Markus Lehnert

Consciousness coach, business coach, hypnosis coach (CHt), regression coach, author

Contact information
I would like to help you recognize your limits so that you can overcome them in joy. If you want to discover the path to yourself, are ready to open up to yourself and engage with yourself, I am very happy to accompany you in this process - holistically, from a physical, mental and spiritual perspective.

Contact information

Markus Lehnert
Europa-Allee 127
60486 Frankfurt am Main

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5.00 out of 5
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Warum coaching ?
Markus Lehnert habe ich über einen Bildungsurlaub kennengelernt. Nach dieser Woche reifte in mir der Entschluss, Markus auf mein sehr persönliches Thema anzusprechen, das mich seit sehr vielen Jahren begleitet und auf das ich keine Antwort fand.
So habe ich Markus mein Thema erzählt und er hörte mir aufmerksam zu. Im Laufe meiner Erzählung stellte er mir nach und nach einige Fragen. Diese Fragen konnte ich erst einmal nicht beantworten und habe sie mit nach Hause genommen.
Im Nachgang haben mir diese Fragen
geholfen die Antwort auf mein Thema zu finden.
Die Antwort liegt also in uns selbst - mein Thema ist jetzt kein Thema mehr.
Lieber Markus, vielen Dank nochmal für dieses nachhaltige Coaching.
Liebe Grüße
Joachim Lange
Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
02/14/2025Joachim L.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Lieber Joachim, jedes Aufeinandertreffen hat einen Sinn. Nichts passiert uns, alles passiert für uns. Ich danke dir für deine so warmen Worte, vor allem, dass du bereit warst, dich für dich selbst zu öffnen. Hab vielen Dank, dass du mir vertraut hast und dadurch beginnen konntest, auch dir zu vertrauen. Es war mir eine Freude, dich bis hierher zu begleiten!
5.00 out of 5
In schwierige Phase meines Leben, war Markus Lehnert eine Bereicherung in mein Leben. Er schaffte immer wieder die Ansichten meine Probleme mir so darzustellen, dass es immer wieder diese Aha Moment hatte und ich in der Lage war etwas ändern zu wollen/zu können. Ich habe in kürzeste Zeit gelernt mehr auf mich zu hören und wenn ich etwas ändern möchte erst mit mir selbst anzufangen und das auch umzusetzen.
Herr Lehnert, Sie sind wundervoll und sind eine Bereicherung für jeden, die etwas in Ihrem Leben verändern wollen.
Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Haben Sie vielen herzlichen Dank, liebe Frau Soltani, für diese wunderschönen Zeilen. Danke für Ihr Vertrauen in mich und Ihre Bereitschaft, sich auf den Weg zu Ihnen selbst zu begeben. Ich freue mich riesig für Sie, wie Sie sich in den Monaten unserer Zusammenarbeit entwickelt haben. Ich gratuliere Ihnen von Herzen!
5.00 out of 5
Markus ist für mich persönlich eine absolute Bereicherung! Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich auf ihn aufmerksam geworden bin. In den vergangenen Monaten hatte ich die Gelegenheit die Body Wisdom Ausbildung bei ihm zu machen. Die Body Wisdom Ausbildung war sehr informativ, lehrreich und spannend! Eine Ausbildung, welche einem die Augen öffnet!
Besonders beeindruckt hat mich die Art und Weise wie Markus die Ausbildung gestaltet hat. Er geht auf die Bedürfnisse und Fragen der Teilnehmer/innen ein und schafft eine Atmosphäre des Vertrauens und der Offenheit. Zusätzlich zu der Ausbildung habe ich bereits mehrere 1:1 Coachings bei Markus gebucht, die mich ebenfalls sehr bereichert haben. Jedes Gespräch mit ihm ist eine wertvolle Quelle der Inspiration und Klarheit. Er besitzt eine aussergewöhnliche Gabe komplexe Themen verständlich zu machen und tiefe sowie nachhaltige Veränderungen anzustossen. Durch die Body Wisdom Ausbildung sowie die 1:1 Coachings habe ich nicht nur wertvolle Einsichten über mich selbst gewonnen, sondern auch konkrete Werkzeuge an die Hand bekommen, um mein Leben in die richtige Richtung zu lenken.

