The Lakes Orthotics

Private Orthotic Clinic in Retford, Nottinghamshire

The Lakes Orthotics
10 Bewertungen i
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12 Bewertungen
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We are a specialist Orthotic clinic based in a picturesque village in Retford and provide clinical gait analysis, custom made insoles, knee braces, ankle supports, back supports, paediatric orthopaedic footwear, compression stockings and other...


The Lakes Orthotics
Wrights Barn,
57 Town Street, Lound, 
Retford DN22 8RT

Jo Lucas

Bewertung vom 21.11.2018  
5,00 von 5
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10 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
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Helpful and informative regarding foot splints and Lycra hand to elbow hand gloves. Measured and ready in three weeks. Along with the foot splints. Although expensive well worth it. As designed to fit the child's needs perfectly. To be checked in 6 months. I would recommend The Lakes service , first class. For consultation quality and service. Far superior than the usual route.
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The Lakes Orthotics
5,00 von 5
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It’s a bit too early to say how much of an impact the orthotics have had on my knee issue, but they are super-comfy.
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The Lakes Orthotics
5,00 von 5
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After years of NHS induced agony, Jo's correct diagnosis and treatment now means that my feet are virtually pain free. As a bonus, I also have less trouble with my knees, and I walk upright, reducing my back ache.
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The Lakes Orthotics
The Lakes Orthotics Kommentar von The Lakes Orthotics:
Thanks for taking time to leave a review Dave. I'm really pleased that you are almost pain free and you are getting on well with your orthotics.
5,00 von 5
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Would thoroughly recommend The Lakes Orthotics. Highly knowledgeable and great to work with. Awesome product extremely well made. Many thanks for keeping me playing ice hockey!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
The Lakes Orthotics
4,86 von 5
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I was impressed with the speed at which I was able to be seen, also Jo had complete knowledge & understanding of my problem with a quick diagnosis. Jo was thorough in her examination & gave complete professional care & attention to my needs. My insoles & splint were made & arrived on time, Jo fitted them & explained everything I needed to know, encouraged questions & left me with contact details if I had any queries or problems at any time. Thanks Jo.
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The Lakes Orthotics
The Lakes Orthotics Kommentar von The Lakes Orthotics:
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review Beverley and I’m so pleased you are happy with the service you received. Jo.
5,00 von 5
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I have used The Lakes Orthotics after my child was referred to an orthotic by a paediatrition but the nhs waiting list was very long. Jo has been knowledgeable, patient (my child is only 2), caring and understanding. I will continue to use The Lakes Orthotics for follow up and further treatment.
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The Lakes Orthotics
5,00 von 5
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Excellent service from Jo. She is very knowledgeable and already we are seeing an improvement. Thank you!
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The Lakes Orthotics
The Lakes Orthotics Kommentar von The Lakes Orthotics:
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review Caroline. I'm really pleased that the insoles are helping already.
5,00 von 5
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My experience at lakes Orthotics was excellent. Joanne is a true professional who really does know her stuff. My new orthotics are fantastic i have been wearing them a number of months now and i can really see the benefits. I have no hesitation in recommending lakes orthotics.
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The Lakes Orthotics
The Lakes Orthotics Kommentar von The Lakes Orthotics:
Thanks for leaving a review Damian, I'm so pleased you are happy with the service you received, and that your orthotics are doing their job!
5,00 von 5
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Very quick and easy to get an appointment, Jo was very welcoming and professional, she was very thorough with the examination and was keen to make a difference for me, I got the impression it was more than just a job to Jo, she is passionate about what she does and the difference it makes to people like me. The insoles and knee brace have provided me with stability and also quite a lot of relief from the pain I was in.
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The Lakes Orthotics
The Lakes Orthotics Kommentar von The Lakes Orthotics:
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review Anna, and pleased you were satisfied with the service you received. Good to hear your orthotic devices are helping too.
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
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The Lakes Orthotics
The Lakes Orthotics Kommentar von The Lakes Orthotics:
Thanks so much Jen for taking the time to review!
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