vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen

Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine, Psychotherapy, Pain Therapy

Contact information
The vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen is a specialist clinic for psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, including pain therapy. The clinic is privately run and treats a wide range of patients with a team of experienced doctors and therapists.

Contact information

vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
Roonstraße 9-13
32105 Bad Salzuflen

Contact person
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen

Review from 07/17/2024  
5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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34 Reviews on

5.00 out of 5
It was my first stay at the clinic and I felt at home from day 1. I can really only recommend everything, from the food to the therapies and therapists, rooms etc.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
07/17/2024Christa T.
5.00 out of 5
I can really recommend the Vita Nova Clinic with a clear conscience.

The doctors, the team of therapists and all the staff give their absolute best every day, are very friendly and approachable and are always on hand with help and advice. I felt that I was in very good hands!

I was allowed to visit the clinic in advance, was given extensive and detailed advice and I am still happy today that I chose this clinic.
The range of therapies on offer, consisting of four group sessions per week, three individual sessions per week and a sports and art program, also deserve a special mention at this point. The focus here is clearly on the patient and their recovery.
Both the food and the accommodation are excellent and are clearly of superior restaurant quality.

I have fond memories of the past seven weeks at the Vita Nova Clinic, because without this experience I would not be healthy again today.

Best regards!
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
5.00 out of 5
I was at the vita nova clinic from February to April 2024. The admission went smoothly. I went to the clinic with an emergency referral and was admitted on the same day. I was suffering from panic attacks, a severe depressive episode and was in almost unbearable pain. I was in Dr. Kahren's group and in retrospect I can say that he was or is exactly the right doctor for me. Professionally and personally, he is impressive in his own way. Sometimes he knows you better than you know yourself.

The group therapy, which takes place 4 times a week, is intensive, as is the individual therapy 3-4 times a week.

I am also very happy to have met Dr. Wellpott. She stood by me with advice and support during my difficult time and also gave me golden tips for the future. Her positive charisma gave me courage.

Another positive aspect is that the entire team at the vita nova clinic, the nursing staff, the administration, the culinary kitchen and staff as well as the room maintenance and the therapists of the individual therapies, such as design, concentrative movement therapy, mindfulness, depression, yoga, etc., do everything they can to bring you closer to the joy of life again and to learn more about yourself.

The single rooms are very spacious and comfortably furnished and offer a pleasant retreat when you need some peace and quiet.

I went home after 13 weeks and learned a lot about myself. So far I haven't had a panic attack, I'm no longer in pain and I've found my zest for life again. Should I suffer a relapse at some point, the vita nova clinic would be my first port of call.
I would like to thank this great team and can recommend the clinic without reservation.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
4.95 out of 5
I was in the clinic for 8 weeks from the end of January 2024. A friend gave me the contact details of Ms. Wellpott, who is a doctor and part of the clinic team. Ms. Wellpott took a lot of time during the initial phone call and made me feel at ease, which got my stay at the clinic off the ground. That was enormously helpful! Many thanks for that!
During my stay, I continued to benefit from appointments with Ms. Wellpott.
A few weeks after my discharge, Ms. Wellpott contacted me again to find out how I was doing and offered further support. Thank you once again for that!

The therapy was extremely intensive and the entire team of therapists was very well connected. All the therapists knew what my issues and problems were on a daily basis. I benefited most from the individual and group therapy. I found the individual therapy to be very goal-oriented. The therapists were very empathetic and there was a common thread, so that I left almost every session with new impulses. Many, many thanks for the great work! In the group, the therapists take great care to treat each other with respect, so that you can open up with a very good feeling and without fear.
Art therapy, which I was very skeptical about, was a great experience. I was able to clear my head and relax very well. This was not least thanks to the art therapist Ms. Groß-Knipper, whose empathetic and humorous manner dissolved prejudices and resistance and thus opened up a whole new horizon for me. Many thanks for that!

The nursing team always keeps a close eye on you, is very friendly and always tries to help. You can express any wish here around the clock and they try to make many things possible. Many thanks for this too!

The music evenings with Ms. Karin Meyer were a great pleasure for me with a therapeutic effect. I fulfilled a dream here. I played guitar in front of an audience with just one chord and sang off-key with enthusiasm and was celebrated by Ms. Meyer as a rock star! Ms. Meyer radiates so much positive energy through her enthusiasm for music and life that it's infectious.

Not to forget the excellent accommodation in spacious and modern rooms as well as the dining room and lounge, which all contribute to the feel-good atmosphere.
The service staff (janitor, kitchen, waiters) are very friendly, open and happy to fulfill extra requests. The 3-course menu in the evening is first class! Thank you very much!