Was ich besonders an Markus schätze, ist seine Authentizität und die Leidenschaft, mit der er seine Arbeit macht. Es ist spürbar, dass er mit vollem Herzen bei der Sache ist und wirklich daran interessiert ist, seinen Klienten/innen zu helfen, ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Seine Arbeit ist nicht nur professionell, sondern auch tiefgründig. Sein Wissen ist unbezahlbar und ich wünsche mir, dass ganz viele Menschen eine Begegnung mit Markus erleben dürfen. Ich kann Markus und seine Angebote jedem nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ich bin unendlich dankbar, dass ich dich als Coach an meiner Seite habe - deine Hilfe weiss ich sehr zu schätzen und werde ich nie vergessen! Herzlich, Nicole
Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Liebe Nicole, du machst mich gerade sprachlos. Hab vielen Dank für diese schönen Zeilen! Es ist mir stets eine Freude, dich bei den Seminaren dabei zu haben und dich auch mittels Coachings Mal für Mal ein weiteres Stück auf deinem Weg zu dir selbst begleiten zu dürfen. Ich danke dir für dein Vertrauen, vor allem für deine Bereitschaft, dich auf dich selbst einzulassen. Danke!
5.00 out of 5
Das Body Widsom Seminar, sollte jeder mal gemacht haben, es ist so wertvoll zu verstehen wie wir uns selbst besser verstehen und wie wir uns selbst unterstützen können und auch andere Menschen unterstützen können in ihrem Bewusstsein.

Der Körper spricht immer mit uns und wenn wir durch das Seminar gelernt haben wie wir hinhören können, können wir uns selbst vor womöglichen Krankheiten schützen.

Das Seminar wäre wertvoll in Unterrichts Fächer. Auch die Themen Gedanke-Gefühl -Ernährung-Energie, die hier im Detail beigebracht werden, ist ein Game-Changer für jeden Menschen.

Markus hat ein unglaubliches Wissen in all diesen Bereichen, großartig wie er es einfach und verständlich vermittelt. Ich könnte einen Roman schreiben wie wertvoll und bereichernd seine Arbeit ist.

Ich bin happy neues Wissen mit Methoden die ich vorher nirgendwo gesehen oder gehört hatte hier gelernt zu haben. Von ihm zu lernen, er hat eine schöne Energie, eine so schöne dran gehende weiße, das ich noch viel mehr von ihm lernen möchte und nun einen Coach gefunden habe der auf all diesen Ebenen wissen hat und auf all diesen Ebenen arbeitet.

Wenn man bereit ist für Wachstum, ist man hier richtig. Wachstum und zur besten Version deines Seins, dich selbst zu wertschätzen und lieben, dich selbst ermächtigen für eine schöne Zukunft, die du verdient hast.

Alte Muster loszulassen, dich zu befreien aus alten Glaubenssätzen, die dich womöglich daran hindern, das Leben zu leben wie du es dir vorstellst. Weil du es dir selbst wert bist.

