Kröger Writing GmbH

Master thesis, doctoral thesis, dissertation, diploma thesis, bachelor thesis

Kröger Writing GmbH
4.81 out of 5
140 Reviews
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We help part-time or full-time students to write their master's thesis, doctoral dissertation or bachelor's thesis with grades between 1.0 and 1.7 in just a few weeks - without stress and long nights at the desk.

Contact information

Kröger Writing GmbH
Plinganserstraße 150
81369 München

Contact person
Manuel Kröger

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5.00 out of 5
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4.88 out of 5
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4.88 out of 5
4.60 out of 5
I was a complete novice in the field of scientific work and was gradually introduced to what scientific work actually means. What is absolutely great is that the mindset is also taken into account and enriches you not only on a scientific level but also in your personal development, which helps you both in your scientific work and in your career. You get prompt, honest and constructive feedback which you can then incorporate into the development process - an absolutely valuable investment in yourself.
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Customer review & rating for:
Schreibberatung Manuel Kröger
05/03/2024Daniela H.
5.00 out of 5
Due to my professional and private situation, it was not possible for me to write my thesis in the semester planned. It was only two years later, at the last minute so to speak, that I was able to find a short time slot for my Bachelor's thesis in which I saw the possibility of successfully completing my studies. With little room for error and experimentation, the limited time had to be used extremely efficiently. There was no direct exchange with fellow students, and contact with lecturers and other support options was also limited. Nevertheless, it was not an option for me to have the thesis written by a ghostwriter. In order not to burden friends and family, the discovery of writing coaching was my salvation. Having a competent contact person who could quickly answer all my questions during normal working hours saved me a lot of time. The important thing is to accept this guidance. If you take advantage of the whole program, you are sure to get a really good grade. However, it should be emphasized once again that the technical content has to come from yourself, and the formulating and writing is not taken off your hands. But that's exactly why I'm really proud of my 1.0. Along the way, I learned an incredible amount, especially in the areas of language (thanks to language genius Julia), interview evaluation (thanks to Manuel), smart goals (thanks to Maximilian) and the structure and red threads (thanks to Katja). My horizons were broadened considerably and I don't regret a single cent I paid for the coaching. Many thanks to the whole team!
Anne B. - Health Management.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
4.71 out of 5
At the beginning of my Master's thesis, I had total problems finding a topic and making progress. After I was already totally desperate and about to give up on my goal of completing a Master's degree because of the difficulty with the thesis, I turned to Kröger Writing. I couldn't have done it without the team at Kröger Writing, they gave me the necessary peace of mind and certainty that I could do it. You still have to write the paper yourself, but you get tips on the methods, you can ask questions if you get stuck and you get quick feedback on the structure or content. Julia, Katja and Max are great! I have now completed my Master's degree and the new degree has already helped me to make a career leap - it's worth persevering and Kröger Writing is a great support!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
5.00 out of 5
My topic and the time frame for my Master's thesis had already been defined. The implementation was initially very unstructured and chaotic. I started buying and reading books just to get the feeling of progress. After a week, I realized that it wasn't going to work out that way. I decided that I didn't want my 3rd degree to stress me out too much alongside my job. I wanted things to be different and came across the YouTube videos on my own, which immediately led me to a phone call with Manuel and then it started straight away.

With a part-time distance learning course, very limited time, financial flexibility and the desire to do it reasonably stress-free, I probably fit the ideal target group. I took a look at Manual's comprehensive range of courses and then made the most of them. I never had any idle time because I organized everything myself. I watched the videos in preparation before each new step. I did this several times if necessary to understand all the details. I formulated specific questions that I asked in the live calls. I used the chat continuously. I also always consulted my personal coach when I got stuck. The small-step editing was very helpful. I improved my writing skills a lot over time. The mindset discussions were particularly helpful and gave me a lot of self-confidence. I was also able to eliminate my individual "thinking errors" that robbed me of energy and this led to much better concentration.

I handed in my thesis one week before the deadline and got an A without a "nervous breakdown" or any other doubts. I worked through my Master's thesis step by step, as was continuously recommended, and relied on the experience of the entire team. This allowed me to concentrate fully on the content and complete the work effectively and efficiently.

