Businesses worldwide are considering becoming carbon neutral, hence; they have a long way to go: balancing all the energy consumption, recycling waster, sourcing eco-friendly materials for the products; it takes a whole lot of commitment to make... it happen. The best part is that you can start small. Every single step you take towards eliminating your carbon footprints is a good step.
One business-savvy place for you to get started is by assessing as well as reducing your energy consumption. Utility bills are on the rise worldwide. So everything you do to consume less energy helps both your budget and the environment.
LED Lighting
Making your entire business switch to LED lighting will help save a considerable amount of energy yearly. The fundamental costs may mount up but they will certainly payback in the form of energy being saved in the first two years so that for the rest of the anticipated 10 years lifetime of an average LED bulb you are saving a lot of money hand over fist! Do look for any incentives that are being offered, either by the electricity providers or government. There may be some rebate schemes that support small or large businesses that commit to dropping their energy consumption.
LED Signs
The energy consumed by signage could vary immensely. If you have a small neon sign outside of a mart, switching to an LED sign perhaps not save more than a few pennies only in the energy being consumed. However, if your business makes use of multiple lightboxes, sourcing LED lightboxes and signs to replace the old ones will certainly make a big difference. Do take into account the EXIT signs too. These can be easily replaced with LED signs. Check out this website to learn more.
Switch Off
Some of the very simple yet effective energy saving practices do not cost you anything. Ensure the lights are turned off while not in use. Switch off all office equipment after the business hours. Make use of natural light whenever and wherever possible. Switch off lights during the daytime. There are several small measures you can take to save small amounts of energy; which adds up larger savings over the period of time.
Upgrades Help Save More
Most of the businesses have their own specific energy guzzlers lurking; it perhaps is an old machine that is still functional but happens to be less efficient than how it used to be when bought new. Make a note to service appliances and machinery regularly, so that they are not overheating or straining, replace older units with the energy-efficient ones as soon as you have the budget available.
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