Moderne Paartherapie

Daniela Bernhardt: Couples therapist & communication trainer in Berlin

Moderne Paartherapie
49 Reviews i
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out of 50 reviews
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Plain speaking, combined with humor, empathy and expertise - that is my personal style in couples therapy, which my clients appreciate about me.

Life is too short for a bad relationship
"Most people live in the prisons of their habits." Getting...

Contact information

Moderne Paartherapie
Kranzallee 6
14055 Berlin

Contact person
Daniela Bernhardt

Review from 02/06/2021  
4.75 out of 5
Top competencies

Specialized knowledge

5.00 out of 5
7 Reviews


5.00 out of 5
7 Reviews


4.71 out of 5
7 Reviews

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4.75 out of 5
Proper consultations...
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
5.00 out of 5
Mrs. Bernhardt has found a top support for her practice! We say thank you to Mrs. Karehnke! We now solve disputes differently, or rather, it simply happens less often: ) and our everyday family life has become much more relaxed. We came desperate and closed and left with open hearts for each other and our future. Thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
5.00 out of 5
Hello dear Mrs. Bernhardt,

perhaps you can still remember me. I was in your practice at the beginning of the year. My boyfriend and I had problems for a long time until it escalated completely.
My parents encouraged me to make an appointment with you.
This even worked very quickly.

