Bär v. Schilling

Expert for weight loss

Contact information
I help much busy losing weight and accompany you to a slim and good-looking body in which you feel really good. Without starving, without hours of training.

Contact information

Bär v. Schilling
Budenheimer Parkallee 9a
55257 Budenheim

Contact person
Bär von Schilling

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Review from 07/23/2024  
5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
6 Reviews

26 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

5.00 out of 5
Bear has changed my life! I am 39 and have always been a few kilos overweight! Despite running, soccer, etc., I was never able to lose weight permanently. I have tried all kinds of diets with the result that I ended up weighing 1-2 kg more! With Bär's method, I managed to lose over ten kilos and 15 cm off my stomach in a short space of time! I didn't have to starve myself for a single day and Bär was always at my side! His method is easy to implement and I still enjoy it because I don't have to give up anything!
Craving attacks are now a foreign word to me! I sleep great and am fitter than ever before! I was hesitant to contact Bär at first... But in the end it was one of the best decisions in my life! Thank you for everything
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
5.00 out of 5
I took up Bär v. Schilling's program to lose my belly fat and get fitter in general. We drew up a plan together and I stuck to it, and lo and behold, my goals have been achieved. I have lost up to 1 kg a week and I am fitter. Bär helps you with problems and shows you solutions. The training plans are tailored to me. I am very satisfied and am glad to have started working with Bär.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
05/27/2024Ernst R.
5.00 out of 5
I am delighted with my personal coach Bär von Schilling!

Thanks to his professional guidance and motivation, I have not only lost 6 kg, but also built up muscle and made my body much more athletic. This is a huge success for me, especially because I had already tried various measures before without seeing any success.

I am particularly impressed that I have now developed a level of motivation and discipline that I would never have thought possible before. I owe this above all to the competent coaching of the trainer. Thanks to his individual support and guidance, I have not only achieved my physical goals, but also developed a new awareness of healthy eating and a more active lifestyle.

I now train three times a week and have changed my diet, which has not only had a positive effect on my weight and physical fitness, but has also improved my general well-being. I feel fitter, more energetic and just completely comfortable in my skin.

I can recommend Bär von Schilling without reservation. If you want to achieve lasting success and receive professional support, you are in the best hands with him.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
04/29/2024Lutz B.
5.00 out of 5
Through the content: There is a way to lose weight without starving and cooking elaborate meals, I became aware of Bär. My goal was to finally get rid of a few kilos without having to stick to a strict diet plan. I've been on a few diets before, but unfortunately the yo-yo effect kept coming back. Working with Bär was very pleasant and effective. The system that Bär gave me was easy to implement in my very busy working day. The kilos came off without me ever having the feeling that I had to starve myself. On the contrary. I was always able to eat my fill. Thanks to the accompanying training plan, I was also able to boost my fitness again and build up muscles while reducing my weight to get my body in better shape. I was accompanied by Bär for 3 months. I can only recommend Bär to anyone who has little time and still wants to reduce weight in the long term, even at an advanced age, and simply wants to feel fitter. It was a good decision to go to Bär for coaching. I am definitely "On Fire" and will continue the strategy to achieve my new goal. Thank you Bär for your expertise.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
04/25/2024Heike, 55 J.
5.00 out of 5
I contacted Bear because I didn't really look it, despite regular exercise and a certain awareness of nutrition. Since 40 is not that many years away, I thought I'd better start now than later.

Bär is a practitioner with a lot of experience. You get a training plan tailored to your individual needs and preferences and not a generic standard plan. If an exercise is too difficult or too easy, the level is adjusted individually - here, too, you could feel the added benefit of many years of experience. All contact was reliable, pleasant and motivating.

Within the first 3 months I lost about 10 cm of belly and a few kilos. My appearance is moving in the right direction. The training frequency is lower than before, but the effectiveness is much higher. Everything seems more strategic and efficient - exactly the added value I was hoping for.

I wrestled with myself for a while before I contacted Bär. It was a really good decision and I'm glad I made it.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
5.00 out of 5
The cooperation with Bär von Schilling was very successful. The personal consultation was always goal-oriented and individually tailored to personal needs. Personal goals, difficulties and concerns were asked about and recorded from the outset and the coaching was designed accordingly.
The appointments went smoothly and the coaching sessions always took place punctually, professionally and under very pleasant communication conditions.
Bär was always available for queries outside the series of appointments and responded very quickly and in detail.
All questions and uncertainties were dealt with explicitly and specifically.
He is extremely skillful when drawing up training plans. A steady progression was achieved without causing overload or excessive demands. The teaching of technical skills was analyzed in detail and explicitly illustrated in the response video with sketches and examples.
Summarized in retrospect: All the changes initiated by Bär, whether in terms of nutrition or exercise, proved to be sensible and successful.
The facts:
In 11 weeks I have lost 10 kg and 9 cm in waist circumference without starving or fasting. I feel fitter and more alert, from 4-5 cups of coffee in the past I can now have 1-2 cups in the morning without feeling a "midday low" or similar.
There are no more cravings for "sweets". As soon as the alarm clock rings, I feel awake and rested and there are far fewer bouts of tiredness than before. I have much more drive and focus in everyday life.

