Marco Spicher

Mentoring for a happy relationship and a fulfilling life

Marco Spicher
4.95 out of 5
25 Reviews
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Marco Spicher
Ottisbergstrasse 23
3186 Düdingen

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Marco Spicher


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25 Reviews on

4.95 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Marco's program found me at the lowest point in my life. Thanks to his tools and the professional support from him and his team, I got out of it relatively quickly and was able to deal well with my difficult and complex situation. I am now happier and more content than ever! I have come back to myself and have learned to love myself again, to stand up for myself and to pursue my wishes and dreams. I am infinitely grateful and can only recommend this brilliant program. I've been with Marco for over a year now and so much has changed for me, I can see the beautiful things in my life again and enjoy it to the full. I would never be where I am now without him, the team and the great community. A big THANK YOU for that!
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
5.00 out of 5
After my wife moved out of the apartment we shared, I was faced with the sad reality that my marriage could be at an end. In desperation, I turned to Marco Spicher's coaching program in the hope that I could save my life and my relationship. This decision turned out to be one of the best moves of my life.

Marco's team was incredibly supportive and empathetic from the very beginning. They stood by my side and offered not only professional guidance, but also human warmth and understanding. Through the application of Marco's methods, I began to make profound changes in myself that shaped me into the best me I could be. I learned to recognize and use my strengths, which deeply impressed not only me but also my wife.

To my great joy, the changes I went through led to my wife rediscovering the hope in us and coming back to me. Today, our relationship is stronger than ever. We experience a deep tenderness and intimacy that was often missing in the past. This program has not only saved my marriage, but also the way I approach life and my relationships.

