Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer

Ecotrophologist. Self-employed as nutrition coach & personal trainer.

Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
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I'll show you step-by-step how to get to your desired weight WITHOUT diets & bans. Stop the JoJo! Finally long-term success through routines.
My secret? Simplicity. Individuality. Continuity.

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Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
Rosenstraße 5
66111 Saarbrücken

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Timo Wagner

Review from 07/01/2024  
5.00 out of 5

50 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

5.00 out of 5
Timo has managed to give me a lightness in terms of eating and losing weight that I didn't even realize I had lost. He designs the consultation 100000% individually and personally and responds to the respective needs in an empathetic yet goal-oriented manner. He can be reached at any time and has a solution strategy for every problem, no matter how big or small. Unfortunately, my weight loss journey is far from over, but with Timo's help I am absolutely certain that I will achieve my goal. And that despite vacations, social life and the normal madness of everyday life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
I can only really thank Timo.
He puts so much heart and soul into everything. Really super individual, suitable for everyone. He is always available during the coaching phase and afterwards. His technical knowledge and the way he imparts it are also simply top-notch.
I had tried almost everything before, but it was always a short-term solution as soon as I stopped I had the same problem again ( yo-yo effect ) Thanks to him I have found a lifestyle where I am always happy with it and not some weight loss programs.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
Last summer I was so frustrated, freshly diagnosed with lipoedema, that I couldn't see any light at the end of the weight loss tunnel. For the last 20 years, my weight had been going up and down. WW, shakes, crash diets - all without lasting success. My thoughts were all about bans, commandments and calories. I was at an absolute mental low point.

Then I found Timo. Thanks to Timo, I learned to develop strategies for everyday life and to accept myself as I am - with lipoedema. With the best will in the world, I couldn't imagine eating lightly. It didn't take long at all for me to get the first hint of: Aha, that's what I meant". Today, despite my stressful everyday family life, I am totally relaxed about food, my weight and lipoedema. We have exceeded my target by a few kilos. I now have the tools I need to maintain my weight in the long term and reduce it further if necessary. And without any bans. I can only warmly recommend Timo to everyone.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
I started together with Timo three months ago to finally get rid of a few annoying kilos. Everything I tried before didn't work at all and ended up leading to even more kilos and a lot of frustration. With his advice, I have managed to lose about 3 - 4 kilos so far and have put on weight again. My goal was not to lose weight as quickly as possible. I'm not good at doing without! It was to get a few tips from a neutral outside perspective that suit me individually. I'm very happy that I've come this far! And we'll manage the rest too. Timo is really on duty around the clock and is available to answer questions. He is infinitely patient and has a great deal of knowledge about nutrition, but also about the connections with metabolism and digestion. Conclusion: I can't think of any other model that is more promising. With his approach, really anyone can do it, whether it's 3 or 30 kilos! Just do it!
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
When I discovered Timo on Instagram a good 3 months ago, I was in the process of losing weight for specific health reasons. I had reached a point where I couldn't go any further myself. That's why I was looking for new impulses and tips for my dietary changes. Contacting him led to a very good, informative, detailed and very pleasant conversation. I was impressed by Timo's expertise, depth, honesty and empathy. I felt completely understood. So I started my very first coaching session with Timo. Over time, he won me over with his scientific expertise, his individuality and his professionalism. He takes into account all the difficulties and challenges that each individual faces in the weight loss process and develops solutions that are easy to implement. This was the best decision I have ever made! Timo is truly unique as a coach and consultant. His individuality and empathy in particular make him a very special and valuable person and companion. Always ready to help, motivate and encourage you to persevere, no matter what difficulties or challenges you are facing. I never expected that we would achieve such huge success together, so quickly. The fact is that I would never have got this far without Timo. Totally happy about this development and highly motivated to continue, it was a matter of course for me to continue coaching with Timo. For me, Timo is simply brilliant! I'm really looking forward to our continued collaboration. For me, he is the BEST 💯% coach and advisor you could wish for. It is clear to me that I will achieve my goal with Timo at my side. I would like to thank Timo from the bottom of my heart!!! I would advise anyone who is in a similar situation to trust Timo and start coaching with him.
PS: Timo honestly....5 stars are far too few for you.... I will give you an infinite number of stars.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
The time with Timo was consistently positive and instructive for me. After my time as an active amateur footballer, when I always weighed between 80-90 kg, I got 4-5 kg heavier every year. When I weighed over 100 kg for the first time, I knew I had to change something. However, I wasn't able to get back under 100 in the long term. I started working with Timo at 101 kg and my goal was 91 kg. After 6 months I am now at 86 kg and have gained a lot of muscle. So my goal has been exceeded.
Working with Timo was a very grounding experience, Timo gave me more composure and a more relaxed approach to the subject, which meant that even weak days didn't throw me off track. I allowed myself to have down days and still always got straight back on track, thanks to Timo. I feel fit, strong and, above all, stable in my routines. Many thanks for everything Timo.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
I've been coaching with Timo for over a year now and am extremely satisfied. Timo always finds motivating words, has tips and tricks of all kinds and always responds to the needs of his coaches. He makes an enormous effort to find an optimal weight loss solution for you and is very responsive and competent.

