Anne Schwedt

Mentoring for passive income on the stock market

Anne Schwedt
4.96 out of 5
106 Reviews
Contact information
Anne Schwedt is the top expert for passive income on the stock market. She shows you how to build up a monthly cash flow on the stock market with shares and options.

Her investment strategies require little time and are possible even with small sums.

Contact information

Anne Schwedt
276 5th Ave, Suite 704-3166
New York, New York (NY) 10001
United States of America

Contact person
Anne Schwedt | 5NCL Freedom, LLC

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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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106 Reviews on

4.96 out of 5
4.85 out of 5
Anne and her mentoring are the game changer!

I started investing in the stock market during Corona. And despite various guides and trying to learn more and more, I ended up failing rather than really taking the step forward.
I met Anne on The Pioneer's Morning Briefing podcast and came across her workshop and her approach to passive income. And that was the absolute game changer - in more ways than one.
Anne has the talent to explain and convey even very complex issues to everyone (with and without prior knowledge) in such a way that it not only sounds comprehensible, but above all child's play.
And the crazy thing is - it really works!

For me, it was a very good decision to go into mentoring and to now work very actively on my financial freedom and independence. And the opportunities that arise from the consideration and the very realistic probability of occurrence are and were absolutely worth it!

I would do it again in a heartbeat and can only recommend talking to Anne about the opportunities for passive income and financial independence!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
12/01/2024Thomas S.
4.40 out of 5
Hallo Anne, vielen Dank für das Mentoring und deine Art die doch eher trockene Materie des Aktien bzw. Optionshandels zu erklären.
Die Möglichkeit über das Forum noch gezielt Fragen zu stellen ist klasse.
Als kleine Anregung würde ich gerne noch mitgeben, das es super wäre wenn man als Teilnehmer die Präsentation und evtl. auch Videos downloaden könnte. Das würde es einfacher machen, sich selber die wichtigsten Inhalte in kompakter Form zusammen zu fassen.
Die Excel Vorlagen sind super hilfreich und erleichtern den Einstieg sich alles genau zu notieren.
Alles in allem bin ich sehr froh mich für den Kurs entschieden zu haben und freue mich weiterhin über die CF-Community mit dir und den anderen Teilnehmen verbunden zu sein.
Liebe Grüße, Patrick
Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
4.76 out of 5
Ich investiere seit vielen Jahren in Aktien und ETFs. Auch wenn ich Erfolge verbuchen konnte, fühlte ich mich insgesamt unsicher und unzufrieden mit meinen Investitionen. Ich war auf der Suche nach neuen Strategie. Ich höre regelmäßig den Podcast "The Pioneer" das Investment Briefing von Anne Schwedt. In dem hat sie mehrfach über “Passives Einkommen durch Aktien-Optionen” gesprochen. Das klang interessant, und ich begann, mich intensiver mit Optionen zu beschäftigen.
Zunächst habe ich mich mit Hilfe von ChatGPT und einigen Online-Kursen informiert. Diese Kurse waren durchaus interessant und erklärten die Grundlagen von Optionen sehr detailliert. Auch verschiedene Strategien wurden vorgestellt. Doch obwohl ich einiges gelernt habe, blieb ich am Ende ratlos: Mir fehlte eine konkrete, umsetzbare Strategie. Es fühlte sich an, als hätte ich alle Zutaten und Formen für einen Kuchen bekommen – aber kein erprobtes Rezept.
Durch Zufall entdeckte ich, dass Anne Schwedt ebenfalls einen Kurs anbietet. Ich habe teilgenommen – und was soll ich sagen? Es war genau das, was ich gesucht hatte! Anne hat uns nicht nur die Theorie auf einfache, nachvollziehbare Weise erklärt, sondern uns auch eine klare, strukturierte Strategie an die Hand gegeben. Endlich hatte ich das “Rezept”, nach dem ich gesucht hatte.
Besonders beeindruckend fand ich Annes Fähigkeit, komplexe Zusammenhänge verständlich und anschaulich darzustellen, ohne sich in Details zu verlieren. Sie legte den Fokus darauf, wie die einzelnen Bausteine sinnvoll zusammenspielen. Dadurch konnte ich die Theorie nicht nur besser verstehen, sondern auch direkt in die Praxis umsetzen.
Ein weiterer Pluspunkt: Wir bekamen jede Menge praktisches Material – von Anleitungen zur Eröffnung eines Broker-Accounts über Tabellen für die Aktienanalyse bis hin zu Vorlagen, mit denen sich Trades und deren Ergebnisse leicht nachverfolgen lassen.
Ich setze ihre Strategie jetzt aktiv um, und die ersten Ergebnisse sind erfreulich. Es macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern gibt mir auch ein Gefühl von Sicherheit durch regelmäßiges Einkommen durch meine Investitionen. Für mich war dieser Kurs eine absolute Bereicherung – nicht günstig, aber jeden Euro wert.
Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/25/2024Gerald K.
5.00 out of 5
I can recommend Anne's mentoring without reservation. With her likeable manner, she manages to explain complex issues in a clear and understandable way. The mentoring is suitable for beginners in the world of equities as well as for advanced traders who want to deepen their knowledge in the risk-optimized handling of options. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the enjoyable and instructive time.
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
5.00 out of 5
Anne's Mentoringprogramm ist sehr gut strukturiert, vermittelt Grundlagen, Feinheiten und auch die praktische Umsetzung des eigentlichen Tradens um seine finanzielle Zukunft zu erreichen. Und das Allerbeste: Es funktioniert und macht unglaublich viel Spaß! Anne und ihr Team nehmen sich Zeit alle Fragen zu beantworten. Auch die Vorbereitung und Hilfestellungen vor dem eigentlichen Start des Programms, z.B. zum Eröffnen des Broker-Accounts waren sehr detailliert und gut verständlich.
Man merkt bei jedem Call, dass Anne für das Thema brennt und freuen uns, dass wir Dank der Cashflow Community auf die regelmäßigen Calls auch nach Beendigung des Mentoringprogramms nicht verzichten müssen. Vielen Dank Anne!
Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
5.00 out of 5
Das Mentoring mit Anne kann ich jedem wärmstens empfehlen, der das Beste aus sich herausholen und die Zukunft aktiv gestalten möchte. Anne begleitet dich mit viel Engagement und Fachwissen durch den oft komplexen und undurchsichtigen Dschungel der Aktienwelt und macht ihn verständlich.

