Felix Stahl - Schmerzcoach

Specialist for athletes with pain and injuries.

Felix Stahl - Schmerzcoach
41 Reviews i
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Our goal is to guide you as an athlete to a pain-free training and life and to improve your movement patterns. We love to analyze movements and develop suitable solutions.
Our motivation: To spare you the negative experiences that I, Felix Stahl, had to make as a pain patient.

Contact information

Felix Stahl - Schmerzcoach
Ostheim 61
93055 Regensburg

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Felix Stahl


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Review from 07/24/2024  
5.00 out of 5
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41 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

5.00 out of 5
I can only recommend Felix. I came to him with knee pain that was often there after exertion. I had already been doing sport (weight training) beforehand. We changed the training and gradually created more mobility. And lo and behold, after two months of coaching I can say that I no longer have any pain, even after heavy exertion. It is a great feeling and I am infinitely THANKFUL to be able to move again without any worries.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
I went to Felix with persistent back pain and am very satisfied with the result. Right from the start, Felix clearly shows the path to be taken and remains transparent and fair. The result is convincing across the board. My pain is gone.
Not reduced, not improved, but gone. It took several months of patience and guided training. If I had known how much is possible with the right know-how, I would have decided to take this step a year ago! I can recommend Felix with a clear conscience.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
With Coach Felix, you have a competent and very pleasant pain coach at your side. He and his team are always there for you. I'm so glad that I went down this path with him and came out of it pain-free and stronger.

Until then, I was stuck in a pain / movement avoidance strategy that lasted for a few months, training around it. At some point I realized that I wasn't going to get anywhere this way. Until then, I had been passionately and intensively training Crossfit every day and paying little attention to my body's signs.
I wanted to do Crossfit properly again, not just half measures. That's why it was important and right to break new ground for a short time. With Felix. A coach who is by your side. And not only gets you back on your feet physically (and his program works brilliantly!), but also mentally supports you. Because a pain odyssey like this is tough and there are constant ups and downs. Having someone by your side to build you up is worth its weight in gold. And he had to do that for me several times. A journey like this is not linear, but the direction with him was always uphill.

The training sessions are fun and challenging. I was skeptical at first whether mobility training could be intensive and challenging at all... Oh yes. It can. And it works on your weak points individually.

Before, I was fully focused on 100% crossfit. There wasn't much else ;)
I really appreciated Felix's mobility training and gained a lot of knowledge about training principles for my future training. I will integrate mobility training into my everyday training routine. He takes you with him and explains the basic principles. Helping you to help yourself, so to speak. It has enriched me on so many levels. I am so grateful. If I were to be faced with a pain issue again, I wouldn't wait so long next time and hope for a solution to come about on its own, but would go straight to Felix.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
05/24/2024K. G.
5.00 out of 5
Thanks to Felix and his pain-free sports program, I have learned movements and sequences that I can now use to keep my body fit for skateboarding. I'm 35 and can withstand all kinds of strain without any problems. I skate almost every day for at least 2 hours a day. And now without knee pain. I struggled with patellar tendinitis for a long time. I stretched every day and did all kinds of strength exercises, which my coach at the time told me to do. But it didn't get any better. After Felix's training program, I know what I need to keep fit and pursue my favourite sport without any discomfort. Worth every penny!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
I started running and triathlon relatively late. After my first few finishes, I set myself new goals. However, due to various injuries, I was no longer able to train continuously, let alone take part in competitions. Naturally, I neglected my supplementary training. After several years of suffering, I came across Felix Stahl - Schmerzcoach on social media.
At first I was unsure about the investment - what could he do better than the previous doctors, physios etc., I asked myself!
Today I can say that I am very grateful to have made the decision to work with Felix. The training is logically and comprehensibly structured, varied, fun and above all - it is effective and works. The coaching has kept me motivated right from the start. The successes contributed the rest. While strength training and mobility used to be necessary supplements for me, I now see them as the basis for being able to do sport in a healthy and pain-free way. And I really enjoy it, thanks to Felix's exercise mix.
I would definitely recommend coaching with Felix and his team. Fortunately, I decided to go for it and can now reap the rewards.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
05/10/2024Sebastian, M.
5.00 out of 5
Felix has acquired a wealth of knowledge that he communicates superbly. If you have pain during sport or have had an injury and seriously want to change something, this is the right place for you. He clears up many misconceptions. The course is very structured and contains many components to achieve your goal. I am thrilled and the support is first class.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
I had problems with my right arm for years (shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain). In addition, there was always back and knee pain. I saw many doctors and physical therapists, but no one could really help me in a lasting way. Symptoms were always treated selectively, which may have made it better for a short time but didn't really solve the problems. Or painkillers were prescribed that did nothing at all.

