Norman Wiehe

Hypnosis Hanover, hypnosis learning, hypnosis slimming, hypnosis smoking cessation

Norman Wiehe
4.92 out of 5
567 Reviews
Contact information
As a trained NLP & hypnosis master and nutritionist, I give seminars on habits (addiction) and sustainable weight loss.

In my trainings I share my knowledge and help people learn and safely use hypnosis.

Contact information

Norman Wiehe
NW Seminare und Coaching
Wöhlerstraße 15
30163 Hannover

99% Recommended
5 stars 358
4 stars 18
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Excellent (4.88)
Excellent (4.91)
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5.00 out of 5
38 Reviews


4.97 out of 5
38 Reviews

Customer satisfaction

4.89 out of 5
38 Reviews

380 Reviews on

4.91 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
I attended a seminar at the Hannover Medical School on 16.04.23 and have since lost 32 kg and my wife 18 kg.

Of course, you have to make a contribution yourself. But it's easier than anything we've tried before.
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
07/04/2024Uwe B.
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello Uwe,

that's a great result you've achieved and you've certainly supported each other in the process.

Good luck for the future
2.00 out of 5
I can't recommend it, as the seminar and hypnosis did nothing for me. It was quite interesting, but didn't achieve any physical changes. I didn't feel comfortable with Norman Wiehe. There was no positive energy. But the interpersonal relationship doesn't always fit.
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello A.

We take criticism seriously and I would therefore like to respond to your review. Our seminar is called "Losing weight with hypnosis" and not "Losing weight with positive energy". It is a factual and technical seminar. If you missed positive energy, I am happy to take note of that.

However, I can no longer take this review seriously when it comes to performance and customer service
Here, we were rated as completely inadequate.

Our participants receive one after the seminar:
- 1:1 telephone follow-up support
- an online course
- an app
- regular free webinars.

The online course and the app are regularly updated free of charge.
This service is unique and a special feature of the concept. That's why our participants are so successful. These services and this customer service are inadequate? ;)

This is not a rating, but simply a devaluation, which unfortunately has nothing to do with objective criticism.

If this review is even from a real participant:
The review was anonymous and the message function was deactivated. That is very strange. If you want a change, get support until it works. Because hypnosis works for everyone, but not always immediately. Unless you don't want it to.

Let us know which seminar you attended.

Best regards


Addendum from July 20

Of course, there was no reply to this comment, as you can easily see.
5.00 out of 5
I can really recommend the webinar on losing weight. The eternal carousel of thoughts about food has disappeared. I feel increasingly better.
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
06/24/2024Heike H.
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello Heike,

It's great that it worked so well for you too. A lot of people had the mental carousel because they had already tried so much and had to work with their mind every time. That's quality of life, not having to think about your food all the time.

Best regards
5.00 out of 5
I have lost 23 kg in 8 months
in one month! Very informative and effective. I can only recommend it to anyone and everyone!
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello Sabrina,

23 kg in 8 months is quite an achievement. Good luck for the future.

Best regards
5.00 out of 5
I found out about Norman from colleagues at work.
They were at the smoking cessation seminar at the MHH.
I wrote Norman a message in which I briefly described what I wanted to work on with hypnosis.
He called me, we made an appointment and since then my life has been on the up!
In the individual sessions, Norman deals specifically with the topic and "hypnotizes" it individually and incredibly professionally.

I also took part in the sugar addiction online seminar and the success was overwhelming.

All in all, he has changed my life positively and continues to do so.
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello Sabrina,

thanks for the great review and good luck for the future.

Best regards
2.00 out of 5
Unfortunately, I had high hopes for Norman after reading all the positive reviews. When I arrived in Hanover, I didn't really receive a warm welcome. It all happened very quickly and Norman seemed rather unmotivated. I followed his tips after the hypnosis and was told to report back 3 days later. Unfortunately, I felt no improvement. When I reported this back to him by email, I didn't get any reply. I think it's a shame that if you've invested a lot of money and you're not feeling well, you're treated like this.
I went to Norman for an anxiety disorder and I don't want to rule out the possibility that he might be successful in other areas (losing weight, smoking). I also know that you can't expect 100 percent improvement. But I just didn't find the whole approach very professional and unfortunately there was also a lack of friendliness.
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello author,

It is a pity to receive such a negative review, especially as it is far from our intention to convey such an image. We are always motivated to help our clients and take the time it takes to do so and beyond.

