip showing any activity whilst on my property, if more video playback is needed i can remotely playback the video I require via the IOS device by easily choosing a date/time.

I am very happy with the finished system, so much so that I recommended Raaj to my mother in law who had Dahua TIOC system installed and just yesterday recommended Raaj to my father to have some work done on his alarm system too.

It’s not often I recommended trades people to others but I wouldn’t hesitate to pass Raaj’s phone number to others.

I won’t be using anyone else for the servicing of my security systems, whether it be the CCTV system or the house alarm.

In short…

If you want a cheap as chips eBay/Amazon special then Raaj isn’t your man as he only deals in good quality brands!

If you want a quality system, with quality cameras and a professional service at a reasonable price then you don’t want to be going elsewhere.

I’m a firm believer in that you get what you pay for!
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