I could never have dreamed of these results after a year :) With over 30 kg less, more sporty and smoke-free, I and my health would like to say thank you :)
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
I feel like I've been on 1000 diets in my life and tried countless different approaches to losing weight. None of them worked in the long term and I kept putting on weight. So I made the decision to seek professional advice and Timo's statements on diets, miracle pills and diets on Insta and his scientific approach motivated me to contact him. At first I was really surprised that Timo didn't have a "no pain no gain" approach at all, because I had somehow expected a strict counselor who would admonish me to be disciplined. But Timo always picked me up exactly where I was. He led me step by step to new insights and behavioral changes and encouraged me with every setback to just get back on and keep going. I now know that the weight loss journey is not a race and that it's not about starving yourself into a bikini figure for your summer vacation as quickly as possible. Behavioral changes take time and sacrifice and torment only turn into the opposite in the end.
During the 1-to-1 coaching with Timo, I had to deal with a few strokes of fate and Timo was also there for me during this time and supported me - far beyond just losing weight. It became particularly clear that Timo's holistic approach is the right way, because the path to a healthy body leads through a healthy soul.
I can recommend Timo's coaching to anyone who has already made several unsuccessful attempts to lose weight and to anyone who believes that they cannot lose weight, for whatever reason. For me, the financial investment was an investment in a better, healthier life, because the coaching has changed my behavior permanently, so that I am no longer afraid of the infamous "yo-yo effect".
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
Timo has managed to completely change my focus when it comes to food. From thinking "Can I still eat this today" to "I have to eat more vegetables and proteins". In other words, relaxed weight loss, individually tailored to my favorite dishes and preferences. Everything is very scientifically sound and well explained. I extended the contract again after three months because Timo gives me great support.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
"Without diets and without prohibitions to the desired weight".
Well - actually you think to yourself that this can't really be. Losing weight is only possible with a diet and that is probably totally exhausting, annoying, causes bad mood and everything nice and tasty is forbidden. No way! Timo has shown me that losing weight is so incredibly easy. And without a diet. Without prohibitions. And with fun and ease.
I was dissatisfied with myself for a very long time. I no longer felt comfortable in my own skin and have actually always tried to hide under wide and inconspicuous clothes. "Just don't stand out" - that determined my life for far too long. And then I finally decided to say "stop" and initiate an important change process.
So first I started a long date with myself. Who do I want to be? How do I want to be? Where do I want my journey to go?
At the top of my list was to change my appearance. In other words: get rid of the flab and get into the colorful clothes!
Then I discovered by chance - and at absolutely the right time - Timo. His funny and interesting posts on social media, among other things, convinced me to contact him. Because, if not now - when? And from the very first minute, he made time for me.
At no point did I feel like "just another" customer. He was interested in me, listened to me attentively, focused on me and my goals, motivated me and was at my side around the clock with sound knowledge and helpful tips.
With Timo, you not only get a super nutrition coach, you simply get much more. He is a great, warm, open and humorous person who takes time for you from the beginning, is interested in you and your life, takes you seriously, always has an open ear for you and supports you around the clock.
I am very happy to have met Timo. Working with him has been incredibly beneficial to me and he has helped me get off to a great start in a new, lighter and more colorful life.
Thank you for everything!
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
For me and my well-being the best decision of my life. Timo is a very emphatic, appreciative coach. There was never a "you have to do this now and then you have to do that" - no, there was always a "maybe you can do it this way or here was a little protein or vegetables missing". There were no bans or guidelines but my absolutely for me 100% individual way. I can finally eat as normally as my ulcerative colitis allows me to. And yet I have now lost 13.5 kg after just under 7 months - even though I have done virtually nothing special. He showed me the way out of the diet mania and I have found the right routines for me. Finally, after so many years, eating feels easy again. I am doing better than ever with my colitis and I have had this disease for 30 years. I can 100% recommend the 1:1 coaching. He is always responsive and you always get feedback. My journey is not over yet and Timo will surely stay by my side in one way or another.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
