New Worker Academy

New Worker Academy, #FreedominLeadership, #PeaceinMind, Crystal Talks, Club.

New Worker Academy
299 Reviews i
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out of 304 reviews
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Decide for more #peaceinthehead and for more #freedominleadership.
Strengthen your personality, your communication skills and your people-centered leadership structures.


Contact information

New Worker Academy
Seeblick, 5A
63868 Großwallstadt

Contact person
Sandra Mantz

Images & Videos

Review from 01/23/2025  
5.00 out of 5

299 Reviews on

5.00 out of 5
Hier wird die Basis geschaffen....der Beginn allen Bewusstseins...und auf diesem sicheren Fundament können Visionäre wachsen 💚
Customer review & rating for:
Kristallgespräche Starter Live-Stream 1/2025
5.00 out of 5
Ich hatte erneut das Vergnügen, an einem 2-stündigen Onlinekurs von Sandra Mantz teilzunehmen, und ich kann mit voller Überzeugung sagen, dass es wieder einmal eine der lehrreichsten und spannendsten Erfahrung zum Thema Kommunikation war, die ich bisher gemacht habe. Trotz der vergleichsweise kurzen Dauer war der Kurs hervorragend strukturiert und inhaltlich so gehaltvoll, dass ich das Gefühl hatte, wesentlich mehr Zeit investiert zu haben – im positivsten Sinne!
Customer review & rating for:
Kristallgespräche Starter Live-Stream 1/2025
5.00 out of 5
Ich kümmere mich schon lange um die Art, wie ich kommuniziere. In der Arbeit mit Sandra passieren magische, unvergleichlich erhellende Momente, in denen mir glasklar wird, was ich verändern darf, um leichter und in Frieden in meine künftigen Gespräche zu gehen. Von Herzen Danke dafür, liebe Sandra❣️
Customer review & rating for:
Kristallgespräche Starter Live-Stream 1/2025
5.00 out of 5
Ich liebe es, Sandra Manz zu lauschen und genau hinzuhören, was sie zu sagen hat. Ich liebe ihre feinsinnigen Art mit Sprache umzugehen. Sie hat ein so großes Wissen, dass mich jedesmal aufs Neue überrascht. Für mich eine absolute Koriphae am Markt. Prädikat außergewöhnlich und absolut empfehlenswert!
Customer review & rating for:
Kristallgespräche Starter Live-Stream 1/2025
5.00 out of 5
In a changing world of work with all its challenges, it is imperative to take the first steps to counteract this. New Workers live happiness and success at work. New Worker Trainer should be a duty for every manager who claims to be better than yesterday. New Work is not just a vision, New Work is a path that strengthens and develops employees, for the company and for themselves...
Thank you for showing me what is possible to be successful. N. Weeber
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Trainer 2024
5.00 out of 5
Indescribable moments...
Personal development
Changing perspectives
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
4.80 out of 5
It was a thought-expanding, intensive weekend that made me rethink and improve some things in human interaction and confirmed that I can continue to pursue my goals with warmth and harmony and make the most of my opportunities.
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
The New Worker Academy is for people who want to show themselves and others in a good light. For people who want to make a difference in their companies. And that starts first and foremost with yourself. Sandra and Martin are experts in the art of language and the art of working happily. Everything they do to achieve this, they do 100% and with 100% heart. The New Worker Hotspot is a summit meeting for this. An absolute recommendation!
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
The New Worker Hotspot creates a unique atmosphere that enables learning, growth and exchange with like-minded people. Everything has been lovingly prepared down to the smallest detail and you always feel well looked after. The two days flew by and I'm already looking forward to next year!
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
I feel a great need to give a review here. Sandra and Martin, two true visionaries, have created a really important academy with the New Worker Academy. Where everyone should take part. Whether New Worker Club / Trainer or Leader. Everything is done with professionalism and love. I feel very well looked after and understood here and I can develop very well here. 1000 thanks.
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
A very special kind of event! Sandra and Martin Mantz not only have excellent expertise, but are also true artists of staging. With the New Worker Hotspot, they have created a moving experience that is deeply moving and provides the right impetus for important personalities!
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
Sandra and Martin know how to impart their knowledge in a special way so that I can discover new things for myself and critically examine them. They create a totally magical atmosphere that gives me a really good framework for further development. The unique highlights from the Hotspot are a deep-seated anchor for me, which makes it so much easier for me to transfer them into my everyday life. Thank you very much once again, Sandra and Martin!
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
The focus here is on people and humanity. Here I have the opportunity to develop my own understanding of my language and communication. I am always met where I am in my process. I am so grateful to Sandra and Martin Manz for all the diverse opportunities they offer me to become a true New Worker.
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
A great training program with first-class food, excellent learning content and inspiring lecturers. You surpass yourself both professionally and personally. Highly recommended.
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
I am more than enthusiastic about the New Worker Hotspot. Everything was just right! Complex content was conveyed in a uniquely entertaining, transparent and understandable way and with great joy and enthusiasm. Sandra and Martin's wealth of experience, expertise and dedication to the participants were evident at all times. Both of them made the workshop a wonderful event. Thank you for your work!!! That was "Real Deep Diving".
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
If I could award more stars, this is exactly where I would use them.
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
Great content, great organization, great atmosphere. I met a lot of nice people. It was definitely worth it.
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2024
5.00 out of 5
These days are something very special.
The moment I cross the threshold of the location, you feel this incredible energy.
This is not a training course as we know it. So much knowledge is imparted there, so much light and positive vibes are passed on, the mirror is held up to you and you find yourself in many situations and understand... But that's not all.
There is a solution, and it's called New Work.
The fire is lit at the New Work Hotspot, a vision is created. And with Sandra and Martin Mantz, two wonderful, competent experts in their field, everyone can decide for themselves how and where they see themselves in the future:
Happy and content in their job?
Or controlled by others, unhappy, in a hierarchical working environment?
There is only one way to be happy in the long term: New Work
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2023
5.00 out of 5
The communication workshop "Crystal Conversations" with Sandra Mantz was a transformative experience that touched me deeply.

Her passionate and authentic manner made me realize the true value of communication.
Sandra's clear impulses and deep expertise not only triggered my personal development, but also awakened a strong desire to further develop my skills in communication and interpersonal connections.

Sandra has shown that real and powerful communication is much more than words.
Words have the power to connect people, but just as often they do the opposite - especially when they are used in the form of clichés, negative patterns or unthinking phrases that we use so naturally that we often don't even realize their harmful influence.

An exciting journey has begun ... Thank you.
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Customer review & rating for:
Kristallgespräche mit SandriLa, Sandra Mantz
5.00 out of 5
New Worker Hotspot sets your own thoughts and feelings free. The magic of crystal-clear communication filled the hall, exciting linguistic images were put together like small pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and an L-ICH-T came on. Perhaps precisely because people left their comfort zone to examine themselves.
An important step for those opting for a new world of work.
So I would like to recommend New Worker Hotspot. To those who want to experience what the new world of work feels like. And also to those who are prepared to position themselves FOR themselves and FOR our society.
New Worker Hotspot offers both the most important impulses and a lot of wonderful surprises.
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Customer review & rating for:
New Worker Hotspot 2023
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