Vadim Finayev

Direct Response Marketer

Vadim Finayev
4,80 von 5
Sehr Gut
227 Bewertungen
Like Superpowers For Your Business
...just without having to get bitten by a spider.



Vadim Finayev
We scale consulting- and service businesses.
Dubai - Downtown & Business Bay
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

100% Empfehlungen
5 Sterne 172
2 Sterne 0
1 Stern 0
Sehr Gut (4,92)
Aufwand / Nutzen
Sehr Gut (4,94)


5,00 von 5
4 Bewertungen


5,00 von 5
4 Bewertungen


5,00 von 5
4 Bewertungen

182 Bewertungen auf

4,93 von 5
Sehr Gut
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Vadim showed me how to get a book funnel in place to get more leads for my coaching and it keeps working better than anything else I’ve tried ever since and I‘m on to writing my third book now as there’s literally no way better than digital books to get clients. Great expert, huge recommendation!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Vadim Finayev
12.02.2024Marvin Barlington
5,00 von 5
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I’ve had the pleasure working with Vadim on our coaching business and he helped us expand into the further German speaking region as Austria and Switzerland. The biggest value aside of our website and lead generation funnels definitely was that we were able to switch to yearly plans instead of one time fees and additionally that we could increase our prices over 20% every year since so far and still didn’t hit the ceiling. Off course it meant for us to upgrade our marketing spending what was tough in the beginning but now is insignificant if compared to our revenue and potential with the value each new client has for us.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Vadim Finayev
03.02.2024Simon Reibhart
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Very happy with their service. Communication and support very clear, and we see result in our showrooms from the ads and more customers.
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Vadim Finayev
15.01.2024Annie Mason
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Best allround support ive ever seen!

Prospecting and recruiting strategies have been put in place with great success. Even though our hiring cost increased, so did the quality of interviews.

Overall it was and is a complete transformation for us and we dont plan to go back!
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Vadim Finayev
08.01.2024Nicholas Johansson
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
straight up great people, will come back again in 25, happy new year to the team!
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Vadim Finayev
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Recommend ✌
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Vadim Finayev
31.12.2023Shafiq Mostafa
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I have been learning sales from vadim for a while and I have been impressed. I'm somebody that likes to challenge the norm and his methods always were a good fit for me
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Vadim Finayev
27.12.2023Alessandro Misha
5,00 von 5
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I only had a consultation with vadim but we didnt come to an agreement. However i'd like to speak out my graditute to their free serivce because I really came out of the consultation with solutions to my problems what really surprises me until today i've been on too many free consultation sessions but never anybody listened to my problems like vadim did, like a friend he did his best to recommend me whatever he could. He even went out of his way to share explanatory videos and templates and ad examples with me which tremedously helped me upgrade my existing funnels. I may not know or be able to say something about working with them but i can highly recommend having a chat with vadim particularly.
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Vadim Finayev
20.12.2023Farhad Al Hamish
4,00 von 5
good but could've been made quicker, we've waited for close to a week for a 7 section landingpage then until we got a meeting for our campaign in total somewhat 2 weeks have passed, then we had to test dozens of ads and so forth .. however while the final product was still definetly worth it, we kicked off with around cpcs below a dollar and 8% conversion on the landingpage and now we're stable between 13-14% with the very same ad still running 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Vadim Finayev
18.12.2023Oli S
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Scaling team have been managing our digital marketing and online campaign for years already. They have been continuously and consistently attentive and involved in understanding our particular needs and requirements as a practice and we've grew over 1.5 times in lead inquieres, while increasing quality simultaneously with their continous management. Therfore a big thanks to simon and the scaling team for their work up to date.
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Vadim Finayev
15.12.2023Rajesh Kumar
5,00 von 5
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I have to say now that i should've came up with this by myself as it really seems to simple after but I think it always feels obvious when you got the solution, however anyway i guess you gotta pay the price in time or money and im more than happy to have it paid in money because honestly i wouldnt know if it still b stuck up unitl today if you wouldnt have given me this eye opener. Appreciate it big time 💪💪💪
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Vadim Finayev
12.12.2023Louis Balard
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Its like effecience flows through their veins powers their creative heart, you feel it in every word they speak and every ad they set 💫
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Vadim Finayev
10.12.2023Noor El Hikmah
5,00 von 5
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My most valuable digital marketing contact! If you don't have simon in your network you are running blindfolded, i know that with full certainty, because i was too!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Vadim Finayev
04.12.2023Sultan Zahran
5,00 von 5
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We've started working together in 2020, so sufficient time has elapsed for us to evaluate the success of the knowledge transferred and work done to date.

Following a detailed onboarding procedure our strategy got swiftly formulated, keywords were identified and all the pieces put into play. Within just weeks, the surge in ranking was impressive. Over 80% of the keywords identified in the strategy after not even 8 months were returning page 1 results. Scaling have actually near to doubled their target ranking achievements.

It is clear that this team know what they are doing and have deep resources inhouse to deliver on their campaign promises. Our account manager simon is always on hand to provide sage and timely advice on the progress of the campaign and to identify areas where further optimisation is warranted.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Vadim Finayev
22.11.2023Farhad Al Baig
5,00 von 5
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Great people, great vibes, very organized and supportive. I loved that every step was so super clear. I really was afraid it would've been ultra complicated but it really wasnt. I dont remember anymore if i was suprised or no that all worked out great from the get got, but what i know is that im happy, because your funnel still runs the same way and works better especially after we put it on meta after and the longer it runs! Thanks so much guys! Keep up the great work!
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Vadim Finayev
18.11.2023Sibylle Perono
5,00 von 5
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We've been working with the scaling corporate team for over two dozen months now. We have a very unique business/product range, so our experiences with agencies in the past has not been overly satisfying. Scaling has been very impressive with their onboarding and each month we're seeing better results. When working with previous marketing agencies we've found that they focus too much on their own numbers and reports and dismissive of our internal tracking/report and what we're seeing on a day to day basis. Scaling seem receptive to our internal tracking of leads and whilst we still go over their numbers, they're happy to review our numbers and work off them as well. So far, so good. Hoping the trend continues over next few years as we really get stuck into it!
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Vadim Finayev
08.11.2023Ishaan Anand
5,00 von 5
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Very happy we made the decison to go with scaling for our lead nurturing magnet, best investment ever!
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Vadim Finayev
07.11.2023Md Sher
5,00 von 5
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Vadim Finayev
05.11.2023Vihaan Deshpande
5,00 von 5
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Simon has been a great representative for the company. He is always available, answers questions directly, and is highly knowledgable. I would recommend anyone work with Simon.
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Vadim Finayev
05.11.2023Natalie Combes
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Been working with scaling for years now. Experience thus a far has nothing short of pure professionalism, demonstration of immense industry knowledge and very easy to work with. Having contact to vadim has been incredibly helpful and regularly in touch to provide updates. They are willing to listen but also proactive in getting learn about client needs. Couldn't be happier.
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Vadim Finayev
31.10.2023Mohamed Al Kader
45 Bewertungen aus
3 anderen Quellen
4,26 von 5
4,80 von 5
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10 Bewertungen auf Google Maps
4,60 von 5
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10 Bewertungen auf Google Maps
3,90 von 5
25 Bewertungen auf Trustpilot
Jetzt bewerten

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