I can wholeheartedly recommend Marco Spicher's coaching program. It has the potential not only to heal relationships but also to transform people. Thank you, Marco and team, for all you have done!
Remo W.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
04/20/2024Remo W.
5.00 out of 5
I had my first consultation exactly one year ago. I still remember exactly how they told me that I would celebrate this day like a new birthday. And they were right!
I was still very suspicious at the time.
A trait that I wanted to get rid of and I did! The old me would never have paid that price and indulged in that coaching because I would have thought it was rubbish. I was actually at a point where I didn't know how else to help myself. I wasn't looking for something like this at all. At the time, I didn't even know that something like this existed. I trusted and have been richly blessed. I don't regret having started this coaching for a single day. On the contrary, I am super grateful and proud to have treated myself to it because I can finally be the person I have always been. And the best thing is that I can continue to grow. Words can hardly describe this personal success. Like most things in life, you have to experience it for yourself. It hasn't just had an impact on the relationship, but on my whole life. And when I was promised this at the beginning of the coaching, I had no idea how cool this journey would be. What I am most grateful for is that I am finding out more and more about who I want to be. I've learned so much that I wouldn't want to miss. It's great that there are people out there who are brave enough to make the world a better place. It's incredibly nice that so many people have the same goal and are going in the right direction.
And although I was so suspicious at first, I must have thought it was possible.
Now I think everything is possible and I'm so looking forward to everything that's yet to come.
Thank you Marco!
Thank you to the whole group full of inspiring people who believe in love.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
5.00 out of 5
It was my personal luck that Marco's advertisement found me. Before I saw Marco's first video, I was very sad, angry, depressed and felt helpless. I had a lot of fears about the future of my children and myself. I felt like I had no strength left and didn't know what to do next, and I was also afraid of becoming ill myself. Was divorce the only way out? Fortunately, thanks to Marco, the answer is no!
Immediately after the first video, I signed up for an initial consultation, which took place the very next day. Right from the start, I felt that I was in good hands, listened to and supported. Karin and the team were always there for me, by email or phone. That and the weekly calls gave me an incredible amount of support. From the first video, I got the feeling that there could still be a way for us as a couple and it worked. Today I am happy again and full of energy even though I have small children. Marco's program is more than just relationship coaching, it's personal development. I have learned how to recognize and change my patterns, how to build trust, how to fulfill my needs and how to be in my femininity. As a result, I am happy, still married and a better mother than I could have imagined. Even at work I manage to do a lot of things with more ease. I have understood so many things, including how I can be there for myself, my husband and my children and at the same time gain energy and strength from it instead of being broken by it. My husband was skeptical at first and convinced that I was being ripped off. It didn't take long for him to notice the positive changes and take an interest in the issues. Today we have wonderful conversations, experience intimacy again and enjoy many wonderful moments together with our children. I am infinitely grateful to have Marco and his team by my side, I wouldn't want to miss them! Thanks to them, I am already the best version of myself today and can continue to grow and look forward to everything that is yet to come.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
04/09/2024Andrea M.
5.00 out of 5
It's like arriving. This coaching changes your whole life. My relationship with everyone in my life has become much easier, more relaxed and more loving. I finally know what it means to respect myself, to love myself.
I have achieved and learned so much that I always wanted to be able to do and I didn't even realize how it happened, it just came naturally.
The modules are easy to understand, the exercises are fun, make you realize, open your eyes and your heart. After a very short time, I was able to achieve great success, especially with myself, my attitude, my behavior, my thinking, which the people around me clearly notice. My relationship has also changed for the better very quickly, and my partner has also noticed this change.
I now radiate a completely different energy, every day is a gift and my confidence in life, in love and in myself has returned and increases even more every single day.
This unique coaching is the best investment I could have made in myself and I thought about it for far too long. It enriches my life in ways I couldn't have imagined before and I can't put into words what it has given me! Every day I grow in myself in situations that were previously unmanageable for me.
Marco and his team are absolutely competent, warm, patient, caring and always there when things get really urgent and dicey. All questions are answered in a short time and in a very simple, understandable and compassionate way!
Here we can all be exactly who we are and become who we want to be, the best version of ourselves and your partner will notice it and it will change your relationship so intensely so quickly.
I have access to everything at all times, Marco's videos on the modules, the meditations and mindset trainings. When I was devastated and had hardly any hope left, the Mindsets brought me back to positive thinking and the joy of life. It doesn't matter what life situation you are in, whether you simply want to take your relationship to an even better level, whether you are desperate and devastated and think there is no hope for your relationship, whether you are in a relationship where you want to change everything for the better or whether you are alone and want to find out how you could ever have a happy relationship. The coaching "Passionate and Intimate Relationship" picks up all people where they are and helps them to live a happy, connected life.