My decision for Timo as a nutrition coach was the best I could make!
Finally, someone who does not finance himself by additionally talking me into any powders, capsules, drinks and other junk. No one who wants to make me believe that it can not work without these additional products and does not tell me that only interval fasting, low carb, keto or any other diet lead exclusively to the goal.
No, quite the opposite: finally Someone who picked me up in me!
Someone who, the data provided to him, not only soberly evaluates, but also asks about the "Why" behind it.
Someone who tries to understand you and builds your needs into a truly individual program, which he constantly expands - always adapted to the changes and your wishes / goals.
Finally someone who doesn't get all serious about nutrition. One is usually with itself already seriously enough what this topic concerns. With his funny way in his reels he had me immediately. That nutrition can be fun, I have learned through him again.
He knows what he is doing and that he has an immense expertise becomes clear very quickly. No parroted phrases, but study and his own experience underpin his expertise, without him seeming arrogant. He is never condescending, always tries to adjust to the level of his counterpart. No school-like lectures.
For me personally, these were the winning arguments: Professional competence paired with humor, personal experience, empathy and the talent of "personnel management".
This man knows what he is talking about and I was ready to trust and believe him.
I was in coaching for (just under) 4 months. Together we managed to reduce myself by 9kg.
It was not always easy - sometimes more for him than for me. *smile*
Trapped in old behavior patterns I was often in my own way. I couldn't think of the simplest things, often I couldn't see the forest for the trees.
Breaking through old ways of thinking was a big challenge - for both sides.
Even today, I still have problems recognizing the simple solutions.
But even though I've been out of individual coaching for a good 3 weeks now, I can still get in touch and ask for tips and help.
That is not a matter of course and I find that extremely customer-friendly and courteous.
I will definitely go for coaching with Timo again. Not because the current one didn't bring anything, but because on such a long way of acceptance there are always questions and changes or even stagnations. And then to have a competent and emphatic coach at your side gives you courage and motivation.
I know that even if I were to report back in a year, he would still be able to greet me with: "Hey Gabi, and how are you" - knowing full well who I am and where our last stand was.
First and foremost, I am very grateful to Timo for the "reprogramming" in my head.
By really making the smallest of changes, I have become much more relaxed with the whole issue, which is a crucial factor in the course of a dietary change.
I know what to look for - be it when shopping or when eating.
And I know, if things don't go quite so smoothly, how I can get back on track.
Only drinking and vegetable variety will remain a lifelong issue with me...*ha ha ha*.
But I'm not losing sight of that goal either. *wink*
The goal is no longer the number on the scale, but the establishment of new habits.
The much more relaxed way, which automatically makes the number on the scale smaller.
The road to this realization was rocky and I was glad to have such a dedicated coach at my side in Timo.
I can unreservedly recommend him and, in addition to many aha-moments, you have a lot of fun with him - and ultimately also success! ;-)
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
Timo was always there for me, he helped me very well with nutritional issues. He was able to give me new tips that I would not have thought of myself. Together we thought about how I can change my daily routine to get to my goal. He was also able to help me with physical ailments and was always there to give me advice and support. The workouts helped me get my body into the shape I wanted for myself. I am very satisfied and would recommend him to anyone.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
I can really recommend Timo from the bottom of my heart. He is not only there with advice and support, but also helps you with the lows and celebrates the highs. You are always in good hands and he helps with really EVERYTHING. Anyone who wants to lose weight should definitely have Timo as a coach. Thank you very much Timo.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