Die Kombination aus interaktiven Theorieeinheiten, selbstständigem Lernen und einem kontinuierlichen Entwicklungsprozess macht diese Reise zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis. Es ist eine lehrreiche Erfahrung, die garantiert Spuren hinterlässt und Veränderung bewirkt. Danke Anne!
Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
5.00 out of 5
The course with Anne over the last 8 weeks was super structured and offered the opportunity to build up an incredible amount of knowledge and know-how. Chapeau for the good concept, the warm, funny and down-to-earth manner and the authentic intention to bring more financial knowledge into the world. :) I can unreservedly recommend everyone to attend the course or to have the courage to trust Anne and yourself and hopefully soon be able to enjoy a life of financial freedom. :)
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
5.00 out of 5
What does Anne stand for? I think it stands for "A-ktien N-icht N-ormal E-rklärt". What do I mean by that? Anne has a wonderful, positive, unconventional and innovative way of teaching you the content, knowledge and experience of trading. I myself was a little skeptical before I decided to start the mentoring program... you don't know each other personally, the costs, will my expectations be met, is it worth it at all, is it serious and will it pay off for me afterwards... many questions in advance. And I'm so glad that I decided to go for it. To be honest, I would have been even happier if I could have done this course years ago. Learning how I can really generate a passive income for myself, with more returns than I've usually been able to achieve with shares and from the point of view of a risk-minimized strategy, could really have brought me even more financial benefits. I myself have been involved with shares for 30 years and have tended to invest conservatively over the long term with a "buy & hold" and dividend strategy. Anne's 5NCL Freedom program really opened up new avenues for me. In these intensive and learning-rich eight weeks, I was able to broaden my horizons enormously. Really great. Not only did I gain theoretical knowledge, but I also got a toolbox that I can immediately put into practice and invest in. On a personal level, Anne is always there for you and gives her full power to everyone. She doesn't really look at the clock and overruns the time for our benefit.... until everything is sorted out. You don't often find this kind of enthusiasm. In terms of content, the course is super well-founded and professional. That speaks for her and her mentoring program. And you can rework everything online afterwards, because everything is archived (the courses and presentations, etc.). Our course consisted of experienced participants, beginners and was generally a good mix - I thought it was mutually enriching. And I'm continuing in the CasfFlow community, which you can join afterwards. All in all, I can only recommend anyone and everyone to go on this eight-week journey with Anne and learn from her - if you want to work on your financial freedom. Nothing is perfect, but I think Anne and her program are very close! Thank you Anne for your commitment and your super great program.
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/21/2024Carsten T.
5.00 out of 5
Dear Anne,
It's not for nothing that I'm starting here with "Du" :-)
The calls of the last few weeks have allowed us to spend an evening together every Tuesday with other interested participants and you as a consistently friendly hostess - apart from the fact that we were able to learn a lot, it was always nice and entertaining. It was simply great fun!

