The first module (Law & Taxes) of the Bachelor Prof. of Business has been completed and I am thrilled. The homepage definitely does not promise too little. The part-time option fits in wonderfully with your professional/private life. The learning phases are in your own hands and you should definitely schedule them regularly for the demanding material at a high level.
Short repetitions or questions in the round at the beginning of the next class facilitate the renewed entry into the material. Even with wrong answers the lecturer Peter Schlecht deals absolutely empathetic. He always emphasized that we are in learning mode and that it is precisely from mistakes that we learn. He is noticeably aware of the complexity of the material, which puts learning on a very comfortable footing.
During class, he integrates exam-level practice exercises. This not only trains the understanding of the material, but also the handling of the tasks as they may occur in the exam. In addition, he gives tips on how to deal with the questions in the exam. In addition, he sets a time limit for the tasks, so that you also get a feeling for the time pressure in the exam. Afterwards, they are discussed directly, questions are still answered or he explains individual things again. Questions are definitely desired and allowed. He actively asks if everyone has understood or if he can still help someone. If there are still questions in the own learning phases, there is the possibility to ask them in the Facebook group. Answers are given there promptly and further inquiries are also addressed there.
Since I have already completed different courses with various providers, I claim after my previous experiences with GrandEdu GmbH and my first instructor Peter Schlecht there that this education provider definitely stands out from others. So far, I can only recommend GrandEdu GmbH and the lecturer Peter Schlecht in the field of law and taxes. It can go on like this. I am excited about the other modules and look forward to new input.
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