At the end of a session, our clients are asked to contact us via an assigned e-mail address after three days to discuss the next steps. We then get in touch with our clients and we aim to respond promptly.

We can well understand if someone feels that they have been put off by not receiving a response.
5.00 out of 5
Since the hypnosis 2 months ago, I have lost 14 kg almost "on the side".
The whole time I've been efficient and in a good mood! All medication has already been reduced by 50%.
I feel better than I have for a long time.
My pollen allergy, including my cross allergy, is no longer an issue and I can finally eat apples again for the first time in years...
My activity level has increased significantly.
In short: I can recommend it across the board, I'm glad I found it!
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
04/23/2024Ingeborg D.
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello Ingeborg,

Nice to read that you have found the right path. The changes are impressive.

Best regards
5.00 out of 5
I attended the Weight Loss with Hypnosis seminar on 23.07.2023 and I am thrilled.
All my previous efforts to lose weight and live healthily are now history. Through the seminar and listening to hypnosis every day, I have lost 33 kg in 8 months and gained a lot of quality of life. Migraines, high blood pressure, joint pain, insomnia, bad mood... all gone.
Thank you Norman 😃
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello Wiebke,

Hippocrates already said: "Let food be thy medicine." You can see again and again what a positive influence the right diet has.

Best wishes and continued success
5.00 out of 5
I would never have believed that it is so easy.I have lost 9 kilos since October and don't even do any sport.I can highly recommend booking a seminar.I am going for a refresher in April and am really looking forward to it.Thank you Norman
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello Susanne,

great result and continued success. Thanks for the review.

Best regards
5.00 out of 5
I attended a seminar at the end of Nov. 2023 and the kilos have been going downhill ever since. Great!!! Had previously tried diets and WW all without success.
Thank you Norman Wiehe
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
5.00 out of 5
Through the hypnosis I lost 12 kg in 2 months without dieting just by simply changing my eating behavior...
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
12/31/2023Sa B.
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
Hello Sabine,

losing 12 kg in 8 weeks is very fast. But as long as it happens on its own and you have no influence, it's ok. It won't go on that quickly forever, the body adapts. Don't be unsettled at this point.

I wish you continued success
Best wishes
5.00 out of 5
On July 10, 2013 we had an appointment via Zoom for hypnosis.
I was skeptical but mentally not yet able to drive long distances by car at that time.
After my operation, I suffered more and more from anxiety and panic attacks and had tried & read so much. The session with you and the further meditations and recall of the words from the hypnosis helped me so much!
I am me again, without the fear of fear.
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
11/10/2023Franziska W.
5.00 out of 5
The training was very comprehensive and really good.
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
11/04/2023Regina B.
5.00 out of 5
If you want to lose weight in the long term and in a healthy way, Norman Wiehe's weight loss hypnosis is the right address.

I was on 24.9.2023 in the MHH at the seminar and have already lost 8.2 kg in the first 4 weeks.
You learn to listen to your body again. Especially the feeling of hunger I did not know for years and now actively perceive it again, as well as the feeling of satiety. It feels great to be in control again and not to think about food all the time. As a result, I eat as much as my body really needs and can even leave something without eating it later in the day. There are a lot more fresh vegetables on my plate, even things I didn't like before.
I am no longer hungry for sweets, potato chips, etc. I can confidently leave the department in the supermarket to the right, where I would otherwise have become nervous. I don't miss anything and that without renunciation. You just don't want to eat these things anymore.

To Norman one can only say, the type is top. Even after the seminar, the support doesn't stop. Whenever you have questions, you can contact him, whether by e-mail or in the FB group.
Forget about weight loss shots and diets, go to Norman's seminar. 100% recommendation.

Thank you Norman Wiehe :)
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
10/29/2023Susanne G.
Norman Wiehe Comment from Norman Wiehe:
8 kg in 4 weeks is of course a lot. Weight loss is often quite rapid in the first few weeks. Don't be put off if it slows down at some point and good luck.