I had already resigned myself to the fact that I can no longer play volleyball, that I can no longer climb mountains properly, that I can no longer boulder, that I can no longer lift anything heavy in everyday life and that I always have to be careful when typing or writing that I don't put too much strain on my wrist. I then started looking for exercises on Instagram, some of which were perhaps already good, but also only partially and the whole thing completely without a plan or structure. So it didn't improve my problems either and also cost a lot of time. And many exercises I couldn't do at all because they put too much strain on my wrist or shoulder.

Then I came across Felix and his program. At the beginning I was a bit skeptical because it costs so much. But I can tell you, it was worth every penny. For the first time I found someone who really gets to the root of my problems. After the 4 months my problems were sooo much better for the first time and sustainably better, not just short term. I was able to boulder, climb, lift heavy things again, didn't have to worry about typing and writing all the time, and for the first time managed to really build muscle and become more mobile without immediately overloading my wrist or shoulders. And I learned a lot about functional strength training. I'm still not 100% problem-free, but that's not possible in 4 months after a lifetime of gradually breaking everything. But I continue to train with him and it is getting better and better. I feel fit and healthy as never before and get so much quality of life back.

In summary, I can recommend everyone to train with Felix and do his program. It helps everyone, no matter what situation they are in, I am sure. And the support is really great!!! I am incredibly grateful to be able to train with Felix.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
10/24/2023Daniel W.
5.00 out of 5
I turned to Felix. Because I had quite a bit of pain with my shoulder. So about the last 10 years. Both in sports and at work (locksmith).

And since I already got to hear from some specialists (doctors and orthopedists). That is because of my age(47 years young), is the wear. Can not do anything.
Was it time " to go new ways "

Been with Felix for 7 months now. After the first call and assesment, I was very positive about it.
The structured plan that you can also adapt to your own life circumstances. Has worked 100% percent.
I was pain-free after a very short time. And most importantly, still am.
I feel able to do this with the background knowledge that is imparted. That I can also remain pain-free in the long run.

I can only warmly recommend Felix.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
10/04/2023Martin L.
5.00 out of 5
I turned to Felix because I had acute problems in my groin. I could only perform lunges, knee bends and all movements that were not straight with pain.
Felix first looked at various movement patterns of mine in the assessment. In the evaluation, he gave a very detailed account of his assessment and then brought a suggestion for further action, which we discussed together. Felix is generally very important to exchange, which makes it very easy to trust him as an athlete.
The plan was structured and progressive and with the many feedbacks he always made minor adjustments. The exercises themselves were not mega fancy but ultra effective. Lots of basics to build a proper foundation.
After 3 months I was not only rid of my discomfort but was able to get back to my pre-injury level after a short time. The best part is that by now my old PR with no belt in it. I am more stable, more aware of movement and can fall back on Felix's kit without worry if I have problems. I can recommend it to everyone to approach Felix in case of problems.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
After I have already tried many things, read books, initially stretched with my many complaints, searched the Internet for the right exercises, got help from professionals, I have always become only short-term and not completely pain-free. I have already given up that I will ever be able to get rid of my complaints again. I had to fight a lot with fear and despair, and more and more limitations came along. Many trainers I worked with tried to work only on the problems, which is sometimes not wrong for the quick success. But I learned from Felix to look at the body as a whole and to give the body time to get used to the training. He plans a lot of time in the coaching to work on the weak points, but also makes sure to integrate them, to strengthen the core, to work on the breathing, which is so important. In the end, with increasing progression, the client gains more and more strength and self-confidence. I am still in the process of developing myself, I have almost got rid of most of my complaints. I will keep at it. It is so important to invest in your own body and I would recommend this to everyone. You are in good hands with Felix! There is personal care, a variety of exercises and on top of that interesting topics to read about and seminars. Patricia
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
Anyone who has pain and is limited by it in everyday life, or even in sports itself, can definitely turn to Felix.

Super nice, helpful and professional.
He has a special way to look at the problems impartially and evaluate.