I can absolutely recommend Bär!
The 12 weeks of coaching have really achieved significant improvements on many levels, some of which I hadn't even considered before. Be it sleep, alertness, digestion, mobility, motivation and also weight and appearance.
Bear, thank you very much for your cooperation!
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
02/18/2024Tobias B.
5.00 out of 5
I went to see Bär because I was overweight and had physical complaints. While I was working with him, he advised and supported me in my dietary changes and fitness planning.
Within less than 4 months I lost 16 kg. My health, blood levels, sleep and concentration have improved greatly. Through simple explanations of fitness exercises and motivations from Bär, I have started fitness again. I have become much fitter and my physical complaints no longer worry me.
I am glad and happy that I have achieved such good results in such a short time thanks to his professional, competent and friendly manner. I can only recommend him to others.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
01/22/2024Angelina K.
5.00 out of 5
Despite sport (running training 3 times a week, with the aim of taking part in a 25 km run), I (in my early 50s) have put on more and more weight.
In the trusting cooperation with Bär, I learned about a simple, easy-to-implement diet.
The results are great. Within 3 months I have lost 10 kg. I lost 10 cm from my stomach and 8 cm from my hips.
A nice effect of the diet is that I have more energy in everyday life, my cravings for sweets have disappeared and my running performance has improved.
All without starving myself or thinking that I'm giving up anything.
Thank you very much for the great support in achieving my goals.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
5.00 out of 5
I was looking for a solution for my obesity as the doctors confirmed my blood values and thus my state of health as "all borderline". Discussing this with a friend created a solution-oriented dynamic that led to Bear v. S. as an option.
After talking to Bear and three nights later, I decided to take advantage of this professional help.
The result was in 12 weeks, 10 cm less abdominal girth and 6 kg weight loss! Now I'm two months further on, at the beginning of month 6, and I've lost 8 kg.
As I am a person of pleasure and very cerebral in my approach
It wasn't so easy at first, but Bear accompanied me in conversations and navigated me through it.
Once the scheme was in my head, it is no longer a big challenge and I can continue to live with it. My condition has improved a lot, not only because I have lost weight and feel much better, but also because I have achieved this mental victory. The fact that I can do it and see the proof in my own body motivates me to continue living the principle.

14.12.23 NK from near Frankfurt
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
5.00 out of 5
It's the umpteenth attempt to lose my weight sustainably, a prediabetic condition makes this necessary. But as it was the umpteenth attempt, I couldn't motivate myself on my own and had Bär coach me. In 3 months I lost almost 9 kg, 14 cm less belly circumference, more energy and a strong motivation boost are the result as well as greatly improved blood values. A complete success. Thank you Bear
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
5.00 out of 5
My collaboration with Bär von Schilling is very successful and effective. We follow a clear plan, discuss and develop suitable objectives and then consistently pursue them. At the same time, the exchange is very flexible and always characterized by clarity and openness in order to adapt or rethink the plan appropriately. To put it in concrete terms: 5 kg lost, 8 cm less abdominal girth and considerably more strength and energy in 3 months. I can only recommend the collaboration, the range of services is perfect for me!
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
5.00 out of 5
Absolutely professional instruction in a motivating and very friendly manner. You notice directly that Bear has learned what he teaches. I was very successful with the program, I have a new body feeling and have changed my diet without renunciation. Felix M.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
10/30/2023F M.
5.00 out of 5
Bear keeps what he promises. He is an absolute expert and I have lost over 10 kg in 4 months with him and it continues. Dear thanks Bear!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
10/12/2023Patrik L.
5.00 out of 5
After having accumulated quite a few excess kilos in the last two years, and after several attempts including yo-yo effect I could only marginally reduce my maximum weight, I decided to seek professional help. Through training videos on kettlebells I came to Bär and many positive reviews made me curious to book an initial consultation. Due to Bär's pleasant and sympathetic manner, the decision was made quickly and the three months of cooperation passed quickly. I was able to reduce my weight by 9 kg with a change of diet, which was easier to implement than I thought, and became much stronger and more persistent with the training program, which is never too much but also never too little. Also t-shirts feel far better when you fill them out at the shoulders and not the stomach. ;) Can only recommend Bär as a coach and person!

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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
09/27/2023Michael W., Ös.
5.00 out of 5
I booked the coaching with Bär because I finally wanted to get rid of my excess accumulated pounds and reach another fitness level at 51.
I had already dealt a lot with low carb / ketogenic diet before the collaboration and had also trained with kettelbells for some time, but the intended success failed to materialize. For the reasons, it was quickly clear after the preliminary interview that the conditions were right. The goal was to lose weight while maintaining / building muscle mass. Training should be feasible mainly at home, with max 60 min 3x a week.

