Soulfood by Jackie Freitag

Stop emotional & restrictive eating

Soulfood by  Jackie Freitag
69 Reviews i
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out of 76 reviews
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In 12 weeks, we systematically end the battle with your body and food. Jackie's journey summarized in a program that has helped over 7000 women so far.
12 weeks that will not only end your struggle with your body and food, but also change and transform your entire life.

Contact information

Soulfood by Jackie Freitag
Soulfood LLC
500 4th St NW, Suite 102/1752
Albuquerque, New Mexico (NM) 87102
United States of America

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Review from 07/23/2024  
5.00 out of 5

69 Reviews on

5.00 out of 5
The whole program is built with so much love and passion and thought through down to the smallest detail! It is very profound and comprehensive. I finally found access to my feelings and understood why I eat, even when I'm not physically hungry. The 1:1 coaching in particular was extremely valuable and helpful for me. I can only recommend the program and urge every woman who struggles with emotional eating to take this step and open up - and thus decide to lead a self-determined life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Many thanks to you dear Jackie and your whole team. You have helped me to find myself again. To perceive life and difficult situations in a completely different way. I started the program with the goal of losing weight, but after a short time that absolutely faded into the background and I realized that I needed more than 10 kilos less.
I can now go through my life happier and more self-determined again, but at the same time I still have so much to learn. Thank you for the great livestreams, the meditations, the tasks and being together. I've also been able to get to know so many great women.

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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Soulfood has completely changed my life and the life of my family.
The topic of food has haunted me for as long as I can remember. From restrictive eating to daily binge eating, it was all there. I always felt 'wrong'. Never good enough. The hole inside me got bigger and bigger. My relationship with my family became worse and more distant.
Everything has been so clear since Soulfood. I can catch myself emotionally and if I don't succeed, I know exactly why a situation triggers me. I've been able to talk about all my issues with my parents and my relationship with my mom is more carefree and easy than ever before.
The emotional eating is also as good as gone. It still happens very rarely and then I know exactly why it's happening and I don't judge myself anymore.
I would love to meet Jackie in person one day to tell her how infinitely grateful I am to her and her team. Now I know my essence and the deep meaning of my life. Thank you for the most wonderful journey of my entire life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Hello och I have experienced these 12 weeks of inner journey as very valuable and unique! I have never felt so self-loved and accepted!!! it is an incredibly helpful program which I will definitely continue to do to get to know myself even better and to love myself as I am💖 best regards Sabine
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Soulfood is a coaching program that has exceeded all my expectations. While most methods only treat the symptoms, this program gets to the bottom of the cause down to the deepest depths of the soul and resolves it. Soulfood changes EVERYTHING.
Jackie radiates an authenticity that is more than astonishing for such a young woman. You can feel that she has experienced and realized all of this down to the smallest detail. She lovingly and sensitively supports the participants and no question goes unanswered. The team is caring, helpful and competent. I never had the feeling that I was being left in the lurch.
If you REALLY get involved, you not only change your life, but above all yourself. Priceless <3
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Signing up for Soulfood was the best decision I ever made. I met great women, was able to resolve numerous traumas and meet myself on a very deep level. My view of myself, my body and life has completely changed. I feel happy and liberated and am infinitely happy to have been there. The expertise and love that Jackie and her team give out cannot be outweighed by money. A thousand thanks for this journey, which has not always been easy, but where every tear and every effort has been more than worth it!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Soulfood found me at exactly the right moment in my life. I was burnt out after my divorce, depressed and my eating disorder had taken full access back into my life! My self-hatred and my despair led me to drink a lot of alcohol, I hadn't slept without chemicals for years and I thought that's just the way it is now! But it's not like that! Thanks to Soulfood, I finally have access to myself again, sleep again and drink a glass of wine for pleasure! But that's not all: I've started to feel self-love, to be grateful for myself and I'm well on my way to becoming my best friend! Thank you so much! You are so valuable!!! 🩷🙏
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
A definite recommendation for those who want to find themselves. It was worth every minute!
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Soulfood was the beginning of a new life for me.
A life in love & gentleness towards myself, without the pressure of having to meet the demands of be slimmer, better, more perfect.

On my journey with Soulfood, I was given the opportunity to look where I would never have been allowed to look without Jackie - into my innermost being - and I am so infinitely grateful for that!

I was able to discover so many things that had been hidden from me all these years and so, step by step, I was able to return to myself and the core of my being.

I feel things I never felt...see things I seemed to be blind to...and finally feel lightness & happiness where before there was only heaviness, sadness and struggle.

Getting to know Jackie and being part of her story was probably the most valuable experience of my entire life, I am very grateful for everything I was allowed to discover, feel and learn and with each new day I am allowed to do so🐛🦋.

Thank you to Jackie & all the lovely souls I was allowed to get to know and love in 12 weeks🫶