When I was allowed to take part in your first info call before the mentoring started, I had a rough idea of what we were going to learn from you.
Nevertheless, I was skeptical as to whether it would work in reality...
But I was open to new things and gave it a chance - and you definitely didn't disappoint!!!

Looking back and with the new knowledge we gained from your mentoring, I can no longer imagine why I still had doubts at the time.
In short - I would book the course again at any time, or recommend it to good friends!

Thank you very much for the many high-quality lessons,
best regards,
Marco & Maxi
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/21/2024Marco S.
5.00 out of 5
8-week cash flow trading mentoring with Anne, Dennis and Razvan - simply fantastic!

I am absolutely thrilled with this mentoring program! Anne managed to convey complex content with so much clarity and structure that I now feel not only confident, but also well prepared to take off in cash flow trading with confidence. Dennis and Razvan, with their outstanding guidance and support, played a decisive role in ensuring that I was able to ask questions at any time and deepen the content perfectly.

What makes this mentoring special for me is the combination of in-depth knowledge, practical strategies and the opportunity to put them into practice immediately. The foundation provided not only gives me confidence, but also the courage to make my own decisions and act successfully on my own.

Many thanks to Anne, Dennis and Razvan for this incredibly instructive and inspiring journey - I can recommend this mentoring to anyone who wants to learn about cash flow trading at the highest level!
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/21/2024Liliane S.
5.00 out of 5
Anne's energy is extremely great and you can really see her passion for the subject! At the same time, she conveys her expertise in a way that anyone can understand.
The added value you get from her coaching is incredibly valuable and you can generate income very quickly.
It's a real shame that the topic of "renting options" is so unknown, as it's a really simple and risk-free way to build up income on the side without spending a lot of time.
I can really only recommend it to everyone! :)
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/21/2024Sophie B.
5.00 out of 5
Vorweg: Ich kann das Mentoring Programm mit Anne Schwedt uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.
Das Mentoring ist in acht Sessions eingeteilt, so dass die Teilnehmer Schritt für Schritt an die Themen herangeführt werden. Neben spannenden Details und hilfreichen praktischen Einheiten während der Calls, nahm sich Anne stets die Zeit, um alle aufkommenden Fragen zu beantworten.
Besonders begeistert hat mich persönlich dabei von Beginn an Annes Power. Sie gibt alles und man merkt, dass Sie für die Themen brennt. Das Wissen, welches Anne innerhalb der acht Wochen vermittelt ist enorm.
Die Teilnahme an dem Programm ist eine sinnvolle Investition in die eigene finanzielle Freiheit.
Vielen Lieben Dank an dich Anne!
Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
5.00 out of 5
Anne Schwedt versteht es auf den Punkt zu kommen, Beispiele zu liefern, konkrete Ideen zur Umsetzung so anzubieten, dass man sie selbst bewerten kann.

