Good day, first of all I think it is excellent that they send a request once.
From our point of view, the whole performance such as service depends on the nurse, which from our experience massively differ from each other.
Currently we have the force with which are fully satisfied.
What we have missed is once a demand, how it goes.
In addition, it is not okay from my point of view that simply a force is sent, which did not meet the requirements, for example, linguistically and we get no indication.
What is very positive is the immediate response to inquiries and problems.
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Thank you very much for the nice feedback on the work of the caregiver and Mr. Michenfelder and his team.
We wish you all the best for the future and will do everything we can to ensure that the care you receive in your home is to your satisfaction.
Your team from Pro Domo Pflegehilfe