Geh los für dich, das Leben ist immer für dich. Markus begleitet dich auf eine einzigartige Weise, die genau richtig für dich ist. Ich werde Markus vom Herzen weiter empfehlen sowie Seine Workshops und Seminare.
Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
11/29/2024Marina A.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Vielen herzlichen Dank, liebe Marina, für deine so begeisternden Worte zum Seminar "Body Wisdom". Es war mir eine Freude und Ehre, dich an diesen 6 Abenden dabeigehabt zu haben. Hab nunmehr viel Freude beim Anwenden all dessen, was du für dich in "Body Wisdom" hast erkennen dürfen. Beste Grüße!
5.00 out of 5
Markus Lehnert offers outstanding seminars and coaching sessions that are of the highest quality. He lives what he teaches and is not only an expert in his field, but also extremely experienced and you can see and feel that. His way of leading people to themselves is very authentic and extremely successful. Above all, his talent is to recognize where the client can be picked up and, above all, learn. If you are looking for quality, you have come to the right place! I would recommend him to anyone without hesitation.
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Wow, thank you so much, dear Melisa, for your wonderful feedback! It is a pleasure to be able to accompany you on your path to yourself - whether through coaching, hypnosis sessions or seminars. Thank you for being willing to open up to yourself!
5.00 out of 5
The 'Body Wisdom' training course by Markus Lehnert has proved to be extremely valuable for me as an osteopath and alternative practitioner. The practical and in-depth content has considerably broadened my understanding of physical and emotional connections. Particularly convincing is the holistic approach, which not only sheds light on physical symptoms, but also includes emotional causes and shows how nutrition can serve as a connecting element. This didactic concept is a valuable tool for understanding oneself better as well as for recognizing comprehensive correlations in patients and supporting positive changes. A clear recommendation for anyone in the healing profession who wants to deepen their skills.
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
10/22/2024Benjamin H.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
I am delighted to read that you were able to take so much away from the Body Wisdom seminar - not only for yourself, but also in your work as an osteopath and alternative practitioner. Thank you, dear B., for your many critical questions during the seminar. It was a pleasure and an honor to have had you with me. Now I wish you many more "aha" experiences in your daily use of this holistic knowledge!
5.00 out of 5
I booked the Body Wisdom seminar series with Markus. Markus has a wealth of knowledge about the interplay between body, mind and soul. The seminars helped me to better understand the symptoms of my body and gave me approaches on how to balance them. I would like to thank Markus for his expertise and tireless efforts.
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you so much, dear Katrin, for your wonderful words about the "Body Wisdom" seminar. It was a pleasure to have you with me online at all the partial seminars. I wish you every success in putting into practice everything you have learned about yourself and how energy flows over the last few months!
5.00 out of 5
Markus is an exceptional person who is very passionate about his work. Throughout the seminar, he was completely focused on us, gave everyone enough space and responded to every question.

He always took the time to answer our questions in detail and supported us with patience and empathy.

Not a moment of the seminar was boring - every word he said was captivating and informative. Even I, with my concentration difficulties, was able to follow the seminar without any problems.

Particularly impressive was the content of the seminar, which has completely changed my life and my way of thinking. The insights gained are priceless and worth every penny.

A big thank you for this wonderful experience that helped me to understand the language of my body.

If you would like to get to know someone who can help you to better understand your body and its connection to your emotions, Markus is the right person for you.

Thank you for everything, Markus. You are a person of the heart.

Best regards,
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Dear Asmaa, oh, how lovely to read all this from you. thank you from the bottom of my heart for your so warm feedback! It was a pleasure and honor to have you with me at the Body Wisdom seminar. Thank you so much for being willing to open up to yourself and meet yourself at this depth!
5.00 out of 5
I enjoyed attending every part of the Body Wisdom seminar and had wonderful self-awareness experiences.
The things that Markus conveyed very clearly and calmly changed my everyday life in a positive way.
I can only warmly recommend this seminar to everyone. It is worth finding out how important the balance between body, mind and soul is and what influence our emotions have on it.
I am grateful for this valuable experience🙂
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
08/06/2024Andrea S.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
I am delighted to read, dear Andrea, that you were able to take so much away from the "Body Wisdom" seminar. Thank you for being there and for contributing so much with all the questions and comments! Thank you so much for your wonderful words about this seminar!
5.00 out of 5
I was with Markus two months ago and what can I say? Simply amazing. I am still very flashed and still under his positive energy. I contacted Markus because I have been suffering physically and mentally from my keloid scars for years. I also told him that I had tried many different therapies, but that none of them had really helped and had only caused me more pain, stress, anxiety and enormous additional costs.

In consultation with Markus, I opted for hypnotherapy and scheduled and booked at least three hours for it. But I left his practice a new person after just one hour and 15 minutes. No matter how hard I try to describe it in detail and with full feelings - you simply have to experience it for yourself.

I had reached a point in my life where I had lost myself. I didn't know what to do with myself and I had never really felt (self-)love. I no longer felt any joy in anything and was living an empty life. Until I met Markus. From the very first minute, I felt totally at ease in his presence. He listened to me attentively and empathetically, gave me his full attention and you could tell straight away that it was very important to him to help you. He kept asking small, short but significant and crucial questions that I usually had no answer to or had never dealt with (such as: Who are you? What makes you happy?). The fact that I couldn't answer such questions about ME shocked me and I burst into tears.