Last but not least, many thanks to the administration! It's a huge relief that they take care of billing and applications so that you can concentrate fully on yourself and your therapy.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
05/19/2024T.homas B.
5.00 out of 5
Many thanks to the entire Vita-Nova team!!!
I was in deep mourning, a fear of life paralyzed me.
I was allowed to stay and be treated at the Vita Nova clinic for 7 weeks.
My fears of life were largely overcome. I had the courage to take up my former, fulfilled life again and to continue it courageously.
Everyone at the clinic contributed to this: the whole, very good concept, the instructive group therapies and of course the very good, empathetic therapists.
Many, many thanks!!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
05/06/2024Angelika D.
5.00 out of 5
I received first-class support and treatment at the Vita Nova Clinic for a total of 8 weeks. I am really very satisfied because I have the feeling that I was helped a lot by the density of the therapeutic measures offered to me. But I was also very impressed by the accompanying measures and the overall atmosphere of the clinic. The clinic is rather small in terms of the number of patients (around 40 were there during my treatment period). People here, whether staff or patients, treat each other very attentively and carefully. From the moment you enter the clinic, you are greeted in a very friendly manner and - as I noticed during my stay - even the administrative staff are always willing to listen to your questions/concerns. As for the food: I always really enjoyed the 3-course menu served at the table in the evening. You are really spoiled and the kitchen was generally obliging when it came to special requests. In the morning and at lunchtime it was always suitable for me and the selection was good. I have very positive memories of the relaxed atmosphere of the communal meals at lunchtime and in the evening. You quickly get to know and appreciate each other. About the accompanying therapies: There is a wider range of accompanying measures that made it easier for me to perceive myself better again, to relax or to allow myself to feel well at all. The clinic's options here are very well thought out. In addition, the spa park, the cozy pedestrian zone and the forest on the Oberberg are very close by on foot. I walked a lot in my free time and at weekends, sometimes "strolling around town". Personally, however, I was particularly grateful for the opportunity to use the art space under the roof extensively in the evenings and at weekends. Such free opening hours are not a matter of course... it was a great place to be creative and focus on your own work. At times it was also a nice, creative and sociable meeting place. The Gestalt therapy and the body-based therapy, as well as the well-timed individual and group psychotherapy sessions, got me fit for life again in 8 weeks. I have high praise for that. What else was there to praise from my point of view? Excellent yoga once a week, aqua aerobics once a week, PMR every day at lunchtime, 1-2 massage appointments per week, sauna as required, a great foyer room with coffee and tea facilities as a nice meeting place for everyone.
And I was actually able to learn a lot about mindfulness and depression in the relevant sessions, in which helpful knowledge on these topics (6 modules each) was presented. For the resumption of everyday life at home, the clinic also provides specific therapeutic follow-up support if required or helps you to find psychotherapeutic support, which I find incredibly important for the transition. What I don't want to forget under any circumstances, however, is the careful, sometimes amusing care provided by the staff in the "nurses' room", whether during the day or at night... you were always well looked after there at and around the "counter". As I said, all the house staff, including the janitor and cleaning team, are great. All in all, the memories are really good and you could almost say that you would love to come back. However, the reasons for an admission are precisely those that, in the best case, you have learned to avoid in later life or to keep at bay without a clinic. But in an emergency, the Vita Nova Clinic in Bad Salzuflen would be my first choice.

Katrin, stay from the beginning of December '23 to the end of January '24
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
5.00 out of 5
I felt that I was in good hands and well looked after. I would particularly like to emphasize the excellent networking of all those involved in the therapies, which led to comprehensive care. The interactions between the house staff, nursing staff, therapeutic staff and fellow patients were always respectful and appreciative. This made the hard therapeutic work I did much easier!
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
5.00 out of 5
This was my second time at the VitaNova Clinic and I was able to settle back into everyday life at the clinic very quickly. I would like to praise this clinic - the patient is the focus here. All therapists are always aware of the current status and all therapies are carried out consistently and in a very structured manner. Whether group or individual therapy, whether CBT with Ms. Meisel or creative therapy with Ms. Groß-Knipper - the patient is always taken into account. Many thanks for that. I would also like to thank the nursing team - everyone is very friendly and tries to make you feel comfortable from the very first minute. Not forgetting the administration, which takes care of all the bureaucracy.
And the physical well-being is not neglected either - the kitchen team is world class and the food couldn't be better!!! Big praise to all!
If it should be necessary again, I will visit this clinic again - I can only recommend it to others. Many thanks to everyone!

Who am I?
What am I?
Where am I?
Where was my soul?
Where is my soul?
Where will my soul be?

