hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt

Success for SMEs: Freedom, Growth & Digitalization 🚀

Contact information
With everyday approaches and tangible examples, we support, coach and advise entrepreneurs, executives and top performers on the path to digitalization and process optimization.
We offer you the competitive edge for more efficiency, structure,...

Contact information

hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt
Hauptstraße 86
73110 Hattenhofen

Contact person
Jan Reichelt

95% Recommended
5 stars 18
4 stars 0
3 stars 0
1 star 0
Customer service
Excellent (4.93)
Excellent (4.84)
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5.00 out of 5
4 Reviews

Customer satisfaction

5.00 out of 5
4 Reviews

Customer loyalty

5.00 out of 5
4 Reviews

19 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

4.85 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Jan is invaluable to me and a true master of his trade. As a coach, he combines professional expertise with impressive humanity. Over the past few months, he has guided me through my professional reorientation and contributed significantly to my success with his comprehensive knowledge and exceptional commitment. His effective coaching methods enabled me not only to clearly define my next professional step, but also to take it with confidence.
Our collaboration is characterized by deep mutual respect and genuine humanity, which makes every exchange inspiring and uplifting. With Jan as a coach, the professional path seems not only easier, but also paved with success. His extensive know-how accelerates the process of making targeted and efficient progress. Anyone looking for a first-class coach is in good hands with Jan. I can recommend him without reservation!

Dear Jan, thank you very much for the cooperation so far and I look forward to everything that is yet to come!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching - Mentoring - Consulting
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Dear Olga,

Thank you very much for your words, which really touched me.

We have been working on your future together for a few months now and it fills me with pride, joy and enthusiasm to be part of this future.

As a coach, it is my job to enable you to unleash your potential, to step out of yourself and to develop. No less, but also no more.

It is particularly important that all of this comes from you!
👉 You have the know-how.
👉 You have the energy.
👉 You have the will.

Now it's time to cast off and set sail.

It's a pleasure to see how you pave your own path to success, with a little help here and there in finding the right stone or keeping to the right width. 😉

"Let your enthusiasm be the water and your determination be the sun to make your business tree grow and blossom." 🌳

I look forward to the journey you are about to embark on and will be happy to accompany you.

Yours sincerely,
5.00 out of 5
I had the pleasure of getting to know Jan in a series of coaching sessions and was impressed by the quality of his work.
Jan is characterized by deep expertise and strong empathy. During our sessions, he was able to help me gain clarity about my goals and develop concrete steps to achieve them. His empathetic nature and ability to listen and get to the point helped me overcome challenges and grow personally.
In addition, I appreciate Jan's professionalism and her ability to create a safe and supportive space. I always felt comfortable talking openly about my thoughts and feelings and was able to get the most out of the coaching sessions.
Overall, I can recommend Jan without reservation. If you are looking for a competent and empathetic coach who can help you achieve your goals and realize your full potential, then you are in good hands with Jan.
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Customer review & rating for:
Persönliches 1:1 Coaching "PROZESSdigitalisierung" für Führungskräfte & Leistungsträger
02/20/2024André S.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Dear André,

WOW! 🎈 Your words touched me deeply and brought back memories of our coaching sessions together. I am so pleased to see that our collaboration was not just a snapshot, but has brought about lasting change.

Your assessment shows me that we didn't just find superficial solutions, but that we went into depth together to overcome challenges and enable real personal growth. It was a real pleasure to accompany you on this journey and to see how you defined your goals more clearly and developed concrete steps for their realization.

I am deeply grateful for the trust you placed in me and for creating a supportive space in which you were able to fully open up. Your courage and openness made our sessions special and I am convinced that you will continue to use the insights and skills you gained successfully in the future.

I sincerely wish you all the best for your future, both professionally and personally. Always remember that you are unique and have everything you need to achieve your goals and realize your full potential.

Best wishes and best wishes for you,

5.00 out of 5
I had the pleasure of booking Jan Reichelt as a speaker for one of our events. His presentation on the topic of "People. Processes. Digitalization - In exactly that order!" was inspiring. Our young timber construction entrepreneurs were very impressed by his presentation.