It just gives you little prompts and impulses to come up with the answer that is already within you. It has broadened my perspective, opened my heart and enriched my life. I am simply speechless. In the end, I didn't need the hypnosis sessions (for now) because I was able to come to the conclusion for myself. All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place for me and it was simply self-explanatory. Like a "redemption".

I remember exactly how I left Markus' practice that day: full of positive energy, motivation, relief, hope and love. And I said to myself with a smile on my face and in my heart: "My new life, my new ME, begins today." Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything, Markus.
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Dear Lale, thank you so much for this detailed and, above all, heartfelt feedback. What beautiful insights you have shared here. It was a pleasure and an honor to accompany you for the first part of your journey. THANK YOU for your trust and for opening up to yourself!
5.00 out of 5
I recently took part in the Body Wisdom Master course, which consisted of five seminars, and I am absolutely thrilled! Markus did an excellent job of leading the course and conveying the content in a fascinating way.

I had never heard of a method of reading and evaluating illnesses to identify the underlying issues and become holistically healthy. This course has shown me how to better understand my own body and what my organs are trying to tell me.

Thanks to Markus and the Body Wisdom Master course, I have developed a deep understanding of the connections between physical symptoms and emotional and mental states. It was a transformative and enriching experience that I can only recommend to anyone!
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
08/05/2024Öykü U.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you so much, dear Öykü, for your wonderful feedback! It was a pleasure to have you with me for this online seminar. I hope you enjoy listening to the beautiful language your body speaks and how much it tries to encourage you to make more and more of YOUR life!
5.00 out of 5
I am lucky to have had Markus by my side for my first regression and the experience was more than wonderful. Everything, the past life experiences as well as the womb experience make so much sense for my life today and I am so glad that Markus helped guide me through it ... I don't regret my decision to have the regression with HIM one bit. He is such a great, lovely person!!! Thank you so much for everything!
Big hugs and best regards from Valeria :)
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
07/19/2024Valeria B.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much, dear Ms. Belkin, for this wonderful feedback. It was a pleasure and an honor to accompany you on your journey into your soul's past. Thank you for being willing to look behind your own façade and for opening up to yourself. Whenever I can accompany you on your journey to yourself again, I would love to!
5.00 out of 5
Dear Markus, I was able to do all parts of your hypnosis training with you. What can I say, you have more than positively enriched and changed my life. With your knowledge, your love for hypnosis (and the people you teach) and the familiar feeling you give your participants - it was more than just training. It was life changing! We all laughed a lot and cried a lot together. We learned so much. I will never forget this time! You supported me so much in my development and helped me move forward that I can't thank you often enough. You always choose the right words. You live all of this from the bottom of your heart and I can feel it! You have also touched our hearts over and over again ❤️ again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for EVERYTHING and especially for the journey you have taken with me so far! We will stay in touch and will see each other again and again in the future🤗 Warmest regards, Jenni
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Markus Lehnert
07/04/2024Jennifer K.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Dear Jenni, what a lovely review! Thank you so much for your warm words and your personal view of what you were able to take away for yourself. It was a pleasure to have you with me. THANK YOU !!!
5.00 out of 5
Dear Markus,

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for these five days, which can hardly be described in words! When I found your website in December, I had no idea how deep my journey would take me. These five days have shown me that it doesn't matter how long you have been searching - there is always a new level that takes your breath away.

Your authentic way of teaching and conveying your vast experience in the most understandable way is something very special! No matter who asked what question, you always took your time and explained until we all understood. Thank you for that too!

The opportunity to try out everything we learned under your supervision every day makes your seminars even more valuable than they already are! Thank you also for the deep insights and your perseverance, which enabled me to face and feel my deepest fears. It was very liberating to feel and know in which direction my journey continues. Since then I have been meeting myself, consciously and in silence I feel what still needs to be felt.