The cooperation with Bär was uncomplicated and individually tailored to me. His nutritional concept is simple and can also be implemented well in professional life. But it also leaves room for individual things. As a result, after 3 months I had 8 cm less abdominal girth.
Bär's training plans were super effective. Although we only talked online, he quickly developed a good feeling for my performance and brought me to a higher level in handling and training with the kettelbells. All of the workouts had challenged me well. Before we started, my maximum training weight was 1x 15kg. After 3 months I was doing exercises with 2x 24kg and also the double snatch with 2x15kg was no problem.

I was able to reach all my goals with the coaching and I feel well prepared to continue to use the knowledge I have gained.
Bär as a person and coach can be recommended without reservation.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
08/25/2023Michael W.
5.00 out of 5
I am 42 years young and have tried many diets. However, these all failed in everyday life (no time to cook, stress, work, family, etc.). Since these could not be adapted quickly and without much effort. Through Bär I got a system that can be implemented in everyday life without much effort despite shift work and family. In 3 months I have lost 9 kilos of body fat and reduced my abdominal circumference by 15cm. At the same time I was able to build up more muscles and strength with the training. Currently maintain my desired weight without much effort. I can recommend Bear for people who want to lose weight quickly, without starving, without stress and without yo-yo effect.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
06/10/2023Michael S.
5.00 out of 5
It's almost a ritual: Every year, I make a new resolution to live healthier or do more sports. And every year I fail anew. But not this time, that was the firm resolution. Professionally, I regularly take advantage of the support of experts, so why not in my private life as well. This is where Bär came into play. The first step was a comprehensive inventory. In the second step, my physical and athletic goals were defined. Bär then planned all the concrete steps. These consisted mainly of a change in diet and a targeted training plan. Despite initial skepticism, the change in diet was integrated into everyday life very quickly and without any problems. Whether eating with the family, in a restaurant or in the canteen at work, Bär has the decisive tips ready for all situations. In the training planning it became clear that Bär is a very competent and experienced trainer. The training plans were individually tailored to my performance level. But the correct execution of the technique always came first.
Through the total package, I was able to lose 13 kg in 12 weeks, and reduce my book circumference by 13 cm. So if you value optimal and individual support, whether for athletic goals and/or also for healthy weight loss, I can unreservedly recommend Bär von Schilling.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
05/14/2023Jens W.
5.00 out of 5
To bear has driven me especially the weight loss. I had had several attempts for many years and always lost and gained weight and had made the decision for this year to tackle the whole thing professionally. Now at the end of the 3 months I stand there with 10kg less weight and 19cm less abdominal circumference and above all, with a long-term change in my eating habits. It is amazing how the body can develop in a short time without feeling deficient or deprived. Sure, there is no cake every day, but thanks to the advice and the regular conversations, I have found a new incentive in eating and feel fit as never before!
The diet is paired with a good workout and already the pounds are falling and the belly is shrinking. If you have had similar experiences, I can only recommend Bär!
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
04/05/2023Florian G.
5.00 out of 5
With the coaching at the bear v. S. I started because I wanted to get out of the comfort zone again and saw no chance after several attempts alone.
Due to various events in the period from 2019-2022 I had accumulated a proud 122 kg and that I reduced everything again as before with sports was no longer possible.... The upward trend had me firmly in its grip.

I had several attempts to reduce the weight with sports, but this always ended after a few weeks. Time, coordination (family, job) and a good diet in harmony were the main challenges.

The realization that a good diet that can be easily implemented in everyday life is the core solution. This had to be changed and from that point on I had thrown the upward trend overboard. I implemented this change quickly, it was not difficult for me and I could measure the result virtually every day.

11 kg less in 8 weeks. And sports in the new measure is also a lot of fun.

I would never have thought that it is so easy to integrate into my everyday life (family, job & leisure).
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
01/19/2023A. E.
5.00 out of 5
With the help of Bär I was able to positively change my eating behavior (9kg in 3 months). Compared to other "diets" that I have tried, I had no problems during the change to adhere to the recommendations and firmly expect to be able to adhere to them in the future (without support). I had (after the first 1st week) no food cravings (which otherwise had regularly), and have kept to the recommendations on 90% of the days.
Training-wise, I have improved significantly in both technique and strength. At the beginning I was a bit skeptical about the online support during training (compared to on-site support), but I have to say that the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages for me. You get a detailed video analysis, which helped me a lot to reduce my mistakes little by little.
The interaction with Bär is very uncomplicated, he was very motivating and the training plans were very well suited to my performance level.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bär v. Schilling | Fitness Coach
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