Thoughts they come - I let them go
I keep asking myself - where am I going?
I was caught up in the hustle and bustle of time - but here I relaxed my wings wide.
I felt the air in my lungs, consciously perceived the aromas on my tongue.
You humans did me so much good, you gave me new courage. I saw birds and old trees again, there they were again, the beautiful dreams. Followed by more good thoughts than bad ones - how can I thank you for that? I carry you with me - deep in my heart - we spoke in emotional pain. All of this gives me so much, I have realized: I am my goal. Now I know that soul and body and spirit travel together in the best case on a JOURNEY BACK TO MYSELF - TO HAVE GETTING YOU THAT WAS MY LUCK:
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
03/05/2024Patric S.
5.00 out of 5
Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
5.00 out of 5
It's now been a year since my stay.
I always think back to that time with gratitude and a profoundly good feeling. The entire staff was always very friendly and attentive. As the house is very small, the interaction was always very personal and pleasant. I always felt seen and in good hands.
The therapeutic density and especially the therapeutic quality were truly outstanding. I found the doctors and therapists to be extremely committed and competent. I am very grateful to all of them for the therapy they provided for me - it was a very valuable time for me that still sustains me today.
I would definitely like to mention the excellent cuisine.
I can only recommend this clinic.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
4.20 out of 5
The stay was good for me overall. The staff and doctors were very friendly and committed. I would have liked the topic of Long COVID and the resulting psychological problems to have been dealt with more. Due to the lack of pain patients, the topic of pain therapy could only take place as individual therapy, which I found very unfortunate, as I would have liked to talk to other patients.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
02/04/2024Petra F.
5.00 out of 5
I was at the VNK for five weeks in 2023. All the staff were very nice and caring. The food was excellent. My fellow patients were also very friendly and helpful. Due to the small size, it was very informal and personal. I would definitely recommend the clinic. Many thanks to everyone. Best regards Rene.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
5.00 out of 5
I came to the clinic in the summer of 2023 with a severe episode of depression. There I met a friendly and dedicated team who helped me out of my deep crisis with the help of various therapies and treatments. The attentiveness and genuine interest of the therapists opened the door for me. Thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
5.00 out of 5
Everything is taken care of so that you can concentrate fully on getting well again. I felt very comfortable at the Vita Nova Clinic.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
5.00 out of 5
I have been to the clinic again. It is a privilege to be treated here as a patient.
The overall package is very good. The accommodation in single rooms, the catering, the friendliness and attentiveness of all the staff, the ratio of therapists/doctors to the number of patients, the wide range of individual therapies on offer, the activities outside therapy times, the location... Everything is taken care of. Patients can concentrate fully on themselves.
In this clinic, people are treated and valued, not just case numbers.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
01/17/2024Jens (.
5.00 out of 5
I stayed at the Vita Nova Clinic for almost four months at the beginning of 2023.
The main reasons for choosing the clinic were the proximity to home, the high therapy density, the very good ratings and the single rooms.
I experienced and learned an incredible amount during this time and, above all, I got to know myself much better and was able to lay the foundations for a changed life.

I would like to thank all the therapists, especially Dr. Kahren, Dr. Eckhardt and Ms. Groß-Knipper, very much for this!!!

I would also like to thank the entire Vita Nova team for their holistic approach in all areas, their authentic friendliness and attentiveness and their respectful treatment. I really felt that I was in very good hands and received excellent care.

The nurses and care staff, as well as the administrative staff, were always on hand with help and advice and were able to allay my many uncertainties, worries and concerns. Great organization!

The service is extremely attentive, very helpful and fulfills many individual wishes. I really enjoyed the food!
Thanks to all the kitchen staff and the cleaning staff, who do an excellent job!

Finally, I would like to highlight Karin Meier's guitar course, which takes place once a week and was THE highlight for me in terms of variety and positive energy. Thank you so much, dear Karin, for your positive and powerful aura and your ability to bring people together (with and without a guitar) and give them light-heartedness and joy for an hour or two.

I can definitely recommend the Vita Nova Clinic! The high density of therapies (and their quality) as well as the wide range of services and the warm-hearted people there have helped me a lot.

Smaller "points of criticism", such as the not-so-good WLAN reception and the bed that wasn't quite right for ME are out of all proportion to the positive overall performance! Keep up the good work !
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
11/07/2023A. B.
4.60 out of 5
Unfortunately, I had to break off my stay a little earlier due to a family accident. I would also do again a stay of several weeks in the clinic! Thank you again in retrospect!
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
5.00 out of 5
The stay here did me a lot of good. I came in a very bad psychological condition. Especially the individual therapy and group therapy did me a lot of good. The therapists were able to ask specific questions that got you closer to your inner feelings. From the group discussions, one could learn a lot from other fellow patients. Someone was always there to help when you weren't feeling well. Empathy and attentiveness are very important. My special thanks go to Professor Redeker, Mr. Gießelmann and Mrs. Mersmann!
I can only recommend it to anyone who is in a difficult phase of their life to get help!
Here one is caught up, is in security and is made strong again for the life!
Thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
10/12/2023Alexandra R.
5.00 out of 5
I am happy and grateful to have experienced the services of the VitaNova Clinic in Bad Salzuflen during a 6-week stay. For me it is an absolute privilege.
After initial concerns and questions about the treatment content and methods, I completely committed to the therapy.
After almost 4 weeks, I felt relieved,
light as a feather (a heavy load/pressure had fallen off), free, happy and content.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
5.00 out of 5
I felt taken seriously and very well cared for from the very first moment. The very appreciative way of dealing with all employees as well as with the patients was very good. Due to the very good cooperation, good recovery results could be achieved very quickly. The entire concept of the Vitanova Clinic has convinced me very much. Through this experience and good reception there, I would no longer wait so long to get help, because I have found a very good contact person here. I can fully recommend the Vitanova Clinic and would use their help again at any time.
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Customer review & rating for:
vita nova Klinik Bad Salzuflen
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