Sie weiß, von was sie spricht und lässt keine Frage unbeantwortet.
Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/20/2024Stefan M.
5.00 out of 5
Ich habe schon immer nach einem Einstieg in den Aktienmarkt gesucht und mit dem Mentoring die perfekte Gelegenheit dazu gefunden! Die Sessions sind super aufgebaut, inhaltsreich und gut verständlich. Anne ist stets extrem motiviert und bemüht, wirklich jede Frage zu beantworten. Es hat sich absolut gelohnt!
Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
5.00 out of 5
Ich habe an Annes Mentoring-Programm teilgenommen und es war eine wirklich tolle Erfahrung!
Sie hat komplexe Themen sehr verständlich erklärt und immer tolle bildhafte Beispiele verwendet.
Die wöchentlichen Sitzungen waren ebenfalls immer sehr motivierend und inspirierend. Anne hat eine schöne positive Energie, die ansteckend ist und einem das Lernen sehr einfach macht.
Ich fühlte mich jederzeit gut betreut und konnte meine Fragen und Anregungen direkt in den Calls klären und loswerden. Am besten gefiel mir auch ihr am Ende beim analysieren zuzusehen, sodass man ihre Gedankengänge und Überlegungen währenddessen mitverfolgen konnte. Ich hatte schon einige Bücher über das Optionstrading gelesen, aber das "Über die Schulter schauen"- Lernen ist für mich eben etwas sehr Wertvolles, sodass Bücher für so eine Thematik hingegen nur beschränkt hilfreich sind.
Auch das Gemeinschaftsgefühl der Gruppe war unglaublich schön!
Vielen Dank, Anne, für deine großartige Unterstützung!
Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
5.00 out of 5
I took part in the 8-week mentoring course and it was really worthwhile.
The 3 hours per week were entertaining and very informative. Anne has a special gift for communicating complex issues and underpinning them with visual examples so that the content learned can be quickly implemented independently.
I am very grateful for the past 8 weeks, now I finally understand what the people in the forums are always talking about 😂.
I'm looking forward to applying everything I've learned and finally having an investment strategy for the stock market.
Anne, thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/20/2024Matze B.
5.00 out of 5
A small leap of faith that will expand your knowledge and place you on a strong footing towards financial freedom. My personal motivation was that I had invested in stocks and ETFs but mostly left these in my portfolio without a clear plan and became increasingly frustrated at the very low returns which became even less after Bank fees. Anne's course provides a structured methodology for investing with an emphasis on minimising risk whilst making use of professional investment tools and techniques to increase your returns. The course does require dedication and homework, and these will be needed also in the future so the motivation needs to be there for that from the start but by the third session you will be motivated for sure!
Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
5.00 out of 5
At the beginning I was a bit skeptical whether it was worth participating in the mentoring because I had already familiarized myself with the topic of options trading. In retrospect, however, I am sure that the decision to take part was the right one. In 8 weeks you get everything you need to successfully apply Anne's investment strategy. In addition to theoretical knowledge, e.g. on the subject of fundamental and technical analysis, this also includes concrete procedures and points of reference that you can follow when investing. Things are explained in a clear and understandable way, so that you can follow along easily even without any previous stock market knowledge. In the end, you have a complete trading concept at your fingertips that you can use to make money in any market situation.
In the meantime, the first successes have already been achieved. If you are interested in the topic of passive income, this mentoring is definitely the right place for you!
Best regards
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/20/2024Bernd K.
5.00 out of 5
I can only compliment Anne Schwedt and her team - a really great, professional mentoring program in which Anne explains the various topics very well and also picks up everyone who has had nothing to do with trading before. She explains individual topics in different ways to get everyone involved. The videos, which you can watch again and again to review the individual points, are very practical. The exchange in the community is also exciting, as questions are raised here that you haven't even had yourself yet. In short: comprehensive mentoring with hands and feet, where you can see your own successes in black and white at the end! Thank you very much - I look forward to further exchanges in the Cashflow community!
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/20/2024Prof. Dr. Astrid N.
5.00 out of 5
Anne's mentoring program far exceeded my expectations and was excellent in every respect. From the very beginning, it was clear that this was an extremely professionally organized program with a focus on quality and individuality. This alone sets this program apart (thank goodness) from many other trading "tutorials".
Anne was characterized by comprehensive expertise, empathy and a real passion for supporting mentees. The sessions were always well prepared and structured. Not only was valuable professional input provided, but personal challenges were also addressed, which promoted development in all areas.
I particularly appreciate the practical relevance and the numerous how-to's that I can implement directly. Anne really took us by the hand here.
The support from the Anne team was also exemplary: from registration, payment, setting up the account, the mentee area - every step was transparent and goal-oriented. You felt very well looked after and cared for. With such a sensitive topic as my own finances, that was very important to me.

I can recommend this mentoring without reservation. It was a benefit for my personal development in the area of financial education. It's actually incredible what knowledge you "didn't" have before. Many thanks to Anne for this inspiring experience!
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Customer review & rating for:
Anne Schwedt
11/20/2024Claudia K.

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