I have to give Coach Timo a lot of praise: he really knows his job, responds to each of his customers individually and is always available - around the clock - with advice and support.
I learned that when it comes to losing weight, there is not only black and white, but a lot of colorful in between. It's also about learning to listen to your body. Basically, everything is allowed in moderation; as long as you are in deficit due to your daily routine.
For me, it was important to first find out which of my habits were keeping me from my desired weight. Here, Coach Timo held up a mirror to me that I didn't want to see at first. But it is important to reflect and question oneself. This gives me the opportunity to establish new habits.
Of course, what happens in the kitchen is important, but mental health is just as important.
So...thanks for the new way of thinking and continued success!^^
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
Timo is a very wonderful person and an excellent coach. I came across one of his videos on TikTok by chance, at a point in my life when I understood that I couldn't do it alone. Our conversations are so much more than coaching sessions for me. They are a bit like therapy. Timo made me realize how important it is for acceptance to be at peace with oneself. To say more yes to yourself and more often no to things that are not good for you. I have been struggling with my weight for almost my entire life. But only through Timo I realized how easy it can be. He is always there for me. Stands by me with advice and also with uplifting words. He always gives me the feeling of being the only client. After a loss of now 10 kg I am still far from the goal. But thanks to Timo I believe for the first time that I can do it. Thank you that you exist!
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
With Timo, I didn't just get nutrition coaching, but a complete concept that was tailored to me, my life and my goals. At no point did I feel like one of many clients. Quite the opposite! If there was a difficult phase, he took more time to help me find my own way again. Above all, I was allowed to learn to accept help even as a professional. And by the way, my weight has gone down steadily. I would still like to lose a few kilos and now actually manage to continue on my own.
Timo, thank you for everything!
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
Timo quickly grasped the core of my problem and showed me in small steps how I can tackle the weight problem and take my new body sensation / feeling into everyday life and integrate the necessary steps.
The first pounds quickly fell off and Timo always knew how to motivate me.
I would recommend him to my friends and acquaintances at any time.
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
I found Timo by chance on Facebook.
For me it was important to find someone who knows what he is doing.
And I can say that about Timo.
He is there for you day and night and always finds the right words.
After years of yo-yo effects, I no longer had confidence in anything and constantly struggled with myself, eating too much and wrong.
Timo has managed with his ingenious concept that I have not only reached my achieved weight, but also found that you can eat pretty normal and still achieve success. And that with relatively little effort.
I can only recommend Timo from the bottom of my heart,.
Thank you very much for everything 🫶
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Customer review & rating for:
Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
5.00 out of 5
I have found myself again through Timo!
At the end of 2021 I was the first time with Timo in coaching.
From then on, my weight loss journey began with 95kg. Among other things, we worked a lot on my mindset, because the self-confidence & self-awareness have suffered a lot in recent years. Despite all this, he showed me how to lose weight properly, even if the mindset was not so cooperative at the beginning! I am very grateful to him that he was there for me when I needed him & for every problem I had in that time, always directly had a suitable solution. And also the personal connection to his clients was very important to him!
Together with him I lost my first -20kg so that I was at 75kg.
After 6 months I finished the coaching & moved on alone on my weight loss journey to see if I could get further without help.
At the beginning it went quite well, but at some point it stagnated again.
So I contacted Timo again and he immediately knew what the problem was. And so we worked together a second time. Thereby I lost another -8kg and reached my 68kg.
I am now out of coaching & can say that I have taken a lot of knowledge & he also offers great offers such as online workouts or but also WhatsApp exchange groups created, which helped me to remain motivated!
I felt very well taken care of in the coaching and can really recommend him!
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Timo Wagner - Ernährungscoach und Online-Personal Trainer
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