I particularly liked Manuel's crystal-clear statements. Questioning the decisions was very important to me in order to build up a sound understanding. He always took the time to scrutinize and understand my concerns in order to show me the best possible course of action. I find his quick and clear way of thinking particularly remarkable.

Despite methodical support, it was always clear to me that I was responsible for the progress of my work at the end of the day. Coaching offers many opportunities, but it's up to you what you do with them. I simply used everything continuously, did something almost every day, sent something in every week, visited the contact regularly and communicated openly.

Successfully completing the course motivated me, boosted my self-confidence, reduced stress at work and opened up new career opportunities for me. All in all, it was a very positive and successful experience, with the effort and benefits being proportionate.

Melanie Wirth, MBA, M.Eng, Dipl.Ing. (FH)
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
01/08/2024Melanie W.
4.93 out of 5
Before the coaching, I had great difficulty in approaching the Master's thesis in a structured way during my first attempt. I found it difficult to formulate a concrete research question, search for and sort relevant sources and write texts according to scientific requirements. I also had communication problems with my supervisor. All these difficulties led me to doubt that I would be able to successfully complete my degree. But thanks to Manuel and his team, I regained the courage to start my second and final attempt. With the help of your strategy, I now knew how to proceed step by step. I found the submission of interim results particularly helpful. I would like to emphasize the quick feedback from the team. I could always be sure that I was on the right track. Since working with Manuel and his team, I have become much more confident in my writing. I was shown where my problems lay on my first attempt and how I can successfully complete my Master's thesis the second time around with the right approach. Thank you very much for your professional guidance and support!
Eranda Sahiti
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
01/08/2024Eranda S.
5.00 out of 5
I was already relatively far along in my Master's thesis when I contacted Manuel and his team (the topic and outline had already been decided, the theoretical foundations had already been written and interviews had been conducted). In the next steps, I realized that I had problems evaluating the interviews, as they turned out to be more complex than initially assumed.

Manuel and his team accompanied the evaluation process step by step and I received continuous feedback. I also received valuable feedback on the chapters I had written so far.

I particularly liked the fact that I always received the feedback very promptly. In addition, every single step of the thesis is explained in detail (including formatting in Word).

Overall, I can definitely recommend the coaching to anyone. I would have saved myself a lot of time if I had contacted Manuel and his team beforehand.

My thesis was awarded a 1.3.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
5.00 out of 5
My written assignments for the university had reduced my average grade to 2.0. I had no reason to expect intensive support from the university. Ghostwriting, as many colleagues recommended, was out of the question. In my search for a help/solution to write my thesis myself with guidance, I came across Manuel & Team's writing coaching on social media. During the initial consultation, I actually only had the ulterior motive that no writing coaching could make my writing performance any worse. Just for your information, I'm not bad at writing texts, it was just the scientific work that was a hurdle for me. I was very pleasantly surprised when I was given access to the member area of the coaching program. All steps of the thesis are clearly structured, there are great explanations on videos for every question, live calls late in the afternoon during the week, even hypnosis sessions for motivation. I actually immediately thought of a "hook" because everything was so nicely packaged (sorry, unfortunately the perfect world no longer exists). I always received quick responses via the WhatsApp group with all the supervisors, who all had their own areas of focus, when I needed to get things done quickly. Otherwise, I took part in live calls and discussed details. The live calls were also structured and topic-related (outline, statistics, qualification, review, etc.). There were many templates as a working aid to carry out the individual steps of the systematic literature research, interview guide, coding guide, steps of content analysis according to Mayring, etc. The boot camp over two days was also a great experience; how much can be achieved when you focus on writing. The valuable feedback that I received step by step for my chapters gave me a result of 1.0. I couldn't even have dreamed of this result. Many thanks to you all ... My pay rise is already due in December. Best regards, Neslihan T.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
12/02/2023Neslihan T.
5.00 out of 5
At the beginning I had no idea how to start with my bachelor thesis. In addition, I had a job change and as a result I had little time. My goal was to write my bachelor thesis as effectively and quickly as possible with a good result.
Manuel's team helped me again and again with feedback to stay on the right track or to find my way back to it if I took a wrong turn. From the formulation of the research question to the submission, Manuel's team accompanied me. And if, for example, my feedback did not come as expected or agreed, I was promptly asked what the problem was. Max, Katja, Samiel, Julia and Max accompanied me on the way to a successful graduation. Many thanks for that!
The graduation was a complete success! The evaluation was done in the English system and corresponds to about a 1.3. Now I finally have the possibility to apply for all jobs in the company where I am employed. Before, I often had to stand in line behind the other applicants. So I will soon be taking on a new position with more responsibility and, of course, a higher salary.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
10/20/2023Robin G.
5.00 out of 5
Before I started the coaching, I didn't really know where to even start and what steps it would take to successfully complete the master's thesis. I simply lacked any motivation to write the master's thesis.