With love,
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Soulfood is truly life-changing. I have done many courses, read countless books and have always been on a quest to be happy and accept myself. I have never reached a depth like I have with Soulfood before. I have healed deep wounds from my childhood, resolved triggers and now stand in front of the mirror and look at myself with love. I go through life with so much more ease, self-love and joy after just 12 weeks. All the coaches were so loving and never worked with pressure. It was simply wonderful and so healing. I would wish every person such a change from the bottom of my heart. 🦋❤️
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
If there were 10 stars, I would also give them to Soulfood, Jackie and her whole team. The program is so well structured - from the application to the administrative organization to the support during the 12 weeks. Soulfood has changed my life. You hear this sentence so often. And it's true!!! For me, the changes go far beyond my relationship with my body and food. Thanks to the 1:1 coaching, I had professional support at my side to guide me through all the issues. It is an investment in the rest of my life. I wish from the bottom of my heart that everyone would treat themselves to Soulfood.
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
4.60 out of 5
You are addressed on all levels...
1. daily videos by Jackie who knows about the theoretical background AND is so authentic through her own story of suffering, life and success that she can convey an incredible amount to the participants.
2. the workbook. It's not just a book that overwhelms you at the mere sight of having to 'work through' it. It is very attractively designed (for the senses 🌸) and the individual daily tasks are easy to manage... especially as there are also free days in between, on which it is possible to rework and deepen, as well as a week of awareness without daily tasks to let everything settle or to take the time to immerse yourself in the telegram group and in the exchange with the other women. The fact that topics are repeated or overlap because they are viewed from different perspectives is also great. You get to know each other better and better and find better access here and there. At some point along the way you recognize the essential personal 'key issues', for which you are then given tools to work on.
The meditations were particularly valuable... and above all, they don't take too long, because for anyone coming out of the performance spiral, 'doing nothing' and 'just lying there' is overwhelming at the beginning. At least that's how it was for me. Today, I can't imagine not having rest periods and I 'allow' myself the rest :-) that I need to regenerate from years of suppressed exhaustion through sport and 'fighting'. The Telegram group and even more the exchange room have led me into a deep connection with different women from week to week and completely changed my image of women in general. I no longer feel envy towards high-achieving female fighters in work or sport, but rather compassion and question many a cosequent, 'promising' behavior or confident appearance.
The whole Jackie team is wonderful and each one contributes to the healing process through their own story and their compassionate guidance and the valuable impulses and meditations during the 12 weeks. After many years of searching and various programs, I have finally found a way through Soulfood that has led me to more peace with myself, more awareness of life and, above all, to significant positive behavioral changes in the direction of healing. It is simply wonderful and I am grateful with all my heart. I am also proud of myself because this is the only program (of the many I have tried) that I stuck with to the end and didn't want to miss anything. I can only recommend Soulfood to EVERY woman and actually to everyone without reservation. All the best from Barbara
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
I struggled with doing this program for so long, even though I have struggled with food for over 30 years. And now I often think I should have done it much earlier. Not only is the issue of food as good as resolved, no, I suddenly like my body and am infinitely grateful for what it does for me every day, even though I treated it so badly for so long.
Yesterday I was out and about in the city and had a feeling of anticipation, as if I was about to go to a concert or on vacation or something. And I thought about it for a moment until I realized that I was just looking forward to the rest of my life. ❤️ It's such a great feeling. I can hardly put it into words.
Thank you. Just thank you. To everyone who makes the program possible and especially Jackie, of course.
I would recommend it to ALL women, whether they have an eating disorder or not. The program changes lives. ❤️
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Soulfood was an absolute life changer for me. I am a paychologist myself and it was only through soulfood that I really understood all the connections in depth and was able to resolve them. This feeling of freedom and lightness that I now have thanks to soul food is simply priceless. It's not for nothing that so many people say: There is a life BEFORE and a life AFTER soulfood. There is a way out of the struggle & I can only recommend you from the bottom of my heart to embark on this intense & beautiful journey with Jackie and her team. You will be so grateful to yourself ❤️❤️🦋
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
The program is life-changing, it makes you see life again with all its beauty, to look at yourself with loving eyes again and to see your fellow human beings with different eyes.
The team and the program is made with so much love that you feel so loved, so valuable, so understood and that's what makes you open your heart again. It is the most beautiful and life-changing thing I have done in my life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
I've done an incredible number of courses, but none of them were built with so much heart. Here, for the first time, I had the feeling that I wasn't just a number, but that the whole team, including Jackie, really put their hearts into it. The course was simply magical for me - without exaggerating. The emotional eating went away on its own. Simply because there is no pressure here. I had complete confidence and was rewarded with new energy. I can highly recommend this course. I opted for an additional 1:1 coaching session. This course is worth every penny. I now even have more money available each month, as my consumer behavior has also changed completely. Thank you!
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
I am still completely overwhelmed by my soulfood journey over the last 12 weeks. At the masterclass I already sensed that it was something extraordinary ... but I never imagined how deep and how special an "online program" could be.
I have been working with different methods of self-knowledge and healing since 2002 ... and yet hardly anything has touched me so deeply. I am looking forward to integrating what I have felt and learned step by step into my life.
Thank you Jackie ... Thank you to the wonderful team and thank you to all my fellow participants.
I can only recommend it to everyone ... it is a wonderful program ...
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
After 12 weeks, I can say that I feel joy again. The journey was very emotional and deep. I can highly recommend the 1:1 coaching. The daily exchange with the coach helped me a lot. The structure of the program is so well thought out and sensible. I am very happy to have made the journey. It has changed my life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Very deep inner work, root cause analysis, no pure symptom treatment. Especially in combination with a 1:1 coach, incredible progress is possible in this comparatively short period of 12 weeks. No promises of a cure are made, so it is very honest and transparent - because you are the only one in control. The team is kind-hearted and happy to take you by the hand. Jackie has fabulous knowledge and shares her own insights. Soulfood is a holistic program to finally free yourself from your compulsions and behavioral patterns. An absolute recommendation. I was finally able to resolve my eating disorder after more than 20 years and get to know myself in a completely new way.
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
5.00 out of 5
Soulfood has changed my life! Without Soulfood I would not be where I am today! I am deeply grateful to have come across Jackie & her team back then, because my WHOLE life has been transformed. I am so much happier, freer and lead a self-determined & fulfilled life. It's not just my eating habits that have changed so much through soulfood, but my whole inner world. Soulfood means you no longer scratch the surface, but really delve DEEP into the issues! I would do Soulfood again every time 🦋❤️
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Customer review & rating for:
Jackie Freitag
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