I just wanted to thank you again for taking so much time for us. I have taken a lot for me and my relationship from this conversation. Since then, things have only been going uphill for us! Our life has changed completely, we can finally laugh and talk to each other again without having negative thoughts or getting scared. My whole way of thinking and everything else that was negative with us is gone. We have the conversation with you to thank for that!
I just wanted to give you a positive feedback with my EMail and say thank you!
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
I'm glad! Keep it up! Modern Couples Therapy says thank you for the wonderful feedback! Best regards, Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
That day with you was a turning point in my life or in our life. You were great because you let US decide what we really want. Your inputs/impulses helped us to lead our relationship in another dimension and to see a chance that we can manage to continue to have a fulfilling relationship despite all mutual hurts and resignation.
I am unspeakably grateful that my husband and I understood this opportunity. Mrs. Bernhardt, 1000 thanks for leading us on a new and exciting path in our partnership, it was a gift!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
That's great! I am happy for both of you! And Modern Couples Therapy says thank you for the review, of course!
Best regards
Yours Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
Dear Mrs. Bernhardt, you advised my wife and me two years ago and gave the starting signal for a new life. I would like to take this opportunity to simply say THANK YOU!
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
5.00 out of 5
Without Mrs. Bernhardt, we - as a couple - would no longer exist! And since we have learned from our mistakes, we now go to her "prophylactically" at regular intervals. And she helps us again and again! Whether it is the small things of everyday life or even bigger decisions - because the penguin in the Sahara, should not wonder too long how he got there, but how to get away as soon as possible! We have and will continue to recommend Mrs. Bernhardt again and again!
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Hihi, very dear greetings to the penguin! Good that he is no longer in the desert ;-)
Modern Couples Therapy says thank you very much for the humorous review and the recommendations!
Best regards
Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
Thank you so much for your support in changing our perspective! We feel very encouraged to take the relationship into our hands again and make it beautiful.
Through the conversations with you we realized that we can work on many places to save our love!
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
I am glad!
Modern Couples Therapy says thank you for the review!
Best regards
Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
I was already in my 2nd relationship for couples therapy with Mrs. Bernhardt and I am sure that my ex-partner and I still have a good relationship today. My partner and I are still together and if in the course of an argument we come up with the words "always, never, everything, only" we have to think of Ms. Bernhardt and laugh and the argument is over :) But Mrs. Bernhardt has not only helped me constructively in my partner relationship, but also in my relationship with myself. However she managed to plant this one seed in my head, I am infinitely grateful to her for it, because it has initiated a great and positive life change! Precisely because she gets to the heart of things, addressing the very things you don't want to hear, but you know she's right. Her refreshing manner, logical explanations and the right amount of challenge & encouragement are characteristics why I will always recommend her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and I am glad I found you at the right time!
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
I am very happy about your evaluation and especially your personal success! Modern Couples Therapy says thank you! Working with people who are really ready to take the responsibility and do something for their relationship is always a lot of fun for me!
Best regards, Yours Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
Agonizing uncertainty turned into purifying clarity,
hopelessness turned into boundless optimism,
seemingly unbearable (heart) pain became the lightness of being,
depression chased away forever by a wonderful realization and the inner certainty,
that only those who firmly believe in the fulfillment of their dreams will ultimately be on the guest list at the "Fulfillment Party".
With both feet securely back on the ground,
filled with joyful curiosity about the "miracles" brought about by one's own change alone,
with a glowing heart in a broad chest, a wonderful, visionary future firmly in sight,
I bow deeply to a true master of your guild and thank you from the bottom of my heart Mrs. Bernhardt, for your great work with my personal rating "you work very close to the pervection"!
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
05/30/2016un loco p.
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Oh WOW! What a great review! Modern Couples Therapy says thank you so much for this! Not many people are willing to do such a big turnaround and tackle the problems head on. Kudos to you for your courage and initiative! I know you will make your way and wish you continued good luck and energy!
Best regards, Yours Daniela Bernhardt
4.88 out of 5
Thank you for the very good advice. Mrs. Bernhardt brings the situation to the point, then there are clever questions that can lead to new answers and new behavior. Simply great ! Because above all it goes fast. And she showed us where we stood in our own way.
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
05/13/2016Wolfram M.
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
I am glad!
Modern Couples Therapy says thank you for the review!
Best regards
Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
We have dared the new beginning!
Dear Mrs. Bernhardt,
A week ago we visited you. We went into the meeting with mixed feelings and after joint and individual counseling we went home full of anticipation for our new life. We lived the first seven days in our new life very intensively. Your "tools" and homework helped us a lot.
Thank you very much!
Dietmar & Anke
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Oh that's beautiful! Keep it up!
Modern Couples Therapy joyfully says thank you for this review!
Best regards
Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
I found Ms. Bernhardt's humorous manner combined with vivid examples and competent explanations very beneficial and helpful.
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Modern Couples Therapy says thank you for this review.
Best regards, Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
With Mrs. Bernhardt I experienced a first-class consultation.... The assessment of my problem was perfect and the corresponding recommendations to defuse my private situation were very helpful. Desperate, I came to the consultation and left happy and full of energy after a very long consultation. Highly recommended at any time. Ms. Bernhardt, once again, thank you very much.
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
With so much commitment (7 hours journey!), motivation and wide awake mind despite great need makes my work doubly enjoyable.
I wish you much success and wonderful experiences in the implementation!
Modern Couples Therapy says thank you for this review.
Best regards
Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
What can I say? An hour and a half of equally pleasant and intensive conversation - and then: Exactly the one, right question. THANK YOU!
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Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
08/17/2015J. M.
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Now I would like to know what the question was :-)
But Modern Couples Therapy says thank you of course for this review!
Best regards
Daniela Bernhardt
4.88 out of 5
Moderne Paartherapie bietet sehr individuelle Ansätze und einen wirklich anderen Blickwinkel auf die Sachlage und kompetente Lösungsansätze.
Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Moderne Paartherapie sagt Danke für diese Bewertung!
Herzliche Grüße
Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
Frau Bernhardt hatte eine sehr professionelle und einfühlsame Herangehensweise an meine Situation und hat mir neue Wege aufgezeigt. Ihre Begleitung war eine außerordentliche Hilfeleistung, daher kann ich ihre Leistungen uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen!
Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Moderne Paartherapie sagt vielen Dank für Weiterempfehlung und diese schöne Bewertung!
Herzliche Grüße
Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
Ich fand an der modernen Paartherapie besonders toll, dass wir nicht lange über die Vergangenheit besprochen haben. Frau Bernhardt hat immer sehr schnell verstanden, worum es geht. Teilweise hat es gereicht, Situationen nur kurz anzuschneiden und ich hatte immer das Gefühl, dass sie verstanden hat, wie schlimm diese Zeit gewesen sein muss. Mein Partner und ich haben eine 10 jährige Beziehung, die sehr schwierige Zeiten beinhaltet. Wir hatten trotzdem nur ca. drei bis vier Termine um die Vergangenheit aufzurollen. Diese Termine waren wirklich sehr anstrengend und emotional. Danach jedoch haben mir die Termine richtig Spaß gemacht, da ich immer mit neuen Ideen und einem super Plan, der auch zu schaffen war, nach Hause gegangen bin. Das hat mich sehr beflügelt, hat meinem Leben einen neuen Schwung gegeben und meinem Gesicht ein Lächeln. Endlich wieder eine Richtung zu haben, die mich voran bringt, einen Weg zu sehen und loszulaufen. Bevor ich zur modernen Paartherapie gegangen bin, habe ich für unsere Beziehung kaum noch eine Chance gesehen. Frau Bernhardt hat insgesamt mein Leben sehr positiv verändert. Dafür möchte ich mich an dieser Stelle ganz herzlich bedanken. Vielen lieben Dank :)
Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Es ist so toll wie Sie trotz aller Hindernisse weitergemacht haben und so viel zum Positiven hin verändert haben. Ich wünsche für Sie alle drei eine ganz wundervolle Zukunft!
Moderne Paartherapie sagt vielen Dank für diese schöne Bewertung!
Herzliche Grüße
Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
Liebe Frau Bernhardt,
herzlichen Dank für Ihre Hilfe!
Ich weiß gar nicht, wie ich ohne Ihren Rat und Ihre Geduld hätte klar kommen sollen...
Alles Gute für Sie :-)
Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Es war mir eine Ehre!
Moderne Paartherapie sagt vielen Dank für die schöne Bewertung!
Herzliche Grüße
Daniela Bernhardt
4.75 out of 5
Sie hat uns sehr geholfen! Nochmals Danke!
Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Habe ich gerne gemacht!
Moderne Paartherapie sagt vielen Dank für diese schöne Bewertung!
Herzliche Grüße
Daniela Bernhardt
5.00 out of 5
Mir hat die persönliche Betreuung und individuelle Problembehebung besonders gut gefallen...
Frau Bernhardt versteht es durch Empathie und Fingerspitzengefühl ganze Arbeit zu leisten!

Meiner Beziehung hat es sehr geholfen!

Vielen Dank
Customer review & rating for:
Daniela Bernhardt | Moderne Paartherapie
06/21/2015Mario S.
Moderne Paartherapie Comment from Moderne Paartherapie:
Moderne Paartherapie sagt vielen Dank für diese schöne Bewertung!
Herzliche Grüße
Daniela Bernhardt
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