Jan Reichelt knows how to present complex topics in an understandable and practical way. I was particularly impressed by his approach of focusing on people and processes first and only then incorporating digitalization. He shows how optimizations in the area of people can have a positive impact on processes and digitalization and vice versa. This ensures that digitalization actually achieves the desired effects: Reducing costs, supporting entrepreneurial processes, minimizing risks and securing the future.

Jan Reichelt presents his content with great passion and expertise. His practical examples from small and medium-sized companies clearly illustrate how successful changes can be implemented. He not only imparts theoretical knowledge, but also provides concrete recommendations for action that can be implemented directly.

His slogan "more EPROM - less KOPROM" sums up his approach: by focusing on people and processes, a solid basis is created on which digitalization can have an optimal effect.

I can recommend Jan Reichelt as a speaker without reservation. His expertise in the areas of people, processes and digitalization is impressive and his presentations are inspiring and practical. He ensures that entrepreneurs become more successful and supports them in realizing their full potential.

Thank you, Jan, for the informative and motivating presentation!

Best regards

Torsten Rothfuss
Staff unit guild work
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Customer review & rating for:
Speaker - Moderator - Kommentator - Interview-Gast
11/15/2023Torsten R.
5.00 out of 5
Jan Reichelt brings the topics to the point in a very lively, understandable and comprehensible way and makes you think. Really great and highly recommended!
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Customer review & rating for:
Speaker - Moderator - Kommentator - Interview-Gast
11/10/2023Rosario De C.
5.00 out of 5
He was recently a guest on my podcast, and we got along great from the start. The cool thing was that he responded to my questions really great, even though he didn't know them before. Totally professional, but at the same time mega relaxed, so that you feel really comfortable with him.

The exciting thing about him is that you can literally feel his passion and the concentrated experience in his answers. You simply notice that people are close to his heart. For him, people come first, before all the digitization processes for his customers.