The only thing standing between you and your dreams is yourself! You can achieve anything and here you can learn how!
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
5.00 out of 5
When I started the program, I was at a really bad point in my life. My partner at the time had fallen in love with someone else and ended our very long relationship. All I wanted at the time was to save the relationship. That it was the beginning of a whole new life and that this wonderful team basically did so much more for me, I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart and say thank you so much, thanks to you I have a new life, have found myself and am on the way to my dream life. I have learned so much there which is so incredibly valuable that I can say I have really been saved, my eyes have been opened! The program is an enrichment for everyone!!! Absolute recommendation!!! A must for anyone who wants to become the best version of themselves!!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
04/02/2024Felicia P.
5.00 out of 5
I am very grateful that I decided to join Marco Spicher's mentoring program over a year ago during a very difficult phase in our 40-year relationship. I have never doubted this decision for a second. On the contrary, I wish I had received all the valuable information and tools earlier in my life. The program is clearly structured and therefore provides a secure framework. I find the opportunity to discover the contents of the program flexibly and whenever I had time, and to work on them bit by bit at my own pace, brilliant. The individual modules are very comprehensive - they help you to get to know yourself better and to develop and remember your own potential. The personal contact and personal support is very valuable. The feeling of not being alone on life's paths - strengthened by the competent support of Marco and his team - helps me to walk upright through crises and to discover and master the opportunities for development in them. Our relationship as a couple has reached another level as a result. Since then, we have been able to enjoy and appreciate the new phase of life in which the children have fledged and life is giving us more time together again. The weekly calls contain valuable impulses, well-founded knowledge, many great analog examples from daily life and offer an honest exchange with other participants. Marco's refreshing, authentic manner and his vast knowledge always bring new insights into my life and help me, especially at a time when fate has presented my partner and I with a major health challenge. What I have learned enables me to maintain the stability I have achieved and to grow with this challenge, thus giving my partner strength and confidence. I am so grateful for the self-help skills I have gained. It gives me the wonderful feeling of being able to set the sails on my ship of life myself, to determine the direction myself and to be able to change course if I feel it is necessary. Many thanks to you Marco and your team for this sustainable work towards a happy, fulfilled life!
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
03/30/2024Sonja L.
5.00 out of 5
The program is super structured so that even individuals like me can almost complete the program and benefit fully. Because the main part of the program is about your own personality. The support from Marco and his team is absolutely outstanding and the weekly group calls (which I was initially rather skeptical about) are not only extremely motivating but also incredibly educational.
This program has helped me not only to better recognize myself and my personality aspects and needs as well as the power of my thoughts, but to leave my past relationship behind and find my absolute dream partner!
The program is the best thing I have ever done! However, it requires the willingness to deal with yourself and invest time daily in the program, the tasks and answering and solving the tasks.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
10/10/2022Daniel G.
5.00 out of 5
The modules for self-study are very appealing and have helped me very quickly in my personal growth. The support in the regular Saturday calls by the community is a great enrichment, because you can learn from each other as well as the great mindset training that is part of the calls.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
09/30/2022Henchoz U.
5.00 out of 5
Expressing endless enthusiasm makes everyone who reads this skeptical. However, it is difficult for me to put my enthusiasm into perspective in any way. This coaching has already changed a lot in my life after just one week. However, I have been in the follow-up programs for more than a year now and I can say that perseverance is also worthwhile in order to dissolve ingrained patterns in a really profound way. Some things take more time than can be achieved in the three months of the basic program. In the beginning it is about finding limiting beliefs, there were more than I knew. Much of it is unconscious. For me it was also a lot about self-love, finding confidence in my abilities, seeing myself and my partner with different eyes. My big issue was my sexual passion, which had fallen asleep. To awaken this was really a long way, because the listlessness had also manifested itself for many years. Honestly, I was skeptical for a long time whether there was anything to turn around. And I did it! Completely! That was the biggest gift in this coaching, besides all the effects for many areas of life: Relationships in general, job, money...really, I can hardly put my joy into this short report, nothing better could have happened to me in the last years than to do this coaching with Marco. And I'll keep at it. So many wonderful things are still happening. My favorite phrases: "Everything IS good." and "Be realistic, believe in miracles."