Manuel and his team helped me massively with their proven methods and given structures. They enabled me to complete the master's thesis independently and quickly. Through regular feedback, I was able to make progress piece by piece and page by page, delivering high quality.

The result of 1.3 speaks for itself.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
5.00 out of 5
Before I decided to buy coaching for my master's thesis, I had already postponed the start date several times. I had a hard time narrowing down my topic. I also had no idea how to write a synopsis. Many small hurdles were building up.
The coaching helped me structure my approach and set clear goals. Time management and focus played a big role. Manuel and his team taught me how to do efficient source work, how to express myself scientifically, and how to choose and conduct the right research among the many research methods.
Due to the good guidance on all questions that arose in the margins of my master's thesis, I was able to super concentrate on my research. Formatting and citation are just two examples that can become big time wasters due to an unstructured approach. Through the coaching, I was well prepared on all topics and was able to spend more time on my actual task. It was really worth it.
Without you Manuel, Katja and Max I would never have been able to get to the point. With your help I got the maximum out of myself. Today I am proud of my 96%.
And whatever my future career may be, I will take a clear concept with me from writing.
Thank you.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
4.96 out of 5
I was particularly satisfied with the supervision. Manuel and his team motivated me every day to work on my thesis in a structured way alongside my full-time job. By setting small goals, I was able to overcome my writer's block. I think the concept is super great. Thank you very much for your support.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
4.98 out of 5
When I came to Manuel and his team, my work had already been negatively evaluated once. I had the summer months to revise it and resubmit it. Basically, I started to rebuild it from the first page to the last and work through the structure, but realized that without help I would fail again because by now I was blind to my mistakes.
Thanks to Manuel and his team I learned how to think, argue and write a master thesis correctly. The red questions were a great help to work through the chapters, so that the red thread remained until the end.
By working with Manuel and his team I learned how to write texts better.
Thank you very much!

LG Eva W.
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
09/17/2023Eva W.
5.00 out of 5
I can highly recommend the coaching of Manuel Kröger's thesis! Before the coaching I had enormous problems to get into the scientific work. With Manuel's support, however, it worked wonderfully and I was able to solve all problems with his team. The coaching helped me to find the necessary structure and made my bachelor thesis easier. In the end, this led to a 2.0 grade for me. I can only recommend the coaching, because it helped me to get my degree and everyone always supported me to the best of their knowledge and checked my submissions and gave me suggestions for improvement.