So if you want to work with someone on your potential digitization and are up for an energetic partner, then you should definitely check out Jan.
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Customer review & rating for:
Speaker - Moderator - Kommentator - Interview-Gast
09/01/2023Dennis S.
5.00 out of 5
Topics of the workshop were conveyed in a practical manner, well-structured process, entertaining and absolutely on schedule. Questions were taken up and answered directly.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Thank you very much for the top rating.
Workshops like this one on "OnBoarding in "PROCESS Digitization" are only entertaining if the participants are fully involved. And that was absolutely the case here. We were able to illuminate parallels to everyday life and practical examples together again and again throughout the workshop. And as so often since I've included it in the workshop: the topic of generational characteristics was then really captivating! 👍
5.00 out of 5
Very lively, exciting presentation style, listeners are involved, individual situation of the customer is taken into account, important know-how is conveyed in a lively manner, small special effects in the presentation make it entertaining. Gladly again .
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
11/04/2022Schmidt, J.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Thank you very much for your great evaluation.
Even though it was already heading towards dusk outside, you held up well and it was a pleasure to tackle the topics of Workshop 1 "OnBoarding in PROCESS Digitization" together with you. During the afternoon, you always gave me the feeling that my explanations were of interest to you and that they were practical, even if sometimes surprising or new.
I am looking forward to our further cooperation!
5.00 out of 5
Very pictorial presentation of the challenges and immediate delivery of solutions. Lecture was not too dry and you are always on point. Very good presentation.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Onboarding is always the part where everyone is "thrown in at the deep end".
No one knows what to expect.
And then it quickly becomes apparent whether it is possible to understand each other and to walk the path together with the goal of positive business development using PROCESS Digitization™.
I thank you for the 5 stars and gladly give them also for the interaction and the motivation on this Friday afternoon.
5.00 out of 5
Detailed, simple explanation
very prompt solutions incl. implementation
individual training taking into account individual interests
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Customer review & rating for:
Persönliches 1:1 Coaching "PROZESSdigitalisierung" für Führungskräfte & Leistungsträger
09/30/2022Annette B.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
5 stars!
Many thanks!
It was an immense pleasure for me to be part of the transformation of corporate processes on this day as well. Because when the chemistry is right and you're all pulling in the same direction, you quickly recognize potential and possible solutions for achieving your goals.
That's how we continue!
5.00 out of 5
Competent, practical content, entertainingly taught!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
09/21/2022Oliver H.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Thank you very much!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Wow!
Then we can be curious about the way forward in the area of PROCESS digitization.
Directly from Workshop I, topics have already emerged that can be further developed together.
5.00 out of 5
Jan Reichelt's experience and know-how in IT and cyber security helped me a lot to write my current novel "DÜRRE" as realistically as possible and extremely close to the pulse of time. Thanks for that at this point, Jan!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching & Consulting für Autoren, Schriftsteller und Kreative zu IT-Themen
08/10/2022Uwe L.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Hello Uwe. Thank you very much for the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ !
It was a pleasure to have assisted you with your novel/thriller "Dürre" (ISBN 3453441184). Also for me it was an exciting journey, which I was allowed to undertake with you. And if the chemistry still fits ...!
PS: We have put together a small free package especially for authors and writers: https://hoch3it.de/it-fakten-fuer-autoren
5.00 out of 5
Very Professional support and assistance in every way.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching & Training für Digitalisierungslösungen (Präsenzveranstaltung)
08/05/2022M. König, Prinzing Elektrotechnik GmbH A.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
And also here for ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ my warmest thanks. It is my pleasure to support, coach and train when there is so much commitment and focus on the other side. That's how we keep going ... 👍
4.88 out of 5
Jan Reichelt analyzed our initial situation in great detail and comprehensively and then provided us with helpful tips and ideas to help us solve difficulties in everyday life with tools that are already available and do not cause unnecessary costs.
Keep it up!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Thank you very much for the 4.88 ⭐. I would be very happy if we could discuss the competencies rated GOOD instead of VERY GOOD "verifiability, atmosphere, trust relationship, additional performance, holism and methodology". Our goal is ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, building on this very feedback. I am happy to be available by email or phone for an exchange.
5.00 out of 5
Innovation, direct implementation of own ideas in coaching program, positive support in all areas, one-on-one meetings made possible!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
07/30/2022Annette B.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Thank you for the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and the description/evaluation. We will continue here and develop as much potential as possible. For less external determination and a better "flow" in everyday life.
5.00 out of 5
Rating for:
Wissenstransfer über Workshop, Guides und Webtrainings und Online-Events
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Dear Susanne.

I am very happy that you rated me on ProvenExpert for my guide "🚀 Success on ProvenExpert in 9 steps! 🚀" with 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.
I now wish you much success on this good, intuitive and goal-oriented review platform.

And whenever you think, how could I advance, optimize, change this and that in my business: Feel free to have a look at my profile on LinkedIn https://hoch3.it/LinkedIn .
According to my slogan "People . Processes . Digitization - in exactly the right order!" you're sure to always find new approaches, impulses and tips there.

Best regards and thanks again 💓,
2.20 out of 5
Rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Dear rater,

Thank you for taking the time to rate us. We appreciate any feedback that helps us improve our service and ensure that our customers are satisfied.

Unfortunately, since your rating is anonymous and without comment, it is not possible for us to address specific points that we can improve. However, we would appreciate if you could contact us to give us more information about your experience so that we can find a solution to fix your problem.

We take all reviews very seriously and would welcome the opportunity to hear your concerns and improve.

Jan Reichelt
5.00 out of 5
Rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
08/19/2022Stefan H.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Thank you for the 5 stars!
I am pleased that we were able to build up such movement and motivation together at this point.
Thus, the further coaching path to PROCESS Digitization will certainly also be exciting, efficient and inspiring.
5.00 out of 5
Rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
07/29/2022Martina K.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Also for the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ many thanks.
5.00 out of 5
Rating for:
Coach 2022 - OnBoarding digitale Prozessoptimierung
07/28/2022Helga S.
hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt Comment from hoch³IT - Jan Reichelt:
Herzlichen Dank für die ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.
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