Best regards
5.00 out of 5
I was on 24.09.23 . for Life Hypnosis in the MHH. I have not lost weight three weeks later, but I eat healthy, have no desire for meat and sweets more and feel better and I lack nothing - no feeling of abandonment. Wake up more alert in the morning too. The rest will follow, with the weight, I am confident.
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
5.00 out of 5
A huge thank you to Norman! I can only recommend the very interesting seminar and the subsequent hypnosis to everyone. Since 9/24-23 I have no cravings at all for sweets of any kind and actually only eat when I feel a hunger pang. The setting to "factory setting" has worked 😉
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
5.00 out of 5
Dear Norman, I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU. THANK YOU for bringing back our beloved brother to me and my family. No words and no gifts in the world can sufficiently express my deep gratitude. Let me give it a try:
I knew my brother since our youth actually only "weggeballert" by's weed and the alcohol. Although as a holistic doctor I am allowed to accompany a lot of people on their health journey, I have reached my limits with my brother. The subject of addiction is a tough nut to crack. You Norman managed, after only a few sessions, to bring my brother back to life, he is "awake" and present again, no longer drinks and smokes pot, has changed his life - we have real contact with each other again. I am so infinitely grateful to you for your so valuable work. And I am already looking forward to the hypnosis training with you. Best regards from Martina
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
10/12/2023Dr. M.
5.00 out of 5
On 14.05.2023 I participated in the hypnosis for weight loss in the MHH Hannover. The seminar was very informative and well explained. Finally, the hypnosis. It seemed to work super well. I cried so much and didn't know why. Since then I have not eaten or drunk anything with added sugar or sweeteners. Only eat the sugar that is in vegetables and fruits. The amazing thing is that it is without feeling like I am missing anything. Everyone around me can continue to eat what they want and I don't feel like I'm missing anything. Simply incredible!
Since May it is 24kg that has gone down.
Norman thank you so much for this!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
5.00 out of 5
Norman Wiehe is an artist, both in painting and in teaching and practicing hypnotherapy. He is both gifted and knowledgeable. I am an American physician who completed a weekend training with Norman in Hannover, Germany in early July 2023. This included several hypnotherapy sessions related to post-operative neck pain and headaches that sometimes develop from neck pain, as well as a demyelinating motor neuron disease in my left arm that I have suffered from for 5 years. A few weeks after my training and hypnotherapy, I brought an old friend who had struggled all her life with an alcohol addiction that resulted in brain damage affecting short term memory to Norman and she too had hypnotherapy with him twice two weeks apart. Afterwards, Normal made MP3 recordings of the hypnotherapy for each of our problems, about 30 minutes long, and emailed them to us. These hypnotherapy recordings, recorded in Norman's own home studio with beautiful piano music (and in English), are true works of art in their own right. My friend also quit alcohol between her first and second hypnotherapy sessions. It's the first time in her life that she hasn't had a craving for alcohol, even though she doesn't use it. And I have not taken pain medication in weeks, after previously having to take acetaminophen and oxycodone most days for neck pain and headaches.I've heard other clients of Norman's complain about how long it sometimes takes them to receive an MP3 recording from him after they've done hypnotherapy with him (and I and my friend have experienced this impatience ourselves) - but after receiving and listening to them, I realized that these are true works of art - in terms of content, delivery, music, and sound engineering - and art takes time. It's not finished until it's finished. When I was in Norman's office, I saw a beautiful African-style painting, and I asked him if it was finished. He replied, 'No, but I'll know when it's finished - there's more work to be done on it.' Of course, no one but Norman is waiting for it to be ready.Norman has a wonderful view of the relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind, which is the core of hypnotherapy and also the core of intuition, as well as the basis of what he teaches and practices. I have already studied the principles of hypnotherapy and know other hypnotherapists (in America) to whom I have referred patients for various reasons - usually to end an addiction to alcohol, tobacco, sugar or food in general. But I have never seen hypnotherapy performed with the grace and effectiveness that Norman Wiehe has to offer. --Dr. Dwight McKee
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
08/27/2023Dr. Dwight M.
5.00 out of 5
I thank Norman for his calm and relaxed hypnosis, professionally modern and without frills.
His words are remembered, automatically recalled in the decisive moments and they always guide you even when things are not going so well. I am happy to recommend him anytime and I am grateful.
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Customer review & rating for:
Norman Wiehe
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