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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
4.80 out of 5
I turned to coaching at the very beginning of my master's thesis in order to have support right from the start. I was aware that I would have to deal with additional professional and private stress during the time of writing, so I was afraid that my master's thesis might suffer. Thanks to Manuel and his team, I was able to structure my master's thesis well. Especially in the beginning, the many videos helped me a lot to get along with the different requirements and building blocks of the master thesis. In the process, the "red questions" were a new way to approach writing. I also found the ability to send my written text at any time and get feedback on it very helpful. The coaches are always available to give advice, and during the daily office hours, on specific topics, you can raise your concerns or listen to the other students. In the end, I got a grade of 1.7, which I'm very happy about and which I certainly wouldn't have achieved on my own.
As a result of my studies, I am now a member of the extended school management team at our school. Some valuable tips and tricks can also be integrated into my current work, so that the coaching can also have a lasting effect.
Thank you very much for the great support. Your Daniela
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
5.00 out of 5
I have had no experience with the thesis writing. Just at the beginning, orientation phase, everything seemed difficult to me, beginning of orientation difficulties, timing, structure, fear of beginning, failure, fear of error, thought carousel continued to turn around demotivation.Team of Manuel has taken a lot of time for me, all problems listened to more closely. Appointments were made quickly from one to another. Thanks to Manuel and his team now, especially in the initial phase, I am top motivated. I am very grateful for the helpfulness and friendliness of the team that endures in challenging times. Gladly I will share more positive experiences 🤍🙏☀️🤗🤩
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
5.00 out of 5
Before I came to Manuel for writing advice, I didn't really know how to start my master's thesis. I had read and researched a lot - but without structure and with a lot of chaos in my head and on paper. I felt totally lost and thought I would never make it.
Now I'm in the middle of my work and my fear of not making it dissolves with every chapter. Through Manuel's team and the structured approach, the knot in my head was loosened. Each chapter has or gets its structure and with any kind of questions on my part, the team is there with the appropriate answers. So you don't feel alone. I can recommend the writing consultation to anyone who is not really making progress with their term paper/bachelor's thesis/master's thesis or doesn't even know how to get started.

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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
5.00 out of 5
Before my bachelor thesis, I had hardly any experience with scientific work. Accordingly, the initial phase was characterized by haphazard attempts, frustration and demotivation.
Manuel and his team helped me to bring structure into my way of working, to achieve results step by step and thus to boost my motivation.
Through the explanatory videos, the live calls, close feedback and speedy answers to all my questions, I was able to finish the bachelor thesis, which I certainly would not have done without the support.
Thank you very much for the great support!
Clear recommendation!
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
5.00 out of 5
Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten dabei ein finales Thema und eine Struktur für meine Bachelorarbeit zu finden. Manuel und sein Team haben mir optimal geholfen, indem sie mich durch den kompletten Prozess kompentent begleitet haben und ich immer wusste auf welchem Stand ich bin. Besonders gut beim Coaching haben mir die täglichen Live-Calls gefallen, bei denen ein Coach alle Fragen zu dem entsprechenden Thema beantwortet hat. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und kann das Coaching jeder Person nur ans Herz legen, die Schwierigkeiten hat.
Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
5.00 out of 5
Before I decided to get writing coaching from Manuel Kröger, I had already written part of my paper, but for some inexplicable reason I lost focus and connection. I spent days and weeks doing useless little things on the work instead of really tackling it. Then I googled and found out about Manuel Kroeger. Even the application process was highly professional and Manuel took a lot of time before signing the contract to clarify whether and how he could help me at all and also to check whether I was willing to do my homework. It is not done for you, but you are supported in a very professional and structured way to do it yourself. After signing the contract, things went very well, with onboarding, individual coaching and all the services that the Manuel Kröger concept includes. Katja and Max deserve special mention here, as they always gave me valuable and extremely timely feedback. In this way, I came closer to my goal bit by bit but overall very quickly.
It helped me a lot that I always had the feeling that I could turn to the team with a wide variety of concerns. Just knowing that someone was there and would ask if I hadn't heard from me was simply worth its weight in gold.
The result of my collaboration with you is that I can look back on my master's project with joy and I know that I have done it myself (with your support). I can see that my work meets both my own and objective criteria and that makes me a bit proud.
In summary, the guidance I received from Manuel Kroeger was one of the best investments I have made in my life. It has saved me a lot of frustration and dissatisfaction and I don't know if I would have given up on the job without you. In this sense, a big THANK YOU!

Keep up the good work, you are great!
Best regards, Thomas from Tyrol
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Customer review & rating for:
Coaching Abschlussarbeit
5.00 out of 5
Before I joined the coaching I had difficulties especially with the presentation of the method and the motivation.

Through the daily meetings, my questions were specifically clarified on different aspects of the work, as well as feedback was given. In addition, the daily meetings provided a good structure and support, which helped me a lot to stay motivated in writing. Basically, the comprehensive support and the possibility to ask questions again and again gives you the feeling of being guided through the process very well.

Through the help of the coaching, I was able to achieve a good result in the work itself and in the defense in a very short time, which I certainly would not have achieved without the support.
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Coaching Abschlussarbeit
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