Not only does he provide a customized training plan, but he also causes a mindset change with his wealth of information.

This was necessary for me as a former competitive athlete to become pain free.

What I also like is that he does not aim to make you dependent on him, but he tries to get you to the point where you can continue with his method and help yourself. At some point you understand how his method works and can apply it yourself.

Again and again assesments and self-assessments are made to get to know your body and the pain triggers better and to understand them, so that you then also know how to act against them.

I came to him with severe back pain and I can say that I can do sports again and play with my son without pain. I will definitely follow his kind of training! Thank you Felix

I can recommend anyone who is struggling with pain and is at a loss to contact him for a consultation. He can definitely help!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
08/30/2023Daniel M.
5.00 out of 5
I went to Felix on a recommendation because I had been struggling with pain in my knee for a long time. What can I say, at first I was skeptical because I had already tried a lot of things, but with a little patience and time, as well as Felix's expertise, it got so much better. In the meantime, I am happy about every stair in my everyday life that I can walk up without pain. Felix is absolutely the right person to talk to if you are stuck on your own and have already tried one thing or another. I would always book the coaching again!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
Going to Felix for coaching was one of the best decisions I ever made for myself and my training! Apart from the fact that Felix is a great guy with whom I was on the same wavelength from the beginning, my goals (to strength train pain-free and to age healthy and strong) overlapped exactly with his competencies.
I never had a structured training plan before and always put together my sessions on my own. The result was that after a while something always hurt me and sometimes kept me busy for months.
Thanks to Felix's structured training and the systematic set-up, including working on individual weaknesses, I was able to train 99% pain-free from the beginning and since then. Meanwhile, with intensities and weights that I had never moved before. My only problem is that I'm slowly running out of weights in my well-equipped home gym and have to buy new ones :).
I thought in the beginning I was only doing this for a short period of time, but I was and am so excited that I have renewed again and again and still see more progress.
A thousand thanks to Felix!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
I became aware of Felix through his informative Instagram profile. I had pain in my lower back in everyday life and sports. Felix his concept convinced me and I would choose it again and again!
I like his structured way of working and the online offer to expand and deepen my knowledge. I appreciate his reliability, his first-class expertise, his good&quick accessibility and his short-term assistance.
The training has hand and foot and is always sensible and comprehensibly structured.
Absolute recommendation!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
05/01/2023Ulrike K.
5.00 out of 5
One of the best investments I have ever made! I started coaching about 8 weeks ago. I must say that in this short time I have developed not only physically, but also mentally. Felix has not only helped me to get rid of my pain in the few weeks, I have especially gained a whole new body awareness and a different understanding of training . Thanks to our collaboration , I have now created a great base on which I want to continue to build. Felix is a very likeable guy, coupled with a great repertoire of expertise and professionalism. I feel more energized than ever. Thank you for that, Felix. The coaching is an absolute recommendation !
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
04/25/2023Ann-Katrin J.
5.00 out of 5
Felix through his open and friendly manner wins his customers not only as customers, but also immediately as a person. His competence reaches through in the trainings so that you can already count progress after 2 weeks of working with him. He lets his clients not only participate in the development or healing process in the training, but opens their eyes how such processes can take place and where to look for the reasons for it. Great guy who breathes sport and science.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
04/15/2023Anita H.
5.00 out of 5
Felix is both humanly super motivating and technically simply top. You learn many techniques and exercises and get his "tools" to be able to help yourself.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
Felix has super analysis skills and always an open ear.
I can recommend him only unedel, who has permanent problems pain and is ready to do something about it!
One learns thereby also inaccurate I much about his own body, training and pain!
Days Coaching was my best investment 2023 in a better quality of life. And I say all this after 12 years of competitive sports, training and coaching.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
After a slipped disc, Felix got me back in shape with targeted exercises and a coordinated training plan, motivated me and kept me going.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
5.00 out of 5
I did the 8 week challenge with Felix. Before that, for 2-3 years I always had problems with my knee after exercise and I tried a lot myself to get rid of the pain. Already after the 1st week we have determined my muscular deficits through the various exercises and then worked on it. After the 8 weeks I was almost free of pain and now I know what I have to work on to stay pain-free. I can recommend the coaching of Felix, anyone who is willing to work on themselves to become pain free, with a clear conscience 100% :)

Best regards Daniel
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Customer review & rating for:
Coach Felix Stahl
03/14/2023Daniel A.
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