When you want to know who to call when you have a residential, automotive or commercial lock issue, residents of Parker will tell you to call Parker Colorado Locksmith. Why, you may ask, because we deliver efficient work. Our locksmith technicians
are well trained by veteran locksmiths. They have also spent years in the field and have know how to get the job done. Make sure you receive the service you deserve from a reputable locksmith service, Parker Colorado Locksmith. We provide these services and more: rekey locks, make keys, master keys, home lockouts, broken key extraction, automobile keys, desk/file cabinet locks, drop boxes, automotive keys made. Call us now and find out more about our many services. Parker Colorado Locksmith also uses the most widely-known manufacturer brands: Baldwin, ASSA, Kwikset, Medeco and more. We only offer the best in products and services to our customers. If you want to know that the job will be done right, call Parker Colorado Locksmith. We are here for you 24-hours a day. When you contact us, you’ll receive an answer from a live person. We care about your well being and it shows in the level of service we offer to our customers.