About the program: there are modules for each week that you work through at your own pace at home, these are videos and meditations by Marco. Every Saturday there is a ZOOM call where successes are shared and Marco does a special training on a topic. Personal questions can be asked at any time around the clock to Marco via email. A real all-round support.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
09/23/2022Ella S.
5.00 out of 5
Marco and his team were my salvation.

Not only the salvation for my relationship, which since the coaching has become intimate, passionate and gained a new quality.

But also the salvation for my life, I am again "ME". I could leave my mental illness behind and return to my former strength.
This path has given me so much, brought me so much and given me so much.

My whole life has gained a tremendous quality and I am happy and grateful every day. I am filled with contentment and love my perfectly imperfect life.

Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ for this brilliant, great program 🙏🍀❤️😘🌹.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy (Mentoring-Programm LIB)
09/19/2022Juliane B.
5.00 out of 5
I received a very friendly welcome from Marco and the community. The modules build on each other very logically. My first successes were already evident in the first few weeks. The coaching expanded my relationship horizon many times over and, with the tasks, also gives you tools to successfully follow the path.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
08/31/2022Marco P.
5.00 out of 5
I have achieved a whole new fulfilled quality of life through the program. I felt well taken care of at all times and advised and noticed with my personal concerns. I can highly recommend the Marco Spicher Academy. It has helped me to change my life fundamentally and to fall in love with my life anew. Very great and from the bottom of my heart - thank you!
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy (Mentoring-Programm LIB)
5.00 out of 5
Marco shows you with his program to master life independently with joy and ease. It's not just coaching with info and recommendations, but you learn to develop a strong mindset in all areas of life. Since then I lead a wonderful, fulfilling life. What I have learned will accompany me for the rest of my life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy (Mentoring-Programm LIB)
4.50 out of 5
My experience with Marco Spicher and the whole program is very good. It is very trusting and done with a lot of commitment and cordiality. I was always taken seriously, treated very respectfully, even lovingly, and given a lot of positive feedback. I was strengthened and motivated to continue, to keep at it and for me to go further, at the pace in which it feels good and right for me. Marco Spicher supported and strengthened me to do all this for me and my life path. He always gave me the strength, the support and the security that I am right and on the right path. I felt again and again that the modules take me further, make me more self-confident, more self-assured and clearer in my thinking. I found more love for myself and all the people around me. I thank Marco Spicher for his patience, his warm nature and his looseness, which simply does good.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy
5.00 out of 5
Best decision of my life that I could make 2 years ago. I would, as of today, decide for the program/coaching again at any time and even pay more than double, because it simply, in every area of life, comes back to you several times positively, not only in the relationship with the partner. The following program, which I recommend to everyone, has been a huge enrichment in my life. Today I lead an all around happy and content life. Thank you Marco Spicher and team. Real heart people and best coaches!
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy (Mentoring-Programm LIB)
08/25/2022Karin K.
5.00 out of 5
I have done two coaching sessions with Marco and my life has changed for the very best within a short time and sustainably since 2020. My marriage was on the verge of breaking up and I was looking for help. After asking numerous psychologists and couple therapists and no one could help, I found Marco and I am so grateful and happy about this coincidence, because his program is the only one that really brings transformation. Already after a short time so much has changed for the better. I have understood, learned and practiced how relationship works properly through the incredible amount of valuable information and tasks. Through my transformation my husband also changed to his advantage, gave up his affair and since then we have a dream marriage with deep love, respect, lots of time together and passionate sex and that even in menopause 💖 It is not only as beautiful as in the beginning of our relationship but even much better. Suddenly things are possible that I never dared to dream of... great joint projects, deep conversations about topics that would have only triggered before, lots of tender touches in everyday life. The relationship with the children has also become so much more relaxed and because of the new wonderful energy I have experienced incredible progress professionally and financially. Sounds like a miracle. That is exactly how I have felt. I have been involved in personal development and psychology all my life - studied education and psychology, read countless books, know the couches of quite a few coaches and there are many good approaches and development opportunities. But the only thing that helps for a happy and loving relationship is Marco's program. A thousand thanks that you exist 💖💖🙏💖🙏
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy (Mentoring-Programm LIB)
5.00 out of 5
Marco immediately created a wonderful basis of trust through his professional manner and with his personality - this resulted in a very appreciative and sincere collaboration of coach/mentor and me as a client in a very short time. He not only observed me, accompanied me and encouraged me - no, he was also immediately available for the few low points that arose along the way - so I always felt very well taken care of and this in a protected, personal setting. My decision to take this path with Marco was probably the most important in recent years! THANK YOU tuusig for all your support on-line as well as off-line!
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy (Mentoring-Programm LIB)
5.00 out of 5
I find the coaching program of Marco and his team very high quality and recommendable.
Why is that so ?!
I have already experienced some coaching programs and I was satisfied , however , I notice from the current point of view that I am embedded here , like in a family . .
I am in a continuous growth on mind and emotional level.
My successes depend on my personal implementation. I get help at any time and there is also a wonderful community in which authentic reports about themselves and their own process, reflected and lovingly listened to and supported.
Sometimes it also needs a friendly push, when I am again very nestled in my usual comfort zone. I want to move forward and bear the responsibility .
The equipment and assistance are given here, as already mentioned above, wonderfully in this coaching program.
The sense of community is wonderful here and Marco , his team and all the magical participants contribute to this , because we are all under very good guidance on the same path and look forward .
Everyone goes at his own pace and comes step by step closer to himself and his desires.

I am happy to have made the choice on 31.12.2021 and love to be there.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy (Mentoring-Programm LIB)
08/15/2022Susanne B.
4.58 out of 5
I would be in a different place than where I am at this point in time. Through his coaching and my implementation in daily life, I lead my very happy relationship with my dear wife and our son. Together we have found each other again and will continue to walk the path of our future. We will be happy and go through our lives as a couple.
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Customer review & rating for:
Marco Spicher Academy (Mentoring-Programm LIB)
All reviews and experiences about Marco Spicher are the subjective opinions of those who compose and submit them  |  The profile owner is responsible for the contents of this page  |   Profile active since 07/21/2022  |  Last update: 05/30/2024   |  Report profile

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