There are still many steps to go, but I am worth it! I am really looking forward to the upcoming seminars and deep journeys.

Thank you and see you very soon!
Best regards
Edit D.
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
07/02/2024Edit D.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Wow, what else can I say about this beautiful review? THANK YOU best describes how I feel right now. It was a pleasure and an honor to have you at this seminar. I wish you much joy with the tools you learned and especially with feeling even more into yourself. THANK YOU!!!
5.00 out of 5
Unique seminar in which you not only learn about hypnosis, but also a lot about yourself. I would attend again at any time. Markus responds individually to each participant and all questions are answered.
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much, Melanie. It really means a lot to me to read that you were able to do something with the seminar. It's great to have had you with me and to be able to continue to accompany you on your journey. Thank you very much!
5.00 out of 5
Dear Markus,
I would like to thank you once again for these overwhelming last 5 days!
I am still completely inspired by the knowledge and all the inspiration you shared with us!
I've heard and read a lot over the last few years. But in the last few days, a light has dawned on me again and again... According to the motto: "Oh sooooooo, that's how it was/is meant! I just say "old lady ".... I will also change the way I listen to myself now. I used to listen but not feel. Now I try to listen and then ask myself, how does it feel for me?
Despite the supposed effort of the last few days, I started my day totally relaxed and at ease today! I feel connected to myself, I feel powerful and clear within myself!
I have taken away so much for myself on a very personal level!!!
I actually wanted to learn a few new skills for my patients and have also gained a lot of new insights for and about myself!
Thank you so much for your valuable work, your knowledge, your inspiration and your ability to respond to us as participants! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Best regards
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Dear Susanne, I am flabbergasted by your wonderful lines. Thank you a thousand times over! What a lovely way to round off these intensive days of the basic hypnosis seminar! It was great to have you with us!
5.00 out of 5
Thank you very much for your great manner and the knowledge you have passed on to me. I am very glad that I was so curious back then and looked at your homepage and actually registered for the Body Wisdom 1-5 seminar. (I listened to my gut feeling)
Thank you 🙏🏻
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
06/10/2024Sandra B.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
I am very happy, dear Sandra, to have had you with me at the Body Wisdom seminars. Thank you so much for your trust! Your journey to yourself has only just begun with these seminars. Now go on in the certainty that the wisdom of your body will help you to make life more and more YOUR life.
5.00 out of 5
I felt very well looked after and accompanied. Markus is very present and empathetic, I can only recommend him
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much for your great feedback! Thank you also for engaging with the seminar and therefore with yourself. Only then can the content reach its full potential. Thank you!
5.00 out of 5
I discovered Markus Lehnert's profile on Instagram by "chance" and immediately had a look around the website. In December 2023, I stood still, didn't know what to do next, I was at a standstill. But the wonderful description of Body Wisdom swept me away and an inner voice said that this was exactly what I needed. After part 1 I was speechless . So much wisdom, safety and peace that I felt ... I quickly realized that I had to attend the following seminars . It was a wonderful journey from January to April, during which I learned a lot about the body and its signals. You understand that an illness is not a punishment, but a gift from the body to make us aware of it, to pay attention to us. We are given tools that confront us with our own truth. If you are ready to really get to know yourself, want to go one step further and finally find out the cause of your illness and pain history, Body Wisdom is the right place for you.
I have a lot of respect for Markus and his knowledge. I felt very well looked after from the very first second. It was a safe space for my own feelings.
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
I am really happy to read how much you were able to take away from the Body Wisdom seminars. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful feedback!
Enjoy the knowledge of the wisdom of the body now! Appreciate the way your body communicates with you so that you can make more and more of YOUR life.
5.00 out of 5
The two basic seminars have helped me to get to know myself much better in a very short time, to feel more at ease and I feel stronger emotionally, mentally and physically. I can highly recommend the seminars and Markus Lehnert leads them wonderfully. Thank you very much!
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Markus Lehnert
04/15/2024Joe P.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
I am really pleased to read that you were able to do something with the two basic seminars and that you were able to get to know and feel yourself better. Thank you so much for being there. You were an enrichment for the whole group! It was a pleasure and an honor!
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